The monster was so scared that he was about to die.


Kevin, who was shocked by the sudden horror scene, shouted subconsciously, and then punched the monster's jaw.

The tank-level Honkai Beast immediately showed a disdainful look when he saw this. It was so funny. Although this car is not fully developed, it is also five meters tall. With your weak human body, you want to hit this car... ! !

"@%#... car...!!"

With Kevin's powerful punch directly hitting the tank-level Honkai Beast's jaw, the tank-level Honkai Beast, which was originally calm and composed, was immediately hit with a crooked face, and its face was almost broken.

The Che Che who had reacted immediately uttered a series of obscure words. In a rage, it drove its thick forearms, wanting to crush this ignorant human into a pulp!

"Fuck! What the hell is this?!"

Feeling the gray-white forearm whistling at him, Kevin could not care about his image as a great prince for a moment. He swore and narrowly avoided the surprise attack from the tank-level Honkai beast by bending over.

The attack failed, and the fierce light in the eyes of the tank-level Honkai beast became even more fierce. It obviously had no mouth, but there was a hot airflow in the air like a bull's panting. The next moment, it shouted to the sky: "Che Che!!!" and attacked Kevin again!


This strange gray-white four-legged monster appeared so suddenly that Kevin still couldn't understand why he suddenly fought with this gray-white unknown monster. He just cleverly dodged the attack of the tank-level Honkai beast while shouting to MEI:

"MEI!! Don't stand there stupidly! Go! Go to a safe place, I will try to lead this monster away!!"

MEI stared at the monster that suddenly appeared, and his purple pupils flickered, as if he recalled some papers he had seen in this moment.

This monster... Why did it appear so suddenly? And... Why is it the same as the one in the professor's paper...? If I could get a little sample of it...

MEI's eyes were bright and dark, and the expectation of academic research in his heart overwhelmed the fear at this moment.

Kevin felt like crying when he saw this. He found the right opportunity and kicked the tank-class Honkai beast on the head, causing it to faint for a short time. Then he did a backflip in the air and landed beside MEI. He pulled up MEI's hand and said:

"Are you scared, MEI? Go! It's dangerous here!!"

"Ah!... Sorry."

MEI then reacted instinctively and discovered something. After his pupils contracted, he suddenly pulled Kevin's arm.

Kevin staggered, but the next moment, there was a "boom!" sound, and the tank-class Honkai beast's sturdy forelimbs fell where Kevin had just stood. If it weren't for MEI's pull, Kevin would probably be half-dead if not dead.

"Oh my... It was a close call."

Kevin, who reacted, was thankful while holding MEI and quickly retreating. But he never thought that as soon as he stabilized his body, the tank-class Honkai beast attacked again.


The tank-class Honkai beast saw that this weak human was not fully responding to its attack, and was even worried about another weaker human. It was furious after being fed a mouthful of dog food. Cheche also has the right to drive! I don't want to be a light bulb! !

Kevin had no choice but to push MEI out of his arms, turned over and kicked away the front limbs of the tank-level Honkai beast and deflected it. After stabilizing his body again, he shouted to MEI,

"MEI! Go! I'll stop this big guy, you go find the teacher... No! It's useless to find a teacher in this situation. The more people there are, the easier it is to attract firepower. You should contact your father or the police first and ask them to send someone to protect you... Oh my gosh!"

Kevin hadn't finished speaking yet, and because of his impatience, the tank-level Honkai beast caught the opportunity. For the ideal of every single car, this tank-level Honkai beast used [Beast Fist] on Kevin!

Kevin was directly knocked out by the powerful punch from the five-meter monster. There was no shelter on the empty playground. Kevin could only barely adjust his body and land on his stronger shoulders, but he couldn't prevent the rough rubber track on the playground from causing serious scratches on his shoulders.



Seeing this, MEI screamed out in surprise, and at the same time, her heart tightened. Seeing Kevin injured, she realized that the danger had really come. The tension from the heart overwhelmed her usual wisdom and calmness. For a moment, she didn't know what to think. She quickly bypassed the attack range of the tank-level Honkai beast and ran to Kevin to check his injuries.

"Um... cough cough!... I'm fine..."

Kevin laughed dryly and got up from the ground, but blood kept flowing out of the corners of his mouth. It was not a good feeling to face the impact of a tank-level Honkai beast head-on. Even with Kevin's extraordinary physique, his internal organs were displaced. It was the best case that he didn't die instantly or have his ribs broken on the spot.

However, after Kevin realized that it was MEI who helped him up, he was furious. He pushed MEI away and shouted:

"MEI, what are you doing, MEI! Where is your normal brain? Don't you understand that staying here will only cause me trouble! Go! Go quickly! Don't let me scold you!!"


Hearing this, MEI was stunned. Now she realized how stupid her behavior was just now. But she just felt that after seeing Kevin injured, she had an indescribable emotion in her heart. This emotion made her not run away at the first time, but rushed over to check Kevin's injuries.

"Che! Che Che! Che Che Che Che Che!"

Looking at this standard dog food, the chariot-level Honkai beast, who was just a child, suddenly felt that he was going to explode. This Che Che was just born and had not had time to destroy the world. I saw you two spreading dog food in front of this Che. Have you considered the feelings of me, a single Che? ! !

Cars should also have driving rights, bastards! !

Thinking of this, the furious tank-level Honkai beast raised its two thick cylindrical arms. At first glance, its stupid posture seemed a little silly, but in fact, it was charging its signature skill - Honkai Trampling! !

At this point, MEI also realized that staying here would only become a burden to Kevin, so he quickly escaped from the trampling range of the tank-level Honkai beast under Kevin's cover. Before leaving, he hesitated again, then turned around and shouted to Kevin:

"Kevin! Hold on! After I get in touch with my father, I will ask him to contact the military and send someone back to rescue you!"

"Ha! That's it, we haven't even received the certificate yet, so let me owe my father-in-law a favor first?"

Kevin smiled and stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a laugh.


MEI was a little embarrassed by Kevin's actions. Why did this guy persuade her to be rational one second ago, and then he laughed the next moment? But considering the current situation, MEI changed her words and said,

"You... hold on! I will come back to save you as soon as possible... You must wait for me!!"

"Haha! Don't worry, I haven't met your parents with you yet. And I, Kevin, am a hero, and heroes will not die in such a mediocre place!"

Hearing Kevin's still unreliable words, MEI gritted her teeth in anger, clenched her fists and then loosened them. In the end, she still made a choice and took advantage of the opportunity Kevin fought for her to quickly escape from the playground of Qianyu Academy.


The next moment, the ultimate move of the chariot-level Honkai beast had been charged. Its originally silly and cute body suddenly swelled with purple lines that seemed to be rubbed into blood vessels and meridians. The terrifying power was fully infused into the fists, and it smashed down towards the ground!


The huge trampling sound raised a large amount of smoke and dust, and tore apart the fantasy of a better life for those who were still sleeping in the night, telling them the bloody fact that the collapse had already come.

The ground under Kevin's feet cracked instantly, and the tank-level collapse beast with purple blood vessels all over its gray-white body was roaring at an unprecedented speed!


Kevin snorted lightly and immediately dodged. Looking at the tank-level collapse beast that had transformed from its initial stupid state into a beast, Kevin's expression gradually calmed down and muttered to himself,

"Very good, MEI is gone, on average, I will fight this big guy alone... Then this wave of advantage is mine."


The collapse beast roared and charged at Kevin again!

And Kevin's legs exerted force instantly, and after jumping high to avoid damage, he punched the collapse beast's hind legs with a punch that was not to be outdone!



Time, on the other side.

As Xu Ziling punched out, a collapsed beast that looked to have the power of a temple was instantly annihilated by his unreasonable physical strength after devouring countless foods!

"Tsk, suddenly born... lingering... is this the collapse..."

At the main entrance of the institute, Mobius, who had seen countless collapse beasts rushing out of the inconspicuous alleys or houses and wreaking havoc while being carried back to the institute by Xu Ziling, curled his lips, then waved to Xu Ziling outside the main entrance of the institute and said,

"Little white mouse! Hold back your strength next time you hit them, don't always beat them into minced meat with one punch. Even if I collect the flesh and blood tissue that has been rotten into mud, it will be difficult to study."

Beside Mobius, Klein, staring at a pair of dark circles under his eyes, looked at the unknown gray-white monsters gathering around him in fear. He shook his body in fear, hid behind Mobius, and whispered:

"Bo... Doctor... Should we retreat first? These suddenly appearing... the existence you call the collapse beasts... seem to be very scary..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Mobius patted Klein's with relief. Shoulder, said,

"Didn't you see that the little white mouse has already opened the Wushuang? Don't worry, the power of the man I am optimistic about is much stronger than you think, and it is more than enough to protect the two of us."


It would have been better if Mobius hadn't said it. After he said it, Klein was even more scared. She looked at the mosquito-shaped monsters flying like a flock of birds outside the small building, and the monsters in the distance that were frantically destroying the concrete building, and then looked at Xu Ziling who easily harvested their lives in such a group of monsters. She was so scared that she squatted on the spot, hugged her head with both hands, and said hesitantly,

"Doctor...can normal people really have such terrible power...I...why do I feel that Assistant Professor Xu...he is more terrifying than those Honkai beasts? Is he really still a human?"


Hearing this, Mobius' eyes changed slightly. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his right hand, bent his fingers into a bow, and knocked Klein's forehead hard!


Klein felt pain, but before she could react, Mobius's scolding reached her ears——

"Klein, did I hear you right? You are questioning the human identity of the little white mouse?... Have you forgotten who rescued you and me from the hands of the criminals a month ago? And who has been accompanying you and taking care of you in the past month? Don't tell me you have forgotten! Even if you really say that, I won't believe it."

Mobius put his hands on his waist, looked at Klein angrily, and scolded,

"And now, you are questioning his human identity because of the inhuman power displayed by the little white mouse? Haha... Klein, open your eyes and take a good look. It is true that the little white mouse does have inhuman power, but his power Did it hit you? No? The fact is just the opposite. The little white mouse is using his power to protect us. We are the ones being protected by him. Since when did the protected person have the right to question the guardian?

Of course... Klein, you are only eighteen years old this year. Your mind is immature and it is normal to be afraid of unknown things. This is the first time, so forget it. But if I hear you question the identity of the little white mouse as a human being next time... Hehe, I will be very disappointed in you, Klein. "

"I... um..."

As Mebius said, Klein was too young at that time. She didn't understand many things well enough and couldn't handle them perfectly. Just like now, after being scolded by Mebius, she just lowered her head in fear and shame, instead of reflecting on her behavior just now.

And Mebius also knew that it would take a long time to train Klein, so he couldn't be impatient. After thinking for a while, Mebius reached out and rubbed Klein's hair, saying:

"Tsk... Klein, if you really can't understand, just think about my identity. I am Mebius, the craziest and most authoritative Mebius of this era... and Little White Mouse, he is my man.

That's right, it was me, the 'mad doctor', who gave my man the power of an 'inhuman monster'. You can blame everything on me, as long as you can accept it more."

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