The other side.

As soon as Mobius screamed when he was attacked by the "golden thread", Alysia came out of the kitchen on tiptoe after adjusting the fire temperature. At this moment, she was holding Blanca, who had just walked out of the living room of the small building, and eavesdropped.

But after listening to the conversation between the two people on the other side of the wall, she was confused.

"Little Blanca... what did you say... Professor Mobius and Xiao Ziling just talk about?"

Alysia lowered her voice and asked Blanca in her arms.

Because they were eavesdropping, they only heard the conversation between Mobius and Xu Ziling just now, but did not see the specific picture, which caused the key doubt at this moment.


Blanca also scratched his face and whispered,

"Miss Alicia, what exactly does DNA mimicry mean... Sorry, I have never heard the doctor say it before, or seen this word in some documents, and I don't know what it is..."

Perhaps, Alicia and Blanca can easily guess something by listening to the name, but as Mobius said, this ability is too absurd, so absurd that humans are not willing to face it at all, and then ignore that possibility and the "real answer".

"Well... Miss Alicia, I actually have one more thing to tell you."

"Hmm? What is it, Blanca, don't be nervous, I am happy to listen to my friends' stories♪~"

"Ah, oh... It's not a big deal, I just want to tell you... The European breakfast recipe you learned in the Fire Moth cannot be applied to the Chinese style at the same time... If you don't go back to the kitchen now, the breakfast will be mushy..."



Xu Ziling and Mobius took the compartment elevator of this small building and came to the underground research institute connected to it.

After locking the main door of the institute, Mebius looked at Xu Ziling. Her cyan snake eyes were not sure what she was thinking. After a while, she said, "I think I should be thankful... Alicia interrupted my research on your cells yesterday. Otherwise, I would have gone crazy after getting the research results last night, right? DNA mimicry... Your description is quite appropriate. But I hope that you really only mimic DNA... In that case, I at least don't have to bear such a huge mental pressure as I do now." "The truth will come out soon, Doctor." Xu Ziling shook his head and said, "Some things that are destined to be leaked don't need to be concealed... Besides, I really realized this extra ability of my body just now after I came into contact with your blood."


Mobius lifted his chin with one hand, his iridescent snake pupils staring at Xu Ziling's green eyes, and said,

"Can you really perfectly copy the other person's memory, thinking, knowledge, and even living habits with just one drop of blood?"

"The doctor's answer is correct, but it's not that exaggerated..."

Xu Ziling shook his head slightly and said,

"DNA mimicry can only allow me to copy the other person's face and thinking... I can't talk about memory. Just now, I subconsciously copied the doctor's DNA and used the doctor's thinking inertia to make this body "unconsciously" say so many professional terms."

"So the reason why you knew what I was thinking at that time was because you simulated my thinking inertia and put your consciousness into my perspective?"

Mobius asked again.


After Xu Ziling answered, both sides fell silent again.

There are not many people in the world who can make Mobius completely silent, and now, Xu Ziling is one of them.

However, if we look at it from Mobius's perspective, it is not difficult for Xu Ziling to guess what she is afraid of.

A controlled and obedient experimental subject, the doctor will focus on his research;

A controlled but unwilling experimental subject, the doctor will be very interested in him;

An uncontrolled experimental subject with particularly terrifying abilities, Mobius may also let go and use her own life to fight for a chance to study higher organisms.

But Mobius is a doctor of biology, not a blind gambler, she can't gamble on the tiny probability every time.

Because she really doesn't want and doesn't want... One day when she wakes up, she or the people around her will be killed by others

Replaced silently.

In short, Mobius, who has not seen the existence of the "Herrser", lacks a sense of security for Xu Ziling's almost unreasonable special ability, a sense of security that allows her to study Xu Ziling with confidence and boldness.

Although it is very fucked up, this is indeed a normal plot extended under common sense.

As for the power of his body, Xu Ziling himself is actually helpless.

He should have thought of it earlier, vampires, pillar men, heroic power and precise movements, in that hot-blooded anime series "The Keyhole Watches Mom", he should have thought that this body would also have the ability to simulate the power of other creatures through blood. Instead of waiting for the blood to splash on his hands, he reacted to this power intuitively, otherwise, he had a hundred ways to avoid the current plot.

But fortunately, it is not too late to confess to Mobius now.

Mobius lacks a sense of security, so I will give it to her.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling looked at the silent Mobius and said:

"Doctor, I deeply understand your thoughts now. My power is indeed extraordinary and terrifying. It is so terrifying that it can completely replace another person silently... Mediocre people will be afraid after seeing my power, but Bozhi, I don't think you who rescued me from the stone statue are also mediocre."

Hearing this, Mobius hugged his chest and looked at Xu Ziling without saying a word, meaning that Xu Ziling should continue speaking.

Xu Ziling shrugged and said:

"First of all, Doctor, as you said, although my power is amazing and terrifying, it will be firmly in my hands, and the probability of losing control can be ignored. The fact that I can talk to you properly like this now, instead of directly becoming "another you" after mimicking your DNA, is not the best proof?

My power will not change me because of its use. The only difference is that when running DNA mimicry, I will bring a part of other people's thinking habits. And when the mimic DNA is removed, I will still be me, and can only be I. I can still talk to the doctor like this, isn't that the best proof? "

Mobius raised his eyebrows and said:

"But if I want to study you... human experiments are inevitable. If you go berserk during the experiment, who will bear the consequences?"

"Of course you will bear it. After all, the doctor should be responsible for his research creation."

Xu Ziling reached without thinking, and then added,

"But Dr. Mobius, as the most advanced and crazy biologist of this era, I don't believe you are unwilling to take even this little responsibility. You are just worried about my Inhuman strength... But don't worry, I will never forget your kindness in saving me from the underground. As long as you are responsible for me, I will definitely be responsible for you. Do you understand what I mean? Dr. Mebius. "

"Of course I understand this... But I need time, little white mouse."

Mebius shook his head slightly, then picked up an empty test tube on the laboratory table behind him and said,

"Also, little white mouse, I don't know why, why do you always label me as 'extremely evil'... You just imitated my behavior habits, so you should understand that all the experiments I did were It will be carried out only with the consent of the experimenter. I think I am not "extremely evil" now, at most I am a little paranoid...

Although it is ironic, I am just a weak human being now... I don't have the "extremely evil" you said to prompt me to directly accept your supernatural abilities... I need time.

Little white mouse, wait a little longer, I will give you an accurate answer in a few days. "

Xu Ziling shook his head helplessly. Compared with the snakes in the paradise of later generations, the current big snakes are obviously more "human", which is both the advantage and disadvantage of the big snakes.

After all, the time Xu Ziling and Mobius met was too short. If he and Mobius had been together for as long as Alicia and Mobius, it is estimated that Xu Ziling would not need to say anything more. Mobius himself could find a reason to overturn his hesitant emotions in a very short time.

Although Mobius now regards Xu Ziling as the most valuable research data, he is still wary of her. Xu Ziling knows that nothing he says now can change Mobius's heart, so he can only give her time to adapt slowly.

However, adapting is adapting, Xu Ziling certainly can't watch Mobius put this "in a few days"

"Bar" flag stood down, after thinking for a moment, Xu Ziling stepped forward and held Mobius's hand, saying:

"Doctor, if this is your choice, then I respect it. I won't say anything extra, I just want to tell you one more sentence, a sentence that was widely circulated in my time... When you have the opportunity to make a choice, remember not to let yourself regret it. "

Don't let yourself... regret it?

Mobius suddenly laughed, sometimes she really felt that this little white mouse always had a mysterious expectation for her, and the degree of its expectation was so high that Mobius, who still regarded herself as a "human" at that time, almost couldn't breathe.

However, Mobius found that whenever she wanted to reject Xu Ziling's expectations, she would always feel a kind of decadence in her heart... Now it's the same, it's just like, in the future, she really reached the height that Xu Ziling expected...

Under this fateful hint in her heart, Mobius figured out a lot, but now, she still lacks a "rein" "... a "rein" that is harder than a "forced kiss", so hard that even if Xu Ziling explodes in an experimental boat later, he can rely on this "rein" to firmly tie Xu Ziling's inner ethics.

So what kind of "material" should this harder "rein" be made of...

Mobius suddenly raised his head, as if he had thought of something, and a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his blue-iris eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a firmness.

So, she looked at Xu Ziling, coughed twice, waved to Xu Ziling, and said:

"... Little white mouse, come closer."


Xu Ziling was a little confused, but he did it anyway.


Mobius coughed twice again, tiptoed to Xu Ziling's ear, and whispered:

"Little white mouse, you should not have a girlfriend now... What do you think of me?"

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