Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 677: Well, melon seeds are so fragrant!

Although Gu Xi couldn't accept her new look, when she started shooting, she was able to quickly enter the state. Although she is young, her acting skills are natural, her lines can be remembered, and there are few NGs when she starts filming.

Lin Fan can only say that he deserves to be nominated for the Best Supporting Actress at the Golden Movie Awards at a young age.

On the contrary, the little actor who plays the leading actor is slightly worse.

This little actor was introduced by Zhou Yang. It turned out to be a little actor who studied drama. His surname is Yu and his nickname is Xiaobao. He is very charming, with solid basic skills, and suffered a lot.

Lin Fan saw that Yu Xiaobao fits the role well in all aspects, and after trying a scene, he found that Yu Xiaobao was very open to the camera, and he still had a spirit of aura, so he agreed.

It's just that a boy of this age has a common problem, that is, he can't stay, his concentration is not enough, and he tends to lose his mind.

When I arrived at Yu Xiaobao, I was Lao Wang Ci.

In fact, Yu Xiaobao's memory is not bad, otherwise Yu Xiaobao would not be able to memorize those opera lyrics that are very awkward to ordinary people.

But the lyrics are lyrics, and the lines are lines. Yu Xiaobao sometimes feels very upset because he has already memorized the lines before filming, but once the filming starts, he always likes to forget the words.

In particular, the lines were all on the lips, and they couldn't say it, making Yu Xiaobao, a little man, feel particularly shameless in front of Xiao Gu Xi.

Gu Xi is two years younger than herself. Why can't she memorize her lines?

Yu Xiaobao, who refused to admit defeat, lost the enthusiasm that he had when meeting with Gu Xi at the beginning.

However, the more I became involved, the more nervous I became. Yu Xiaobao obviously felt that he had already memorized it, but when I started shooting, I didn’t know why the forgotten words became more serious!

As a result, in a rival scene with Gu Xi, after Yu Xiaobao NG a dozen times, he finally couldn't stand it anymore. He cried directly with a "wow"!

But Lin Fan was terrified: "What's wrong, why did you cry suddenly?"

Liang Wen stopped Lin Fan, who wanted to come forward to comfort him, and gave Lin Fan a particularly disgusting look: "What else? You must be scared by the tyrant on the set!"

I’ve been NG more than a dozen times, not to mention a 10-year-old kid. Even a senior actor is afraid that he will have to bear a lot of psychological pressure. Next to him, there is a young actor who is younger than himself, but behaves better than himself. That's so much better, Yu Xiaobao can hold on to crying until now, it is considered that his heart is strong.

Lin Fan is speechless: I am strict, blame me?

It was Yu Xiaobao’s agent and guardian. Mother Yu hurried up to comfort her children. She apologized to Lin Fan and the rest of the crew: "Sorry, the progress has been delayed. Xiaobao is just a little too nervous. , Sorry."

Gu Xi stood there at a loss, seeming to be taken aback by Yu Xiaobao, and didn't know what happened, so she could only stare at Lin Fan pitifully with a pair of big eyes.

Lin Fan had a headache, and he didn't know how to coax the children: "It's okay, it's okay, let's come here today, and give the two children a vacation and rest."

There is no other way without holiday. Yu Xiaobao's state is afraid that it will not be good for a while, so he simply rests for a long time and lets him adjust his state.

Liang Wen also helped: "Ah, yes, I heard that there is a market in the town today. We have been here for so long and we haven't made it to the market. Today is a holiday, let's all go to the market and join in the fun!"

For the rest of the crew, a good holiday! Regardless of the reason for the holiday, it is a good thing to be able to rest anyway! Must support!

So the crew cleaned up the set, and those who were interested in the market went to the market together. Those who wanted to go back to the dormitory and rest stayed in the dormitory. Little Gu Xi was curious about everything at a young age, so she pestered her parents to take herself to the market. Game on.

On the contrary, Yu Xiaobao was so surprised, he was not interested in anything, and locked himself in the dormitory.

Lin Fan couldn't force his children to go out. He could only take care of the staff who went to the fair, and bring Yu Xiaobao some delicious and fun back, hoping to comfort the frustrated little mind of the little man.

This is all easy, and the staff naturally agreed.

Lin Fan hid in the editing room with Liang Wen, and performed the first cut of the previously filmed part.

I've seen the terrifying Lin Fan who was first cut, and this time I watched that rough film again, and I will no longer be scared to death. On the contrary, Lin Fan can still complain to Liang Wen, which is even more devil-editing than devil-editing. Rough cut, while filling up the whole film in my mind.

The two were happily talking. Lin Fan's paparazzi ability was suddenly activated. Lin Fanzheng was surprised that there were paparazzi following in such a run-down town. As a result, when he turned around, he saw Yu Xiaobao poking his head outside the window.

For a moment, Lin Fan had some doubts whether the system was wrong, and Yu Xiaobao could be judged as a paparazzi?

Or, as long as you peek at yourself, you will be judged as a paparazzi and trigger skills?

If that's the case, why doesn't this skill trigger when the daughter-in-law is peeking at herself?

Lin Fan exuded his thoughts, and waved at Yu Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, why don't you go out to play during the holiday?"

Yu Xiaobao walked in slowly, and Ai Ai asked, "Brother Lin Fan, did I delay everyone's work? Sorry, I shouldn't cry... I am, that's..."

After a long time, and didn't say why, Yu Xiaobao disliked his stupid mouth.

Lin Fan watched Yu Xiaobao’s eyes redden again, and quickly stretched out his arms, took the little kid to sit on his lap, racking his brains to comfort him: "How can it be! Nothing! Hey, look at Xiaobao, Here, this is the shot Xiaobao performed with you, look at it, it was great!"


Yu Xiaobao’s attention was immediately diverted by Lin Fan. Following Lin Fan’s fingers, he went to watch the clips on the computer screen. Liang Wen couldn’t even stop him. Yu Xiaobao saw that there was no soundtrack, no sound effects, and even before and after logic. There are no clips.

With a brush on his small face, even the last bit of blood is gone!

"This, this is what I did?!"

Following Yu Xiaobao watching for ten seconds, the two sets of shots spliced ​​together without a logical relationship, Lin Fancai realized what he had done afterwards: "Ah, no! This, it is not what you saw. That way..."

Yu Xiaobao's whole body collapsed, he couldn't hear anything, as if he had suffered too much and couldn't accept the reality, his eyes were dumb!

Lin Fan screamed that it was not good, and quickly remedied: "No, Xiaobao, look at Xixi, Xixi didn't act better than you!"

As soon as Lin Fan's voice fell, I heard a crisp little milk coming from the door: "Brother Lin Xixi not acting well?"

a bolt from the blue!

Lin Fan stiffened his neck and slowly twisted to the door, only to see Gu Xi holding an ice cream in one hand, and he didn't know how long he had been standing at the door. Perhaps it was too shocked to hear Lin Fan's words, the expression on the little girl's face had not had time to change from happy to sad, but sandwiched between the two, half crying and half laughing, how do you think it arouses distress!

And Yu Xiaobao, who was sitting on his lap, was still asking: "Brother Lin Fan, is my acting really that bad?"

Gu Xi wasn't far behind: "Brother Lin Fan, did I play badly too?"

"Brother Lin Fan..."

"Brother Lin Fan..."

Lin Fan collapsed, so he could only turn to Liang Wen for help: Help Liang Dao!

Liang Wen did not know when he had retreated to the wall. He was taking out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and was divided into half of the editors. The two of them were eating melon seeds while admiring the scene of Lin Fan's Shura field: Well, melon seeds are really fragrant!

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