The sound of a whirlwind came out, and the sound of a whirlwind came out.

"Ding ding ding!"

Mobius's cell phone suddenly rang rapidly. Mobius, who was holding a candied haws without the image of a doctor, frowned slightly and took out his cell phone to check.

Should I say it was unexpected or not unexpected at all, that guy Alicia was willing to call me.

"Little white mouse, I'll take a call."

After patting Xu Ziling's shoulder, Mobius slowly walked to the side and answered the call.

Before Mobius could speak, an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone-

"Hello, hello, Dr. Mobius? You are with Xiao Ziling now, right? Are you still in the institute?"

It was rare to hear Alicia's hurried and hurried voice. Mobius was a little surprised, but he still subconsciously replied:

"Alicia, I don't think I should be obliged to report to you where Xiaobaishu and I are going."

After thinking for a moment, Mobius added :

"You don't have to wait for me and the little white mouse to come back tonight. There is hot takeout in the refrigerator. If you are hungry, just heat it up and eat it yourself."

"Hey hey hey... Dr. Mobius! That's not what I meant... Anyway, you are with Xiao Ziling now, but classmate Klein is still in the institute, right? You..."

"Bang! Boom!"

Before Mobius heard Alicia finish her words, he only heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground and Alicia's exclamation from the other end of the phone.


At this moment, Mebius realized that Alicia was not joking this time, so he immediately asked,

"Alicia, what are you doing now? Is there any danger around you?"

"Yes... but... oh... I can't explain the scene in front of me for a while... Anyway, anyway! Dr. Mebius, you and Xiao Ziling should return to the institute as quickly as possible to find Xiao Klein! Then let Xiao Ziling protect you, his power should be... Hey!!!"

"Beep beep beep..."

At the end of the call, Mebius only heard a sound of breaking air and Alicia's exclamation from the other end of the phone, and then the phone was forced to hang up.

"Doctor, is it a call from Alicia?"

Xu Ziling also noticed something unusual at this time. After passing through the bustling crowd around him, he stood with Mebius and asked,

"Did something happen?"

Mebius frowned, put away his phone, looked around, then looked at Xu Ziling and said:

"Little white mouse... I admit that you did bring me a lot of surprises today. But now... we have to stop tonight's joy.

Alicia just called, and judging from her tone, if nothing unexpected happened... the accident has already happened. We are now rushing back to the institute to check on Klein's situation."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling's eyes changed slightly.

The first major collapse outbreak mentioned by the system... has it come?

Although I was indeed prepared... but for most people, the collapse outbreak was still extremely abrupt. It was as if they were still working well yesterday, and the next day the company building was razed to the ground by the collapse beast... This kind of operation can only be said to be worthy of collapse.

"I understand."

Xu Ziling nodded to Mobius, stretched out his right hand to Mobius, and said,

"Doctor, hold me tight."


Mobius was stunned for a moment, and smiled helplessly after reacting. After giving Xu Ziling a look of "you are worthy of it", he took the initiative to move over.

Seeing that Sheshe had understood everything, Xu Ziling stopped talking nonsense, and quickly put his hands under the legs behind Mobius's back, picked her up like a princess, and her body, which had swallowed countless nutrients tonight and urgently needed to vent, burst out with incredible power at this moment, and flew out like a platinum lightning, quickly closing the distance between herself and the institute!


At the same time, on the other side.

"Heh... ha... things are really developing into something boring..."

Alicia held her chest with one hand and panted slightly, looking at her mobile phone that had been smashed into pieces by the white monster not far away, and shook her head with a little regret.

"Hehehe... Roar, roar, roar!... Chirp, chirp! Yay!!"

A strange cry came from the other side of Alicia, like a roar and a laugh. It sounded like a crazy performance by one person, but also like the crazy sound of countless overlapping voices.

Chaotic music.

And such music was accompanied by waves of dragging sounds that made people's teeth ache...

In response, Alicia just sighed helplessly, then lifted her pink hair, and a little pink light began to condense into a longbow in her palm.

"Roar, roar, roar... Hehehe! Hehehe... Gaga..."

And the weird sound that made people tremble in their hearts continued.

When the dragging sound reached the end of this suburban alley, the owner of the sound finally revealed his true face.

...It was a gray-white "meat ball" that was 20 meters high.

To be was a huge "corpse mountain" made of countless corpses as the basis, and the hideous purple lines as silk threads, which were stitched together.

At a glance, there were at least hundreds of these corpses, including young and middle-aged people, children, and even old people and women.

Without exception, these corpses, which had been stitched together into a huge meat ball by the thread of collapse, all had a smile under their deeply sunken eye sockets that made them feel creepy...

Yes, when these people were alive, they experienced the darkness of society. None of them dared to be driven out to resist. They were all poor people who had to smooth their edges under the oppression of society. Weakness was their only fate.

But now, these people are dead... After their death, the miracle caused by "God" allowed them to share each other's limbs. 'I' can speak well, so 'I' is 'your' mouth, 'you' can run and jump, so 'you' is 'my' legs, 'he' can see and look, so 'he' is my eyes.

They shared each other's limbs and strengths... After death, they became a whole, a "perfect" existence without any defects.

After noticing that Alicia stopped running, the corpse mountain monster let out an excited roar, but the smiling faces on its body spoke at the same time, making different sounds. In the corner of the thousands of human voices, what finally fell into Alicia's ears was only the disturbing noise.

However, looking at the actions of this corpse mountain monster that had been eroded by the collapse energy and turned gray, Alicia could guess that they wanted her to join them and become a part of their "perfect" collective.

"Hehehe!...Hahaha! Roar...Hehehe..."

The monster was still roaring.

"Sorry...Miss Fairy's body has to be kept to meet more lovely humans...I can't merge with you yet?"

After making a joke to herself and relieving the tension of the battle, Alicia looked at the corpse mountain monster that had fallen into rage because of her answer and was using these "hands" or "feet" to crawl towards her like crazy. After taking a deep breath, she immediately drew the longbow in her hand! ——

“Hey, Su, guess what?”

At the same time, Qianyu College, the boys’ dormitory.

Feeling inexplicably irritated, Kevin, who couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, woke up his clinical student Su and said,

“I still think that what happened a few days ago is a bit strange. If the parents of Klein’s classmate wanted to give Klein a surprise, they wouldn’t have to put him in a sack and carry him away, right?”

“Uh… huh?”

Su, who was originally sleeping soundly, was woken up by his good brother Kevin. Hearing the other party’s still unreliable tone, he immediately slapped the other party’s hand away in a rage and said,

“Kevin… first of all, I need to tell you, We have done our best in that matter. The police have warned us not to continue investigating. Even Klein has returned to the college once to declare that he is fine. She is not kidnapped now, but is studying with Professor Snake who came to our school to give lectures a few days ago. The future is limitless. Sometimes I really don’t understand what you are worried about.

Secondly... Kevin, I have a bad temper when I wake up. It’s time to go to bed. Please be quiet. "

After saying that, Su slapped Kevin's hand away, pulled his quilt over, and fell asleep.

You know, his nickname among classmates is the master of health preservation, and the most taboo thing for a master of health preservation is to mess up his biological clock.

"Eh? No, Su, don't sleep? I can't sleep, can you chat for a while?"

Kevin quickly reached out and shook Su's body again, but this time Su had indeed directly covered his head with the quilt, determined to ignore any action of Kevin.

Kevin was completely at his wit's end. It's not that he hadn't thought about going to bed, but the lights in Qianyu College High School were turned off at 10:30 p.m. Kevin didn't know why, but he felt extremely irritated and insisted on lying on his bed.

He had been lying there for nearly five hours without falling asleep. It was already three o'clock. If he couldn't fall asleep, the alarm would ring.

After thinking for a while, Kevin felt that this was not a good idea. Although with his physique, not to mention staying up all night, not sleeping for three consecutive days would not have any physical effects, but he would be upset if he couldn't stand it.

With this in mind, Kevin decided to get out of bed and walk around the playground, just to relax.

Of course, Qianyu College does not allow people to leave the dormitory at night, but our Prince Kai has his own secret passage.

After getting dressed and leaving the dormitory, Kevin, who was familiar with the way, avoided the dozing eyes of the dormitory manager as always, and came to the end of the dormitory corridor.

The anti-theft window at the end of the corridor can be pushed outward because the screws are loose. This is something Kevin learned shortly after entering school.

The door of the dormitory building was locked, and only the dormitory manager had the key, so the success rate of directly climbing through the window was infinitely higher than stealing... no, borrowing the dormitory manager's key.

Kevin and Su's dormitory building was on the third floor. If they jumped directly from this height, they would be half-dead if not dead, but Kevin was physically strong. After flipping out, he used the air conditioner outside the dormitory building and the wall as a relay point, and landed on the ground from the height of the third floor in a few steps.

If you want to go back, just jump back the same way you came out.


After Kevin landed on the ground steadily, he took a long breath, smiled and said,

"The air outside is much better than in the dormitory...Okay Kevin, calm down and take a walk now. In a few days, it will be the day agreed with MEI. You can't let your bad mood continue. Let's go to the playground for a run first...Hmm?"

Kevin, who was about to run on the playground to burn off his excess energy, suddenly found that in this dark sky, there was a figure standing on the playground that should have been empty...No, to be precise, the figure was sitting on the stone benches on both sides of the playground, looking up at the night, and I don't know what he was doing.

This scene instantly aroused the extremely righteous heroic heart of high school Kevin. Just as he was about to open his mouth to scold the suspicious figure, two voices suddenly rose in his mind-

Ah, right, right, Kevin, you are a hero, you should jump out and fight the gangster now.

Ah, wrong, wrong, Kevin, heroes are not equal to reckless men. Meaningless shouting will only arouse the other party's vigilance. Now quietly follow and press F to stun and kill!

After hearing the last sentence in his mind, Kevin suddenly felt powerful. After praising himself for being so smart, he quietly leaned over and approached to catch the suspicious figure in the act.

Closer... The suspicious figure sitting on the stone bench in the playground in the middle of the night did not notice his presence. This is good news.

Closer... Closer... Okay! The position is right! Press F to stun and kill!

"Ah!... Uh!"

It can be seen that the suspicious figure was startled. She was caught from behind by Kevin without any defense. Kevin was about to show a proud smile after being a hero, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Eh? No... Why does this person's voice sound so familiar? And this feel... Damn!

"F*ck! MEI?!"

After seeing the true face of the suspicious figure in the moonlight, Kevin was startled and quickly released his hands that were holding MEI from behind.


MEI, who was also frightened, was furious when he saw that the person who came was Kevin. He turned around and hit Kevin's shoulders twice.

"Why are you running on the playground in the middle of the night? Do you think scaring me will make you happy?"

"Ah... No... I... I just saw a suspicious figure on the playground and thought..."

Kevin was speechless for a while, but his mind suddenly became clear for no reason, and he said with a hammer,

"Yes, MEI, why are you on the playground in the middle of the night instead of sleeping in the dormitory? Oh, I I thought someone with bad intentions had broken into our campus again."


MEI was speechless for a moment. After thinking for a while, she looked at Kevin and said,

"Tell me why you are here, Kevin."


Kevin scratched his head and said truthfully,

"I just felt upset and couldn't sleep, so I thought of going out for a walk to relax. MEI, since you are here too, are you also here to relax?"


MEI nodded. She did choose to walk out of the dormitory building to relax because she couldn't sleep.

"Ha! Then let's go out.

The two of them really have a tacit understanding, and they can concentrate their insomnia on the same day. "

After Kevin laughed,

"Then MEI, since we both can't sleep, why don't we take a walk together? Chat and kill time."

However, MEI frowned, and her eyes under her round-framed glasses stared at Kevin. After thinking for a moment, she said:

"Kevin, do you think... does there exist a kind of dream in this world that is so real that it can be mistaken for a real dream?"


Kevin was a little confused, and after thinking for a moment, he said,

"It should be... But won't everything be clear when you wake up? By the way, MEI, why do you suddenly ask this?"


MEI's face was a little embarrassed at the moment. After thinking for a moment, she pointed her finger behind Kevin and said,

"Because of this scene now, except for dreams... I really can't think of a second explanation."

"? ! "

Kevin turned his head in surprise and suddenly found that an unknown monster that was five meters tall, standing on all fours, with a twisted and strange body, a head that seemed to be burning with a lightless purple flame, and a bright purple pupil, had appeared behind him!!

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