The more you look at the surface, the more you will see.

"Cell decay..."

Xu Ziling muttered to himself. He found that a series of knowledge words and personality thoughts were constantly pouring into his mind, making his brows frown tightly. He muttered to himself,

"First of all, the 'decay' here is not the 'element decay' that is widely known in physics. It's just because 'I' like to call it that, and it was indeed 'I' who first discovered it, so it has to be called that.

Secondly, you may think that my assumption is ridiculous, but the existence of 'Xu Ziling' itself is an unreasonable phenomenon. In order to understand this, 'I' have to overturn the existing 'physics'. Building', return some to the origin, otherwise, if you stick to a circle, you will never get the answer 'outside the circle'.

Let's skip those tedious words and directly say the result. The existence named 'Xu Ziling' has a body structure that is completely different from the 'people' we know. He is more like an unknown creature with a 'human outline'? In short, after the body of this unknown creature came into contact with the sun, his flesh and blood tissues that should be called 'skin' reacted violently with the ultraviolet rays in the sun, but it was not chemical. I will temporarily call this unknown reaction 'cell decay'.

Under 'cell decay', The body structure of 'Xu Ziling' will continuously release huge 'energy', which is so huge that it is difficult to estimate. It can make 'Xu Ziling''s various body muscles usher in a further leap and surge in a short period of time. At the same time, as time goes by, these 'energy' released under cell decay will gradually wrap up every cell of 'Xu Ziling'. Once the 'energy' wraps up the 'cell', it will quickly harden and make the cells inside lose their activity in a short moment... This is from a microscopic perspective.

From an intuitive perspective, the changes brought to 'Xu Ziling' by 'cell decay' should be It is a leap in strength in a short period of time, but if it cannot avoid direct exposure to sunlight for a long time, the existence named 'Xu Ziling' will be sealed as a stone statue again by the 'energy' released by his body... Does this mean that the previous 'my' resuscitation experiment on him can wake him up from the stone statue is completely a coincidence? After all, I don't think that after gaining such a huge power, the price that 'Xu Ziling' needs to pay is just a 'petrification' that can be awakened again.

In summary, more and more precise experiments are needed. "

... These were originally what Mobius thought after seeing the 'golden thread' twisted into a stone pestle in the sun.

But now, it was Xu Ziling who "told" Mobius these words in an incredible way, which made Mobius, as the person involved, feel an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Blanca was confused. She could understand the few professional terms that Xu Ziling just said, but she couldn't understand them together.

But just because she didn't understand didn't mean Mobius didn't understand.

After all, Mobius was the 'party involved'.

Has the matter developed to this extent? Mobius' eyes when he looked at Xu Ziling had completely changed. After suppressing the shock in his heart, he signaled Blanca to go out first.

Blanca did it immediately.

Mobius calmed down again, smiled at Xu Ziling, who was standing there thinking after saying those words, and tried to make himself look more friendly, saying:

"Little white mouse... There is no one else here now. Now, can you tell me why those theories that should have been only in my mind appeared in your mouth without missing a word?"

Xu Ziling fell into deep thought, holding his chin with one hand, looking at his body from time to time, rubbing his golden hair, and his eyes were also erratic.

The eyes of Mobius opposite her were also erratic.

God knows what kind of psychological pressure she is under at this moment. The theoretical idea that just came into her mind was actually uttered by a person who had just known her for less than two days and had just revived from the stone statue underground. This matter can no longer be described as weird. Even Mobius's brain went blank for a moment after hearing Xu Ziling's words.

Xu Ziling was silent and looked at his hands.

As his mind moved, these extremely feminine and slender hands actually moved further.

His steps became whiter, and his bone structure also changed quietly.

Not only his hands, but also Xu Ziling's face, hair, and even every inch of his body.

His waist-length golden hair slowly faded, replaced by emerald green hair, and his green pupils were replaced by iridescent snake pupils. His height decreased, but on his face, there was a hint of the evil smile that Mobius was familiar with.

Because that was the smile that Mobius often showed.

And what "Xu Ziling" now has is the evil smile of "Mobius".

Mobius looked at the "Mobius" in front of him, his iridescent pupils shrank slightly, and he wanted to say something, but he felt his brain was a mess. What happened in front of her had overturned everything she knew, and she froze in the same place for a while.

Fortunately, this weird scene did not last too long.

About two or three minutes later, Xu Ziling's body began to wriggle, and the face that was exactly the same as Mobius in front of him also faded away quickly as the muscles wriggled like the receding sea water. The waist-length golden hair and green pupils reappeared on his body, making him return to his original appearance.


After frowning and thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling looked at Mobius and said,

"I think we should have a good talk."

Seeing this, Mobius swallowed his saliva to ease his mind, and a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes when he looked at Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling sighed helplessly as if he had completely understood Mobius' inner thoughts, and said:

"Don't be nervous, Doctor. I fully understand your shock and fear after your cognition has been overturned... After I guessed this result, I also felt the hidden danger of this power.

But I don't think this should affect our relationship... After all, if I had evil thoughts about you, I would have massacred the entire institute as soon as I woke up, right?"

Mobius swallowed again, looked at Xu Ziling, and after pondering for a moment, he said:

"So... is it really what I imagined?"


Xu Ziling answered without hesitation,

"So, I chose to put this I will tell you the whole story, Doctor, instead of hiding the truth from you. After all... after mimicking the doctor's DNA, I deeply realized that you are definitely the most advanced and crazy biologist in the world. If even your "madness" can't accommodate me, then I think there is probably no one in the world who can accommodate my existence. "

"DNA mimicry... just relying on blood, you can perfectly copy the other person's face, thinking, and even personal consciousness and behavioral knowledge... You call this kind of heaven-defying ability DNA mimicry?"

After taking a deep look at Xu Ziling, Mobius sighed and said,

"This is too ridiculous... Let me talk for a moment, Xiaobai... or Mr. Xu Ziling, we really should have a good talk. "

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