Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 578: This summer file, I am afraid that a dark horse will emerge!

   There was some commotion at the scene, especially those professional film critics. In the opening of these two short paragraphs, they have already sensed Lin Fan’s intention to shoot this movie and the profound meaning of this theme song.

   Many film critics have even taken out the small notebooks they carry with them, and under the light that shines on the big screen, they have written a few key words or some short sentences on the small notebooks.

   "This male lead's appearance is a bit funny, and a bit sad, what's the matter?"

   "That is, it is really sad to see this scholar so miserable, but I can't help but want to laugh, am I too unsympathetic?"

   "I think it's pretty good, the general acting skills are pretty good!"


   The audience also had some restlessness, they talked a few words in a low voice, but soon became quiet again, watching the big screen intently, they were completely immersed in the movie.

   But for the main creators, the filmmakers of "A Chinese Ghost Story" have been watched many times, especially Lin Fan and Liang Wen, they almost vomited. So they didn't care about the plot in the movie, but quietly watched the audience's reaction.

   The observation results are very satisfying to everyone, because the audience has been completely immersed in the plot of the movie, staring at the big screen intensively, as if not willing to miss a second.

   Not only the audience, but also the guest star Li Xiaodong Lu Bingyang, and the celebrity guests invited to the premiere.

   This kind of on-site response made Lin Fan and the other creative staff very satisfied.

   Yang Hongxia is the best at observing. After her observation, she can be sure that the movie is half of the success. As long as the follow-up does not collapse, this is a qualified commercial film.

  The plot continues to advance.

   A rather lively small county town appeared in front of the audience, but the street was full of domineering officers and soldiers, holding wanted documents casually arresting people, even Ning Caichen was almost taken away as a wanted criminal. Fortunately, in the thick pile of wanted documents, it is true that Ning Caichen couldn't find anything similar to Ning Caichen, and Ning Caichen escaped.

   But when Ning Caichen left, his back was covered with charms. The peddler selling charms hurriedly rushed over, but it caused a chaos among the officers and soldiers.

   In the auditorium, a film critic saw the scene of Ning Caichen imprinting a spell on his back, and there was a glimmer of insight in his heart: this should have laid the groundwork for the plot to follow.

   is also a little surprised, Lin Fan is very familiar with such shooting techniques and ideas! How does this look like a newbie? The novice dare to bury the dark line at the beginning of the movie?

  Perhaps, Lin Fan should be given the expected value of this movie, and it should be adjusted upward.

   On the big screen, Ning Caichen finally found the inn where the account was collected, but took out the account book only to find that the previous heavy rain had soaked the ink on the account book into a black spot, and nothing could be seen. The shopkeeper of the inn naturally wouldn't admit it, and took the opportunity to drive Ning Caichen out.

   Ning Caichen, who couldn't collect the account and was penniless, asked passers-by where he could stay for free, the words "Lan Ruo Temple" came out, and the originally noisy street instantly quieted down!

   Everyone turned their attention to Ning Caichen.

   Moved and quietly, switched instantly, Guobei County people's attention, and Ning Caichen's ignorance, clearly showed the weirdness of Lanruo Temple.

   In the audience, someone couldn't help but "hiss": "This shot can be taken! Lin Fan's expressiveness is still very good!"

   The others did not speak, but they nodded silently.

   On the big screen, as Ning Caichen moved into Lanruo Temple, the whole story of the movie began to unfold slowly:

  The ferocious wolves in the woods did not dare to chase Ning Caichen into Lanruo Temple;

   In the dilapidated temple, there are two martial arts talents competing;

   The knight left alone, washing his wounds by the river, only to see a beauty in white appearing in the river at some point;

  Ning Caichen, regardless of dissuasion, stayed in Lanruo Temple, the mummy slowly approaching on the beam, and the faint sound of the piano in the night, unfolding a psychedelic and terrifying picture for the audience.

From the perspective of God, the audience was worried about Ning Caichen, a scholar who didn’t know anything. On the other hand, they worried that the martial artist Yan Chixia had discovered the beautiful and charming Xiaoqian. The mood was mixed and difficult. Words.

   In the small pavilion in the heart of the lake, the rivalry between Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen also made the audience hooked. It was obviously a crisis-ridden situation, but Ning Caichen, who was ignorant and ignorant, cracked it by mistake. And the foreshadowing set before is also revealed here, the transition is harmonious and interesting.

   The misunderstanding between Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia also seemed so interesting and full of joy.

   The audience watched with relish, and exchanged a few words in a low voice from time to time, but more often, they still stared at the big screen intently, reluctant to miss any plot.

   Then, a certain classic picture suddenly broke into everyone's sight!

   Xiaoqian dresses!

Under the psychedelic and secluded background music, Xiaoqian's gorgeous and elegant appearance, set off in a red wedding dress, is even more poignant, resentful, sad, and full of monsters. A pair of phoenix eyes is even more seductive. The beauty is extraordinary, without a trace of lust.

   "Fuck!" There was an uproar in the audience!

   "How was this shot taken? How did Lin Fan take such a beautiful shot?"

   "It's amazing! I have never found out that my family's words are so beautiful!"

   "Oh my God! I'm the only fan in general. I originally thought that Xia Yan was not worthy of our generality, but now I think that Lin Fan's pig is not worthy of our words!"


   It’s not just the even the film’s creative team, when they first saw this shot, they couldn’t believe that this shot was shot by their own crew!

   Especially Liang Wen, when he saw the final effect of this shot, he slapped the table and concluded: "This shot will definitely be included in the annals of Chinese film history! It will become an eternal classic!"

   Yang Hongxia doesn't know much about movies, she simply thinks this shot is too beautiful, and takes Xia Yan's beauty to a whole new level!

   Xia Yan vaguely felt that with this scene and the role of Xiaoqian, I am afraid that my future film road will go very smoothly. Even after many years, if people count the classics of this period, there will be a place in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

  Only Lin Fan knows that everything that Liang Wen, Yang Hongxia and Xia Yan think will become reality, and "A Chinese Ghost Story" will definitely become a classic!

The audience sighed at the beauty of this shot, but the media and film critics saw something more profound, seeing Lin Fan’s talent in directing art and artistic expression; seeing Xia Yan’s aura in the field of film performance, And plasticity; see the potential of the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story"!

   This summer file, I am afraid that a dark horse will emerge!


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