The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.


For the rebuilt Changkong City, they have everything they need with the support of the government. The only thing they lack is the mobility of the population.

Because no matter how the wound is whitewashed, it is still a wound. The Shenzhou government can provide preferential treatment here, but it cannot change the fact that 8 million people in Changkong City died.

The public opinion can be changed by suppressing the heat, but those who disappeared will not come back. People who once lived in Changkong City, or whose families lived in Changkong City, happened to escape the disaster brought by the Law of the Sky, and they all told the stories they had seen or made up.

The story spread from one person to another, and gradually, even after the reconstruction of Changkong City, where 8 million people "disappeared", was still known as a "very dangerous place" by the people.

The government had no way to deal with this, not to mention that their leader was an unknown man named Tian... They could only use their old way of diverting attention, such as celebrity debuts and concert tickets, to cover up the possible harm and rumors in Changkong City.

Wei Weiwei's magic show was born because of this.

Changkong City now really needs a series of extravagant performances or magic to cover up the panic of the grassroots people. After seeing Wei Weiwei's method, the government did not hesitate to support Wei Weiwei's idea of ​​holding a magic show.

But because of this, Wei Weiwei's magic show scheduled in Changkong City this time was more widely spread than any previous one, and was held more grandly than any previous one. The government even provided Wei Weiwei with a large open-air stadium as a performance venue.

The magic show started in the evening, but the Changkong City Center Stadium, which was the venue for the magic show, was already crowded with people at noon. It seems that the means of diverting attention and being mysterious are shameful, but they are indeed effective.

The research institute's group was taken by Alicia to play around Changkong City in the morning and noon. They went shopping, rode roller coasters, and went to arcades. They really arranged everything.

It was not until the dusk of Changkong that Xu Ziling, with a shopping bag in his left hand and AD calcium in his right hand, followed his own doctor and arrived at the Changkong City Center Stadium with the VIP magic show tickets specially provided by Velvet.


After sitting down in the front row of the stadium, Mobius sipped the AD milk handed by Xu Ziling, and glanced at Alicia next to him, with a somewhat unhappy expression,

"What are you looking at? Can't researchers drink dairy products?"

Alicia blinked and whispered:

"Dr. Mobius, this... seems to be for children."

"You!... Humph! Then don't drink it. Little white mouse, bring me Alicia's bottle..."

"Hey hey hey! I'm kidding♪~"

Alicia smiled and quickly took her bottle from Xu Ziling.

"Doctor, the show is about to start."

Xu Ziling smiled helplessly, stretched out his finger and pointed to the top counter in the center of the stadium, which showed the countdown to the start of this magic show.

And the countdown was only the last five minutes.

"Tsk... a magic show..."

Mobius muttered this word, stretched out his hand to adjust the red-framed glasses that he used to seal his appearance when traveling, and said,

"I want to see, little white mouse, whether these mysterious things you said are as interesting as you said... Klein, remember to help me later... Okay?"

Mobius was stunned while talking.

The seat on her left was Xu Ziling, the seat on the left was Alicia, and the seat on the right was Klein.

But at this moment, Klein was leaning against the backrest of the audience seat, with his head slightly tilted - he fell asleep.

"Oh my ♪~"

At this time, Alicia deliberately prolonged her tone and said,

"Does Dr. Mobius not know... Little Klein has been working overtime to process documents day and night in order to repay Dr. Mobius's cultivation~... Let her sleep a little longer~ Miss Fairy just bought earplugs?"

As she said, Alicia handed the pink and white earplugs she bought while shopping in Changkong City with the research institute to Mobius.


This time, Mobius did not argue with Alicia's words, and took the earplugs by himself.

After putting it on Klein on his right side, he muttered to himself:

"You dared to work overtime without telling me... Great, great, it seems that management must be strengthened in the future... Little white mouse, the institute will set a rule in the future. When the two of us are not working overtime, Klein must also have a normal schedule. You will be responsible for supervision. Do you understand?"


Xu Ziling nodded. In fact, it was not difficult for anyone in the institute to find that Klein was working overtime crazily. After all, the extremely heavy dark circles under her eyes could not be faked. It was just that it was completely her own voluntary behavior after she was grateful to Mebius. It was her own choice. Others really couldn't say anything to her.

But now it seems that Mebius has decided to forcibly change Klein's voluntary behavior. After all, no matter how voluntary she is... she can't ignore her body. Friends and family, aren't they born to supervise each other's mistakes while sharing each other's joy?

"Ladies!!! Gentlemen!!!"

While everyone in the institute was chatting, the countdown in the center of the gymnasium had already reached the last second. Then, Wei Weiwei's noisy and exaggerated voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone watching offline through the gymnasium's broadcast.

This gymnasium in the center of Changkong City is not small. With 50,000 fixed seats and 10,000 temporary seats, it can accommodate about 60,000 live spectators at the same time.

At this moment, the huge gymnasium is already full, and countless news broadcasts and cameras are broadcasting the magic show all the time, proving to the Shenzhou Continent and the whole world that Changkong City has been reborn and is no longer the ruins of Changkong when the disaster just struck a year ago.

"Welcome to...Spiral Theater!!"

Wei Weiwei's excited and excited voice came from the radio again. But at this moment, the center of the gymnasium was still empty, and there was not even a magic prop or equipment. This kind of magic trick that people heard before they arrived can be said to have whetted the appetite of the audience.

"Teacher Big V! I'm your fan!!!"

"While no one is around... I'm Teacher Big V's √!"

"Vilvi! Vilvi!! Vilvi!!"


In the audience seats of the gymnasium, the excited shouts of the madman's fans were accompanied by the waving of the light sticks and banners in their hands. It seems that as the greatest magician of this century, her fan base is unquestionable.

"Hahaha~ Don't be anxious, my dear audience~!"

Vilvi's slightly smug laughter came out of the radio again. She laughed loudly, and her fully armed figure slowly fell from the center of the gymnasium.

Yes... At this moment, Vilvi was carrying something similar to a thermal jet backpack, and colorful flames and ribbons and fireworks were sprinkled from her feet and behind her.

In the middle of the gymnasium, she smiled and said:

"Only tonight, only tonight... I am here to cheat, I am here to perform, I am here to cheer, I am here to applaud!!"

Accompanied by Wei Wei's excited and high-spirited voice, brown-black machines with a strong steampunk style twisted from the sky of the gymnasium. The meshing of the gears was a symphony of music, and the spraying steam was cheering and cheering!

"Learning from the last lesson, I will let the spiral twist the machine, and the amazing magic will appear in the sky!!"

As she said, Wei Wei, who was suspended in the mid-air, raised her hands like a conductor, and the spiral machine flying from the sky also began to assemble quickly under Wei Wei's feet. The mechanical bond stretched out, and the spiral machine burst out with magnificent steam. These originally tiny or meaningless spiral machines were actually combined into a magic stage suspended in the air under Wei Wei's command!

"Special Armed Model Nine! This is my magic venue tonight, this is my Vivi's air fortress! Come on! My dear audience friends! Let's give all the applause to -- Ms. Vivi!!!!"

As she said this, Vivi laughed triumphantly. The air fortress under her feet now was built after she learned the lesson from the last time the performance venue was demolished by the Fire Moth, and it took her several months to build. When it is folded together, it is an absolute air fortress, and when it is twisted, it is a grand magic venue!

Even when not in use, it can be automatically disassembled into countless small parts to fool the world's official review of private aircraft. [Magician]'s [Special Armed Model Nine] is Vivi's name for the mobile magic venue under her feet now.

Oh~ As expected of this magician, he can design such a wonderful design... This genius design

Concept, it has been more than ten years since it surpassed the Fire Moth Machine!

"Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!"

"Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!"

"Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!! Velvi!"

The audience in the audience saw that Velvi appeared in a particularly explosive way like a mechanical deity, and also had her own mobile flying magic field, and they all shouted excitedly, and then the audience suddenly gave the magician thunderous applause!

Velvi was also generous with her magic. After taking off her magic hat and greeting the audience who filled the stadium, she waved her hand, and the characteristic armed model 9 under her feet immediately turned the muzzle, and countless candy fireworks and ribbons sprayed out from it, spreading to everyone in the audience.

Even under the influence of spiral technology and shocking people, the force of these candies being launched was precisely controlled, so that they could fall into the hands of every audience member without really hurting them.

The people who were given candies naturally included the people from the research institute.


Xu Ziling raised his hand to receive the countless candies fired at the audience by the special weapon model 9. He took a look in his hand and found that they were actually lemon flavored.

"Doctor, would you like something to eat?"

"Didn't we buy it ourselves?"

Mobius curled his lips, then looked at the sky fortress of Velvet and said,

"It seems that I have to put aside my one-sided view of magic before... Little white mouse, if the magic you mentioned before refers to mechanical creations of this level, then it seems that this magician is indeed worthy of my friendship. Some things that do not require me to personally appear can be automated by machines... Well, this seems to be not bad."

"Well... Doctor, I need to correct you. Not all magicians are as... radical as Miss Velvet."

Xu Ziling thought for a moment and said,

"But if you want to watch magic in the future, Miss Velvet must be a good choice."

"Well... You are right, keep watching, these machines are quite interesting, and some of the design concepts are higher than those of the Fire Moth Headquarters."

Mobius waved his hand and chose to continue watching the magic.

Ai Lishiya held the camera throughout the whole process, wanting to record all the prosperous scenes in front of her.

At the same time, Wei Wei also noticed the people from the research institute in the audience. After finding that the two excellent audiences who saw through her magic were indeed in the audience, she performed more vigorously.

Moreover, Wei Wei's magic performance was very special. The reason why Xu Ziling described her as radical was not because of anything else, but because she was silent on the stage when she didn't make a move, and she would definitely surprise everyone when she made a move.

Like the most classic card magic, Wei Wei directly used the cards as flying carpets. The palm-sized cards became dozens of times larger out of thin air, and even flew up. It is hard to imagine how many miniature original parts Wei Wei stuffed into these cards when making them. The skill of changing the size at will was enough to surprise everyone.

The rest, there is also the water prison escape. Have you ever seen a beautiful girl magician lock herself in a water prison and then punch the water prison into pieces? Especially when the water removed from the water dungeon was about to rush to the audience, it instantly turned into flying pigeons, ribbons and fireworks. This amazing scene was even just part of Wei Wei's performance.

From a rational point of view, it seems to be against scientific common sense for a water droplet picture that was originally a dead object to turn into a living pigeon... But the person performing magic at this moment is Wei Wei, so it is reasonable for her to do this.

Well... Unconsciously, no matter what anti-physical operations Wei Wei performed on the magic field, it seems to be attributed to the fact that she can do it because she is Wei Wei.

This point is particularly similar to the fact that it is not surprising that Mebius can develop any medicine.

On the other side of the magic field.

MEI and his group also watched the magic show here.

It's just that because they don't know Wei Wei and don't have VIP tickets, they can only sit a little bit to the side.

Even so, Su and Kevin used their hand speed after being single for 18 years to snatch it from the hands of the group of scalpers.

"Oh my god! Uncle Long, MEI and Su, you saw it too! The magician's head just turned into a rocket and flew out!"

Kevin widened his eyes and quickly expressed his surprise and astonishment to his companions.


MEI pushed his glasses and said,

"Calm down, Kevin, if you look carefully, the magician

It doesn't seem to be a human... Uh, I mean, the Ms. Weiwei we see at this moment should be a bionic robot. As for her, she should be behind the scenes controlling everything on the stage.

However, the bionic level of this magic robot seems to be even higher than the advanced robot inside the Fire Moth... Well, it seems that I have a lot to learn in the future. Father, what do you think... Hmm? Father?"

As MEI said this, he suddenly noticed that there were several figures behind the Thunder Dragon Horse sitting behind him. Their whereabouts were strange, and they seemed to be holding guns in their hands!

Kevin was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He jumped up from his seat and punched the man on the upper... lower... upper... upper jaw.

And the man seemed to be on guard, but his speed attribute was not as fast as Kevin, the ultimate human. After being hit on the upper jaw with a punch that was painful but not harmful, Kevin stole the gun with a monkey-stealing peach!

"Damn! "

Kevin looked at the black muzzle of the gun in his hand, and it was only then that he reacted. He quickly kicked the man to the ground and said,

"Who are you? What are you doing sneaking over here? ?"

"¥%##¥...Fuck! Is this how you yellow-skinned pigs receive guests?"

Unexpectedly, Kevin was alert. The figure who sneaked behind the Thunder Dragon Horse just now started to curse first. After taking off the mask on his face, he revealed a standard American soldier's face and cursed with the lame Shenzhou swear words,

"Captain Chaser Fire Moth ordered... Brat to get out of here!"

"Oh? ? "

Kevin saw that the ugly soldier dared to speak rudely even though his gun was taken away, and he also called him a "yellow-skinned pig". His anger rose immediately, and he kicked him with a kick that was as powerful as twenty years of kung fu, and almost broke the soldier's muscles.

"Xiao Kai!"

Raiden Longma had more experience than MEI and his group, so he knew that no matter what the other party came for, he couldn't make a big deal in a place like a magic show, especially since Kevin's punch had attracted the attention of many viewers at the beginning.

"What happened? What is this guy doing here... Throw the thing you snatched in your hand first."

"Uncle Long! This guy has..."

Before Kevin finished speaking, the soldier said angrily:

"Raiden Longma? Fuck! Finally found you... Our superior has invited you, and you, an old guy, actually have the leisure to watch magic here! Chao! "


Raiden Ryoma was also confused and asked quickly,

"Your boss wants to see you? Which boss?"

"Of course it's our savior of the American continent, the head of the Fire Moth General Category Management Department, Smoker! !"


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