The plot continued to advance, time passed quickly, and the movie soon came to an end.

After many difficulties and dangers, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia finally rescued Xiaoqian, but the time was too late. The sun shined into the house through the window lattice, and Xiaoqian, who was a ghost, could not withstand the hot sunlight.

Ning Caichen blocked the sunlight with his body and urged Xiaoqian to return to the ashes, but in this way, the two would never have a chance to meet again.

The sunshine, which should have represented hope and light, seemed so cold and cruel at this moment.

After all, Ning Caichen and Xiaoqian didn't even have a good farewell. In the endless regret, the movie came to an end in the melody of the theme song of the same name.

The lights in the venue turned on again, and there was silence for a while, and then, warm applause sounded in the silent cinema, with a little choking sound during the period.

This is because the audience hasn't recovered from the ending of the movie, but they want to show their hearts to the creative team. They can only applaud and wipe away the tears on their faces.

Lin Fan and Xia Yan, as well as Liang Wen, Yang Hongxia and others looked at each other. From each other's eyes, everyone saw a touch of surprise and anxiety.

In such a warm atmosphere, the audience’s sincere expression of emotion seems to be conveying a meaning to the main creative team: the movie is a success!

The host reappeared, holding up Mai and asking everyone, "What do you think of the movie?"


"Too beautiful!"

"My goddess is so beautiful!"


The cheers came from all directions, like a reassurance pill, letting the entire creative team breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Fan is no exception.

Even knowing that the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" was a big success on the earth, and after the precipitation of time, it has become a classic. But Lin Fan didn't dare to pack the tickets, saying that this movie would be such a success at Blue Star.

After all, the main creative team has been changed. Even if the plot can be restored, the irreplaceability of the lead actor itself makes this movie full of infinite possibilities.

What if it becomes unacceptable in Blue Star?

What if it fails to meet the audience's requirements because it is not the original starring role?


Too many possibilities and too many uncertainties kept Lin Fan's heart hanging in the air.

But now, after receiving such enthusiastic feedback from the audience, Lin Fan's heart has finally settled: he has finally not spoiled this classic movie!

On the stage, the host is still in control: "Thank you very much for your love, and please support our film a lot, and don't forget to recommend it to friends and family, as well as the ratings of the movie website, please be merciful!"

"This is the end of the premiere of "A Chinese Ghost Story". Thank you very much for coming. We have prepared a small gift for you. Please collect it at the exit..."

Lin Fan led the creative team to stand at the exit, handing out small gifts to the audience, and at the same time accepting everyone’s congratulations:

"The movie is so good!"

"My goddess is so beautiful! Especially in the wedding dress, you must add chicken legs to the whole crew!"

"It must be five-star praise! I can't wait to get a second brush!"

"Me too! Go, let's go with the second brush together!"

"Wait, count me!"


These are all real feedback from the audience, and the reactions of people in the circle should be more plain.

But whether it is a media reporter or a film critic, it is full of praise. Although many of these are just scenes, it doesn't prevent the creative team from listening happily.

What the insiders say is not the most important thing. Whether a movie is successful or not depends on the feedback from the audience.

Judging from the audience's reaction, "A Chinese Ghost Story" has not been said to have been successful, at least it has not been made into a bad film. This is enough for Lin Fan's first team of collaborations.


Under the arrangement of Yang Hongxia, the main creative team left in a low-key manner from the back door of the theater, but instead of going back to each house and looking for their mothers, they gathered again in the Earthman studio, waiting with spirits, waiting for zero box office data.

The conference room was very quiet, and everyone was in no mood to speak, especially Lin Fanxiayan and Yang Hongxia, the three studio giants, who were exposed to such things for the first time, and it was inevitable that their mentality was relatively tight.

The deputy director Liang Wen has experienced a lot. He has a peaceful mind and wants to say a few words of lively atmosphere. However, watching a few young people have their faces sullen, think about it, forget it, and wait quietly.

Several assistants also made coffee or strong tea for everyone, and then stood aside nervously and waited.



Lin Fan almost thought it was a moth coming out of the system again, but fortunately, Lin Fan was stable. After a short pause, she saw Yang Hongxia pick up the phone on the table and click on it.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Yang Hongxia almost at the same time, either leaning forward or standing up directly from their position, silently waiting for the final result.

Yang Hongxia glanced at the main content of the information, and then focused on the final data, a big smile bloomed on her face: "Thirty million!"

How many?

Everyone can't believe their ears.

However, some people reacted immediately.

"Bang!" Liang Wen slammed the table hard and waved his arms, "It's done! Haha! We made it!"

"Oh!" Li Xiaodong Lu Bingyang jumped directly behind Lin grabbing Lin Fan's shoulder and arm shaking for a while, "Brother Pan! Brother Pan! It's a success! The movie is a success!"

A big smile widened on Lin Fan's face.

Excitement, excitement, emotion, too many emotions suddenly merged into Lin Fan's mind, making him suddenly wonder what to say.

Xia Yan stretched out his small hand, squeezed into Lin Fan's big palm, and firmly held him: "Lin Fan, we succeeded!"

Lin Fan folded his palms and held Xia Yan's hand tightly: "Yes, we succeeded!"

Yang Hongxia smiled from ear to ear: "According to this data, the box office on the first day will definitely exceed 100 million!"

Liang Wen laughed loudly: "That's a must! More importantly, as soon as the box office comes out, we have already made a profit, okay?"

Everyone was taken aback, and they all reacted: Yes! How much investment is in "A Chinese Ghost Story"! As soon as the box office came out, this movie made a profit!

Yang Hongxia tried to suppress the corners of Shang Yang's mouth: "Post a draft! Push it all over the network!"

Xiaoye asked: "Then how much should we add to the box office data?"

What to add?

Of course it is water injection!

No matter how good the box office is, it has to pay a little bit to make the box office look better.


Lin Fan waved his hand: "What kind of water! Let's not engage in those fictitious things, we will say as many box offices as we should!"

What age is it, and water is still being injected, how can there be any impermeable walls now? Of those movies that bought the ghost field, which one is the last one that is undead?

The main reason is that the box office that is not filled with water can be hit like this, and then how can other people be mixed with water?

Everyone smiled at each other and responded in unison: "Understood!"

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