After seeing this suddenly refreshed system task, Xu Ziling's pupils trembled slightly, but soon stabilized.

Sure enough... Is the Herrscher of Thunder coming again...

It has been a whole year since the last outbreak of the Herrscher of Void.

Or... just one year.

In the pre-civilization world of the original story of the game, Mahayu did not seem to clearly point out how long the interval between the birth of the Herrscher of Void and the Herrscher of Thunder was.

But according to the experience of the post-civilization, when the Herrscher of Void of the post-civilization, Sirin, was conquered, Kiana was just a little white-haired ball. The Herrscher of Thunder who was born later was Mei Raiden, and Mei Raiden was saved by the grown-up Kiana some time after she became a Herrscher of the Law...

Xu Ziling didn't remember exactly how much time had passed during this period. But he knew that Kiana grew from a little girl to a big girl and saved Mei Raiden who had become a Herrscher of the Law. During this period, Kiana's growth time alone would take three, five years... or even longer!

In other words, after the outbreak of the Herrscher of the Void, there should be at least three years before the Herrscher of Thunder is born.

And now, only one year has passed since the outbreak of the Herrscher of the Void, and the system reminds itself that the Herrscher of Thunder is about to be born...

But if you think about it carefully, it is true.

Collapse is something that accompanies civilization. The higher the level of civilization development, the stronger the corresponding Collapse Beasts and Herrschers will be, and the time interval between the birth of the Herrschers will be shorter.

In the early stage of post-civilization, the power of the entire planet was firmly held in the hands of an unknown scum of the human world. With that unknown scum of the human world as the world leader deliberately suppressing the progress of human science, the development of the collapse would indeed be relatively slower.

However, compared with the suppression of post-civilization technology, what happened in the pre-civilization era where Xu Ziling is now, in the year after the outbreak of the Ruler of the Void?

Even if we put aside the big things, just talk about what happened around Xu Ziling.

Mobius, who is the best in biology in this era, can be said to have been successful in his research projects this year with the help of Xu Ziling. Combined with Xu Ziling's DNA mimicry, the two of them raised the biological technology of the entire human civilization with their strength, and the flesh enhancement reagents have reached the tenth generation.

Ordinary people drink the tenth generation flesh enhancement reagents, and then, let alone anything else, at least it is no problem to kill a tank-level collapse beast with one punch. With some effort and some combat skills, even a Temple-level Honkai Beast may be able to fight. This is the progress of civilization.

And more importantly, it is not only the Mobius Research Institute that is making progress. MEI's progress in technology is also flying.

In terms of funding, she has the foundation laid by her father. In terms of connections, she has also received the appreciation of the European Supreme Councillor "White Mist". Even in terms of security, Kevin, the strongest human on the surface, was assigned by the Fire Moth to MEI's research institute as a security guard.

With everything in place, MEI's development speed on its own scientific research path can only be described as terrifying!

Thinking about it this way, it seems reasonable that the third Herrscher will be born a year after the second Herrscher comes.

After all, your gradual exploration and blindly testing (referring to research) are completely different feelings. The time they persist is definitely different.

Now, he is busy measuring (still referring to research), and he has angered his mother, Honkai. Isn't he just starting to make a baby?

Well... to some extent, the Herrscher who can control [authority] can indeed be said to be the flesh and blood of Honkai, so making a baby is serious, and Xu Ziling did not think wrongly.

"Okay♪~ Everyone."

At this time, Alicia, who did not know that the Herrscher of Thunder was about to be born, smiled and clapped her hands, and called the other three people in the research institute together, saying,

"The performance of the great magician will not start until tomorrow night, and it's getting late now... How about we go and see the small building where we used to live?

Before leaving, the lovely fairy lady had already contacted Little Blanca to get the former property certificate, and showed it to the Shenzhou official. The small building that has been rebuilt now is still the property of Dr. Mebius!"

Mebius shrugged and said that he didn't care. Blan

The small building that Ka bought in Changkong City was originally bought according to the layout specifications of her research institute in Mu Continent. For her, it was just the switching back and forth between the original form and the cyber skin of her home territory, and there was nothing she couldn't adapt to.

Xu Ziling and Klein also felt the same way because they had lived here before.

"Okay, since no one has any objections, let's go~!"

After smiling happily, Alicia took the initiative to play the role of a tour guide. With a flick of her wrist, she took out a pink and white flag and a small trumpet from her arms, looking like a cute fairy tour guide.

She didn't choose to take a taxi because the distance between the airport in Changkong City and Qianyu College was not far, otherwise it would not be possible for so many people to run out when the collapse just started a year ago.

The small building where Mebius, Xu Ziling, Alicia and little Klein once lived was actually located around Qianyu College and was a school district house. So it was completely feasible to walk back from the airport.

Along the way, you can also enjoy the neon night scene of the rebuilt Changkong City, and then buy some special snacks at the night market on the roadside, and the problem of dinner can be solved.

These neon lights and night markets with a strong sense of the times are not available in the cross-era areas of Mu Continent, so although the group walked back on foot, they can also be said to be enjoying it.

When they returned to the small building they used to live in, it was already dark. The four people from the institute took a shower and went to bed one after another. Only by resting enough energy can they have fun the next day.

And in the late night.

Xu Ziling, who was sleeping on the floor of Mebius's room as usual, thought about it and decided to send a message to MEI.

Indeed, with Xu Ziling's current physical strength and energy reserves, as long as he is not too far away from Mebius... Even if he is too far away from Mebius, even if the Herrscher of Thunder sneaks up on him, he can use the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle that was built half a year ago to teleport back to Mebius and tell the Herrscher of Thunder who is coming to sneak attack him some heartfelt topics.

So there is no need to worry about the safety of the institute. It has been a whole year since Xu Ziling traveled to the Collapse World to develop. If he does not even have the means and confidence to protect the people around him, then he has really been in vain.

But as everyone knows, I am not worried, which does not mean that I do not need to be on guard.

According to the various information and clues that Xu Ziling has collected before, MEI's father, Thunder Ryoma, seems to be the potential body of the Herrscher of Thunder, but because of the daughter control engraved in his DNA, he has never been able to show this point.

Now that the Herrscher of Thunder is about to be born, Xu Ziling can call MEI to check on the situation of Thunder Dragon Horse. There is no harm, so why not do it?

If Thunder Dragon Horse is not a Herrscher, it would be better. If it is... you can also make some preparations in advance.

[Teaching Assistant is not Bishop: Student MEI, I am sorry to bother you at this time, but I do need to check with you as soon as possible. Student MEI, remember to reply after seeing it. ]

Using the friends he added at the seminar before, Xu Ziling sent this message to MEI.

I thought I would have to wait until the next day for MEI to reply to me, but I didn't expect MEI to reply immediately.

[Science Little Thunder: Yes, Assistant Xu, is there anything? Or did Dr. Mebius encounter a problem that needs help? ]

[Teaching Assistant is not Bishop: Well... don't be so formal, student MEI. I just want to know about your father's physical condition in recent days. If he feels any discomfort, please remember to let us know as soon as possible. ]

[Science Little Thunder: Father... Since he had surgery with Dr. Mobius a year ago, his condition has improved a lot. As long as he is not exposed to direct sunlight, he can communicate normally. I also want to thank the teaching assistant and the doctor for providing surgery and medicine for my father. ./Thanks.jpg]

[Science Little Thunder: Ah, speaking of which... Assistant Xu. Recently, the scientific research project on Honkai energy that I led has fallen into an academic bottleneck. Kevin suggested that I go out more... I thought about it and it was true. People can't always stay in the environment of the research institute. ]

[Science Little Thunder: So I took my father, Kevin, and Su back to the rebuilt Changkong City to relax. I heard that Dr. Mobius and Assistant Xu once lived here. Do you need us to help take some photos of this place? ]

MEI They are also in Changkong City now?

Seeing this message, Xu Ziling's green eyes widened slightly, and he typed quickly,

[Teacher Assistant is not a bishop: MEI Same

Xue, are you are also in Changkong City now? ]

[Science Little Thunder: Yes. ——(Attached is a photo taken at the Changkong City Aviation Center)]

Xu Ziling's expression suddenly became subtle.

"Little white mouse, what's that expression on your face?"

At this time, Mobius, who had just walked out of the bathroom wearing a white bathrobe after taking a shower, noticed Xu Ziling's subtle expression, picked up a towel and rubbed his still wet hair, then threw the towel to Xu Ziling and said,

"Don't play games, take a shower, and go to bed early...I won't wait for you."

After that, Mobius went to blow his hair, and Xu Ziling raised his hand to take the towel thrown by Mobius, and then looked at the communication interface between himself and MEI.

[Science Little Thunder: We plan to find a hotel here first, and then go back to the rebuilt Qianyu College tomorrow. But speaking of this... Assistant Professor Xu, why did you use "also" just now? ]

[Teaching assistant is not a bishop: Because the doctor and I are also here for vacation...Okay, it's getting late, classmate MEI, the doctor and I will go to bed first. If you want to come to see us, you can take a look at this link. The doctor and I plan to go there tomorrow. ]

[Teaching assistant is not a bishop:/Forward link-"The most gorgeous performance from the ruins-the magic of the sky and ruins that see the light of day again!"]


The next day.

Qianyu College.

According to the plan, Kevin and his group who came here again to reminisce stopped at the gate of Qianyu College.

"Qianyu College... Oh, when I was struggling back then, this was still the best school in the entire Far East..."

Since the operation, Thunder Dragon Horse, who has been much more energetic, no longer needs to sit in a wheelchair, but sunglasses, sun hats and high-tech linings that fit closely to the skin are indispensable.

Lei Dian Long Ma looked at Qian Yu College, which had been rebuilt and had many students enrolled there. He sighed in his heart, patted Kevin's shoulder, who was carrying a large luggage bag, and said with a smile, "Xiao Kai, I remember that you and MEI met here... Now that you see your alma mater, do you have anything to say? Tell Uncle Long about your stories in those years?" "Ah? Oh, okay, Uncle Long! I'll tell you, I remember that Kevin..." Kevin, who was carrying a large luggage bag and looked like he was traveling, didn't feel tired at all. After being told by his father-in-law, he straightened his back and prepared to talk in detail. "Kevin!"

Hearing the old man and the young man talking about their childhood, MEI stamped her feet in anger, pushed Kevin forward, and said,

"Pull yourself back, okay? I've never told my father about you being a prince... so don't tell my father about our past..."


Kevin shut up immediately after being "threatened" by MEI. No matter how powerful he was, he didn't have the courage to talk about his past "prince deeds" in front of his father-in-law.


At this time, the frivolous voice of Thunder Dragon Horse came from behind Kevin, and Kevin shuddered violently.

"I seem to have heard something very extraordinary just now... Xiao Kai, you haven't done anything to let MEI down, have you?"

"No, no! Absolutely not! Uncle Long, don't listen to MEI's nonsense!"

Kevin was so scared that he quickly waved his hands and said,

"That happened before I met MEI... After meeting MEI, I never had any inappropriate thoughts about other girls! Uncle Long, you have to believe me!"

"Hahaha! I was just kidding."

After Thunder Dragon Horse laughed heartily, he reached out and patted Kevin on the shoulder and said,

"It's normal for young people to be passionate for a while, and you... I didn't really do anything to those girls. Your uncle Longma is still very open-minded in this regard. Speaking of which, when I was pursuing MEI's mother..."


Seeing that her old father was about to tell everything, MEI was a little anxious. She quickly took out a handkerchief to block her old father's mouth and said angrily,

"Don't tell everything...Kevin, you too!"


At this time, Su Zhanshu, who was also wearing a sun hat and big sunglasses and a tourist outfit, coughed and distributed the milk tea and cold drinks he had just bought to the other three people, saying,

"It's getting late, guys... Instead of spending time arguing about the past, it's better to go back and see it with your own eyes.

Just now I saw a guard handing over at the gate of Qianyu College. Now is a very important time

period, show your identity, they should be willing to let former students return to Qianyu College to watch. "

"I'll go!"

Kevin first raised his hand to show that he was willing to volunteer, then walked to the main entrance of Qianyu College with a smile, and subconsciously greeted,

"Hi! Uncle, do you still remember me?"


However, no one responded to Kevin.

The only response to Kevin was a cold camera.

"Facial recognition in progress... Ding~! Identity authentication detected, graduate student Kevin, are you back to visit the alma mater of the freshmen? "

After recognizing Kevin's identity, the robot popped up an enthusiastic report that the former students had returned to the rebuilt Qianyu College. This would help Qianyu College, which was in an extraordinary period, to promote the school in the future.

However, Kevin only felt that the robot's voice was extremely harsh.

Then, Kevin raised his head in a daze, and his azure blue eyes looked at the rebuilt Qianyu College in his field of vision.

The college is still the same college, and the layout has basically not changed, but there seem to be more cameras... The campus walls seem to be a little higher.

"Classmates, are you here to visit Qianyu College? "

At this time, a teacher who had been transferred from other places had noticed Kevin and his group standing at the main gate. Through the information screening on the mobile phone, the teacher naturally recognized Kevin and his group.

At the same time, he also realized that these students who returned to school could help the public opinion of Qianyu College today, so he hurriedly greeted them with a smile.


Seeing a strange teacher coming towards him, Kevin nodded subconsciously.

"Ah! That's great! Several students, and this family member... Please follow me, I am the director of the academic affairs department here. If you don't mind, I can introduce you to the current Qianyu College..."

The director of the academic affairs department warmly invited Kevin and his group who returned to school, and began to talk big. The meaning of his words was that he wanted Kevin and others to say something good about Qianyu College as returning students, which would help the rebuilt Qianyu College to promote its subsequent enrollment plan.

Listening to the enthusiastic explanation of the unfamiliar director of the academic affairs department, Kevin felt inexplicably that he was a little dazed.

Suddenly, Kevin noticed something. He took MEI's hand behind him and ran in one direction without saying anything.

Su also realized something , pulled up the sleeve of Lei Dian Long Ma and followed closely.

The Dean of Academic Affairs was left alone in a daze.

Kevin rushed all the way to a place.

Here, there is a wall.

This was the only place in the entire Qianyu College that was not covered by surveillance.

After Kevin put down MEI's hand, he quickly rushed to the wall, and then kicked his feet hard on the ground.

The next moment, he successfully jumped over the campus wall with his superhuman physique.

But he could no longer be happy.

Because he could clearly feel... the wall under his feet was a full meter higher than before...

The one-meter difference... already made it risky to fall over the wall...

"Classmate! Come down quickly, it's dangerous there..."

Listening to the anxious voice of the Dean of Academic Affairs, Kevin's mind became dazed again.

The next moment, Kevin raised his head suddenly, and he suddenly found that the Qianyu Academy, which was once very familiar in his memory, became very unfamiliar at this moment...

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