Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 678: I still have an album to release?

Since the Shura Field that afternoon, Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao seemed to be on the verge of strength, and they had accumulated enough energy to secretly compare them.

If you recite your lines well, then I will work **** my body and expression!

You won Lin Fan's compliment, then I will pass it, and resolutely not NG!

You, you, you, you foul!

How can you be cute!

Yu Xiaobao and Gu Xi met their eyes, and there was an invisible spark in the air. Both wanted to use their eyes to deter each other's submission.

But in the eyes of grown-ups, it is the two little kids playing the naive game of "who wins first, loses".

Lin Fan didn't have the face to look at it, because all of this was caused by himself.

Although the two young actors are competing against each other, making the shooting progress as if pressing the fast forward button and moving towards the end quickly, but Lin Fan is not happy at all!

In order to attract their attention, the two little kids are jealous and have no sense of accomplishment at all!

If it were replaced by two big beauties, it would be almost the same!

But no matter what, the gratifying progress of the shooting is a good thing for everyone. In particular, this movie is a plot, no special effects, and simple post-production. Basically, as long as the filming is finished, it is almost equal to being screened.

The expected three-month filming cycle, now it seems, is likely to be completed in advance.

Lin Fan is rejoicing here, and the fans live like years.

[Mengmeng rabbit: Today is another day when there is no business in general...]

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: Today I harassed Fan Fan’s assistant according to the three meals time. Xiao Wan Jie said Fan Fan has been addicted to making movies recently, I am afraid that I have forgotten the fact that my job is a singer...]

[Sister’s aunt is more popular than you: I don’t listen, I don’t listen! When will the general new song be released? There are new albums, when will they be released? Generally speaking, shouldn't it have forgotten this matter? 】

How to put it, I can only say that the fan's guess is very close to the facts.

Fans have become accustomed to Lin Fan's active work, frequent appearances, and various business conditions throughout the past year. There is no news of Lin Fan everywhere. Fans panic!

Lin Fan’s assistant said that it was making movies, but Lin Fan worked as a director, not an actor, which meant that after the movie was released, Lin Fan would never be seen!

What's the difference between this and Lin Fan is not open?

Fans are very supportive of Lin Fan doing all kinds of things, but there is only one request, that is, you have to show your face!

Self-direction and self-acting, self-writing and self-singing, even if you write songs and scripts for others, it’s okay, but you have to show up! You can think about it after a few decades, okay?

[Slicing durian with empty hands: I suddenly missed the pan-shooting of "Yard of Yearning" last year. Isn't it good for a new song a week? Why do we want to make a general album? So far, the album doesn’t even have a movie, and there’s no new song...]

[This person is mostly sick: Speaking of "Yard of Yearning", what? If you don't start filming variety shows in general, will the second season of this show have to be postponed later? 】

[Beauty sees the same thing:! ! ! No! I'm still waiting for the second issue! General pigeons can do anything, but don't give variety shows to pigeons! If he dared to skip the ticket, I would dare to kill Huadao Island! 】


Not only the fans wailed, but the artists in the circle also looked for channels to inquire, why is there no news about Lin Fan's second season of this variety show?

Isn't it done?

It shouldn't be, such a good show, if you don't make a five-six-seven-season, the score drops before you watch it, and you can make a lot of money just by eating your money!

Lin Fan doesn't do such a good project to make money every day. It's too inconsistent with Lin Fan's plan for someone who loves money!

It must be another big move!

The artists in the circle haven't finished the Spring Festival holiday, so they can't help but replenish their brains when they are free to do nothing. I have to say that although it is everyone's own brain supplement, it is not much different from the facts.

Yang Hongxia is busy negotiating the two major variety shows "Treasure" and "The Classics" with Dishi, and other tasks are delegated to her assistant.

Even Lin Fan's new album, Yang Hongxia has no time to take care of, she can only open one eye and close one eye, tacitly agreeing that Lin Fan will continue to delay the release time.

Then silently arranged the personnel there, and quickly recruited a few more people. Now the manpower is completely insufficient!

And Lin Fan’s assistant, Xiao Wan, really couldn’t bear the pressure of the fans. He found a free time for Lin Fan to take the opportunity to inquire: "Brother Fan, what, the new album's title song, do you plan to Will it be released next? Or just wait until the new album is released, and no longer release the title song for publicity?"

I still have an album to release?

Lin Fan, who was obsessed with filming, just remembered that he still has a new album title song, which must be released regularly!

Xiao Wan looked at Lin Fan’s sudden little expression and knew that Lin Fan had thrown the incident out of the sky, and couldn’t help crying and laughing: "Brother Fan, haven’t you been online recently? Fans online are under your social account. Building a building is all about wishing you to post a new song."

Not only new songs, but also new variety shows and new movies!

Oh, yes, there are people who are urging Lin Fan to post new comics!

It's just that this part of the population is relatively small, and it's overwhelmed by the comments of other fans. It didn't arouse any splashes, and it was completely negligible.

Poor comic fan...

Of course, if you can't send a song, fans don't mind Lin Fan's live broadcast, an endorsement, and an advertisement to make up the number.

Anyway, just let yourself see Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't want to be on his social account at all. I thought and knew that it was definitely 99+ comments and private messages. It was either to urge himself to open business or to make an appearance. There was nothing new.

It's definitely not to escape the questions of fans!

I'm not being lazy either!

Absolutely not!

However, Xiao Wan took the initiative to rush to him and talk about it. It can be seen that the fans are making a lot of Lin Fan can't ignore it either.

Lin Fan coughed dryly and said, "Well, let's talk to Sister Xia, let's release the second title song at a certain time."

"Okay!" Xiaowan happily agreed, and then reacted, "Brother Pan, just release it on Teana Music. The new title song does not need to be promoted, and is it not on variety shows or events?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, just publish it directly."

Xiaowan is speechless, what's the difference between sending a song like this and sending a single?

Since it is called the title song, it is used for the promotion of the new album!

However, Lin Fan felt that those propaganda that was emptied of brains had no effect under the crush of strength!

With his current popularity, strength and status, Lin Fan believes that as long as he releases a new song, he won't worry about losing sales, so why bother to promote it?

A person with strength and talent is so self-willed!

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