Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 194: Lin Fan's first counterattack

At the same time, the food makers headed by Yu Mengmeng are having a meeting in the garden of the yard where they are yearning. The topic of the meeting is: How to help the landlord who is tyrannical and vicious.

Yu Mengmeng spoke as the representative of Fanfan: "Find out the enemy's location and course of action, and then set up a sack to beat him in the middle of the night, let him see the combat effectiveness of our Fanfan!"

But he was quickly rejected by others ruthlessly: "Sister Meng, do you watch too many puppet shows? Now the streets are full of surveillance cameras. Just after you put the sacks on your front feet, the police uncle on the back feet is about to come and greet you cordially. Okay?"

Some people don’t understand very well: "The landlord said it would take it back. In general, there is no way to refuse it?"

Others explained to her: "It depends on how the contract was signed. If there are loopholes in the contract, it is more beneficial to the landlord. Generally speaking, this is very passive. The general situation can only negotiate supplementary terms with the landlord. If the negotiation fails, then I go to litigation, but I don’t know if the yard I yearn for will continue to open during the litigation process..."

"Buy it?"

"Generally, there may not be so much money. I have calculated it. The total revenue of the songs released on Tianlai is only a few million. It has to be divided into Tianlai, but not all of it. And, you have also seen it. The decoration, furniture, and supporting facilities of the yard you yearn for will not be cheap anymore. The homestay has just opened for two months, and there has been no business in the first few weeks. It is only more than a month before the business has recovered. !"

"Then how about we crowdfunding to buy the yard we yearn for?"

"After buying it? How do you count the shares? How do you manage it? And will you generally agree to it?"

Alas, this is not okay, that is not okay, is there no other way?

Everyone was speechless and didn't know what to do for a while.

Yu Mengmeng smashed her small fist and said fiercely: "Now it seems that pocket money is really not enough, and I can only use my new year's money!"

Everyone will fall!

However, this seems to be a good way too!

I just don't know if Lin Fan will accept it!


At this moment, Lin Fan is calling: "Hello, hello, is it the Huadao Market Supervision Bureau? I want to complain."

Lin Fan has experience in dealing with villains like landlords, that is, he can't go up arrogantly by himself.

At this time, you must not panic, calm down, and then seek foreign aid. Lin Fan feels that he is a good citizen who obeys the law. If he encounters a problem, he will naturally find his father, but it seems that this matter is not in the control of the police father.

So, the Huadao Market Supervision Bureau is also a good father, to maintain market order, understand?

Well, let’s make a wave of complaints. Regardless of whether the problem can be solved, let the landlord disgust the landlord first.

But Lin Fan still believes in the official father, what if he solves some problems for himself?


The landlord left the longing yard and received a phone call as soon as he returned to his home.

"Hello, hello, this is the Huadao Market Supervision Bureau."

The landlord was stunned, why did any supervision bureau call himself?

"That's it. We received a complaint saying that you are discrediting our Huadao's investment environment... The leadership above attaches great importance to this matter... I have specifically come to you to verify the situation..."

The landlord was shocked, who is complaining about this TMD? I am just selling a yard, how come I discredit Huadao Island?

The landlord quickly denied: "No, no, how could I discredit the investment environment of Huadao Island! I am a good citizen on the island! The kind of helping the elderly cross the road to accompany the children to find their mothers!"

The other party seemed to be shocked by the landlord’s shamelessness, and was silent for two full seconds before speaking again: “Since you are a law-abiding citizen, you should cooperate with our Market Supervision Bureau to maintain Huadao’s investment environment.”

"Definitely cooperate! Definitely cooperate! But, comrades, how do you want me to cooperate? You see, I always act according to the contract, and the contract is clearly written, and I am not vague about the liquidated damages that should be paid. How can it be regarded as discrediting Huadao Island, don't you?" The landlord cautiously.

"Now someone has directly complained to the Market Supervision Bureau. Although you signed the contract... But it is also true that others have spent a lot of money on the decoration... I hope you can sit down and talk about this matter."

"Okay, comrade leader, I understand, I must cooperate!"

The landlord nodded and hung up the phone, and sipped directly on the floor: "What is it! He even complained to me!"

I didn't expect this big star to be quite rigid.

But, that's not right. If this big star really finds the Market Supervision Bureau, shouldn't he just invite himself to drink tea? Why would you just make a call and let yourself have a good chat with that big star?

All complaints were voted, but this is the result?

Does this big star seem to have no cards? Was it deliberately looking for someone to swindle yourself so that you could voluntarily give in and lower the price?

This seems to make sense.

So, that was a liar call just now?

definitely is!


The landlord is logically self-consistent and received another call, this time from the creditor.

"When will you pay back the money you owe me?"

"Isn't my hand a bit tight, but don't worry, I already have a way to get money, and I promise that the money owed to you will be paid back soon!"

"How fast is it soon? Last time you said it was too soon, but your kid ran out and I almost didn't find your person! It is only natural for you to repay your debts, believe it or not, I will let you be here? I can't go down on the island!"

"Believe it! I'm not raising money, you give me some time, will it be a week? I will pay it back in a week!"

"A week? You won't be the one who blames me? Or else, if you pay me your house, I won't take advantage of you. Let's clean up!"

Liang Qing? Are you dreaming!

The landlord sneered, my house is worth at least 10 million now! 2 million to repay your debt, I have to lose 8 million! But when I say it, it becomes: "Oh, don't worry, I'm really already raising money, and I will definitely pay you back in a week, that's it!"

After all, the landlord hung up the phone and said "Bah" to the mobile phone. This guy was afraid that he was also looking at his house, let alone that the house was made like that by the star.

The landlord's vision was still very poisonous, and he saw a lot of valuable things just by dazzling his eyes in the hall. If you can make a dilapidated house like that, the landlord believes that his asking price should be met. Isn't it that the stars of the entertainment industry come in very quickly?

Isn’t it all in the news? Those stars are making a TV series or a movie, and they can make millions a day? 2.08 million? !

The landlord touched his chin, and suddenly felt that he was giving Lin Fan a little too much time. Would you like to put more effort to force Lin Fan to get the money out?


The next day, when Lin Fan came out after eating breakfast, he saw that the landlord had already arrived. Not only did he come, he also took a cell phone to take pictures of the surroundings, and kept introducing them while taking pictures.

"Look at it, everyone, this is the one that is very popular now, what is its name, the yard that I yearn for! Yes, it is the name, it is quite artistic. Look at this leather sofa, look at this log tea table, hey , Good fellow, this piano is worth millions!"

"What are you doing?"

As soon as the landlord turned his head, he took a photo of Lin Fan with his mobile phone: "Hey, big celebrity, yes, you will be a celebrity lie. Then what is the market supervision bureau, let alone pretend to be like," Yo, it scares me to death, hahaha."

Lie? Market Supervision Authority?

Did the Market Supervision Bureau go to the landlord after complaining yesterday? This work efficiency is quite fast. It was the result that seemed not so good. The landlord actually thought that the Market Supervision Bureau came to him because Lin Fan asked someone to lie to him.

Lin Fa is also drunk!

Regarding the official father as a liar, the landlord’s IQ is really good enough!

However, it doesn't matter if the landlord doesn't believe it. After all, Lin Fan didn't expect a complaint call to solve everything. Before, Lin Fan just felt that within the scope of the rules, the rules should be used to solve the problem.

It now appears that complaints are useless.

Lin Fan sank his face, strode forward, and took the landlord's phone directly.

"Hey, what are you doing? Robbery!" The landlord wanted to resist, but he was an average size of 1.6 meters. Where is Lin Fan's opponent who was forced by the system to press iron for 1 hour every day, he could only watch. Lin Fan deleted the video just recorded.

Lin Fan deleted the video and threw the phone back to the landlord: "Photos and videos are not allowed here!"

The landlord was upset: "Aren't all those little girls recorded?"

As soon as the landlord came, someone in the hall saw it. One or two of them took their mobile phones to the landlord and took pictures of his words and deeds.

The landlord originally saw that the small wood carvings made by Lin Fan were quite valuable on the Internet, and many fans bought them at a high price. When the troubles came, I could see if I could walk them away. I didn’t know that these little girls were all holding mobile phones. It's not easy to start with myself.

In desperation, the landlord had to give up this idea and made trouble.

"Just for you, you can't!"

Lin Fan stopped in front of the landlord, "Why, not convinced? Not convinced! Even if you can take back the house, it will be a week later. Before I move out, I don't welcome you here! Security guard, security! "

"Come here!" The security guard hurried over.

Lin Fan pointed to the landlord and said to the security guard: "Okay, just him, he will not be allowed to step into the longing yard for half a step this week!"

"Hey! Okay, got it."

The security is also somewhat helpless.

The yearning yard only accepts single ladies. The security guards know very well that he should stop the landlord, especially when the landlord came to the door yesterday, he also heard from other people.

However, the landlord said that he had come to Lin Fan to discuss something. After all, he was the landlord, so he couldn't even let him in the lobby, right? That's why there was just this scene.

But now that Lin Fan has spoken, Lin Fan is his boss, and of course he listens to the boss.

The landlord looked at Lin Fan's gloomy face and felt a little confused for a while: "Okay, you can do it, you can't enter if you don't enter. I hope the big star can come up with money to buy this house in a week, otherwise, hey!"

The landlord dropped this sentence and slipped After all, he is alone here, Lin Fan and two security guards, a total of three brawny men, the heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, so they slip away first.

Lin Fan personally stared at the landlord as he walked out of the door of the yard he was yearning for, and then went back.

At this time, there were not many tourists who clocked in at the entrance of the yearning courtyard, but some people still saw this scene.

The landlord was directly driven away by Lin Fan, and he was suffocated in his heart. In the yard he yearned for, he was weak and uncomfortable, but the landlord became bolder again when he went out.

The landlord went home and took a pair of small horses, a big horn, and a sun hat, and hurried back out of the longing yard.

If you don't give me face, I won't make you feel better!


After driving away the landlord, Lin Fan also let out a sigh of relief. Things have reached this point, so you can't blame yourself for being ruthless!

If you don't give me face, I won't make you feel better!

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