At the same time.

In the car.

According to Mobius's request, Xu Ziling deliberately slowed down the car to whet the appetite of the congressmen. He crossed his legs in the back seat of the car. His cell phone was thrown beside him, ready to answer the news of his own doctor at any time. As for himself, he chatted with the system in his mind.

It's so funny. Can a cell phone be as fun as a system?


[Yes... yes...]

? Why did you become so timid when you speak?

[Um... I... well, okay, host. I was actually mainly afraid that you would scold me for what happened this morning...]

[Have you calmed down... I... I have finished writing my self-review, you can take a look... I am sorry, as a system, I did not manage other modules well... (。•́︿•̀。)]

[——Personal self-review of the system (click to open)]


Xu Ziling turned his attention to the self-review on the system panel, and suddenly a large string of densely packed text appeared. It was probably enough for some authors to save more than a dozen pages. This scared Xu Ziling, and he quickly said in his heart,

No, Tongzi... Tongbao! Did you really write it?

[Did... did something wrong... Don't you need to write a self-review? ]

You... Oh, forget it, just pay attention to yourself and don't make this kind of mistake again in the future.

Before crossing over, as a senior office worker, Xu Ziling had seen many shy college colleagues in the confrontation with the boss, and finally they were squeezed out by the boss. At this moment, he saw the system like this, and he had a similar sense of déjà vu inexplicably.

And for these newly graduated college students, your kind words of comfort will only make these creatures with strong imaginations more imaginative, and thus more afraid. If you want to comfort the other party, the best way is of course to continue to follow the other party's meaning. Isn't she afraid of you? Then let her continue to be afraid.

... Of course, you have to take a look at the self-criticism she wrote, even if it's just for show, otherwise these college students will definitely be able to imagine an 800-word essay of "I'm done!"

Therefore, facing the system that was also new, Xu Ziling sighed and clicked on the self-criticism written by the other party. Even if it was just for show, he had to at least read it for a while, so as not to waste the system's efforts.

System, it's OK as long as you know you're wrong. Go to the side and let me read your self-review.


Xu Ziling in the car also took advantage of the AI ​​automatic navigation of the unmanned car to read the self-review written by the system.

...Hey! Don't tell me, the style of the words really looks like something written by a freshly graduated college student, and it's written by the kind of three-good students who are particularly dull in school or dare not commit crimes at all.

Even from this self-review, Xu Ziling can vaguely hear the voice of the naive student begging the teacher to help him get out of here——

Teacher, naive, help out.

The rooftop is cold and scary.

Teacher, wait, help.

Teacher Xu, wait, please help us.

"Tsk tsk tsk... System, you are worthy of it. When I read the article you wrote, it can even fill in the mind. This reminds me of the past..."

Xu Ziling couldn't help but smile and praise his own Tongzi to make it less scared.


However, the system slowly typed out a question mark,

[Reading the article... automatically fill in the mind? Are you talking about... the 'heart encounter' module that can fully understand the host's thoughts? ]

[But... I... I didn't install that module? Unless you make a sound that wants to communicate with me, under normal circumstances, I don't know what you think in your heart...]


Xu Ziling also slowly typed out a question mark, thinking,

"It wasn't you? Then what is this voice in my ear..."

"Assistant Xu! Assistant Xu!! Wait a minute!! Please wait a minute!!" - Kai

"Assistant Xu! Please stay!!!" - Su


After a while,

Xu Ziling got off the car and saw the Kaisu duo, who were exhausted from the long car chase, and his expression gradually became subtle.

"So... you came to me for help?"

After listening to Su's story about his and Kevin's experience, Xu Ziling looked at the pair with a subtle expression and said,

"Kevin, Su, I am only on a business trip this time as requested by the doctor. Why are you so sure that I will have time to help you?

If I remember correctly, we have only met once. "

"Hi! Assistant Xu... Teacher Xu! Don't say that! It is said that meeting is fate."

Kevin was very open and took Xu Ziling's hand and said,

"Since we can meet again in this foreign country, isn't this also a kind of fate? And more importantly... Teacher! No one can save us except you. We are unfamiliar with the place and have lost contact with MEI. You are the only one who can rescue us! "

Hearing this, Xu Ziling just smiled lightly, neither agreeing nor refusing directly.

As a male of the pillar, although Xu Ziling's appearance is a little feminine, in fact, his height is particularly tall. When he just jumped out of the stone statue, he was just over 1.8 meters tall. Now he is 1.85 meters tall. If nothing unexpected happens, he will probably stay at this height in the future.

And this height also makes him look not inferior when facing Kevin, a hero among men. With his back straightened and his hair more fluffy than that of boys, he is even taller than Kevin.

Seeing Xu Ziling's smile that neither agrees nor refuses, Kevin was a little stunned, and then he realized that he was now holding the hand of Assistant Xu, the "national goddess", as a big man. After a look of embarrassment, he quickly let go of his hand and said:

"Ahem... um... well, teacher, I don't have so many thoughts, and I do things a little simply. I may have offended you in some places before, please don't forget it in your heart! If it really doesn't work... I'll apologize to you again now?"

In contrast, Su was not as direct as Kevin. He pondered Xu Ziling's words in his mind, and after looking at the situation here, he spoke:

"Assistant Xu... You just said that you were on a business trip under the order of Professor Snake, right? Kevin and I are now wandering outside, and we are students, so we may not be able to help much... But if you have any sundries or physical needs, Kevin and I will definitely do our best to help you. "

It must be said that Su is indeed a smart man. After thinking about it from their perspective, he knew that "Assistant Xu", who was just a casual acquaintance with them, had no reason to help them. Therefore, it is the right thing to do to show self-worth and create reasons to help, instead of rushing over and shouting like Kevin -

Teacher~Cai Cai~Laolao~

Please, she is an assistant teacher who only taught you one class. She is not really your teacher. Will it work if you shout like this?

Perhaps some people will denounce the ruthlessness of this behavior, but I am sorry, the world has never been as beautiful as people imagine, and indifference is the norm. Including Xu Ziling's impassioned speech in front of the media before, it was just a means to win people's hearts.

However, what Su did not expect was...

"Okay, Kevin, since you said so...then apologize to me."

Xu Ziling took back his hand and hugged his chest, looking at Kevin with interest.

"Ah? "

Kevin was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this "Assistant Xu" would actually appreciate his apology, but after reacting, he quickly bent down 90 degrees and said loudly,

"I'm sorry! Assistant Xu, I was wrong!"

"Well said."

Xu Ziling clapped his hands and continued,

"Then what did you do wrong?"


Kevin was really stunned for a moment. He quickly used his not-so-bright brain and stammered,

"I was wrong...I shouldn't call you "Miss" in class...I was also wrong...I shouldn't have asked for your contact information so brazenly..."

"Yes, but not entirely."

Xu Ziling nodded, then shook his head, and then he pulled Kevin's wrist again and said,

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush with you. I'll tell you the truth, Kevin. You were wrong in that you mistook my gender! Teacher, I am a real man!"

"...Ah?" - Su

"Ah? ? ? " - Kai

"Is this unacceptable?"

After a symbolic "furious outburst", Xu Ziling shrugged, raised his chin, pointed at his Adam's apple, and said,

"Not that bad, right? ...Oh, by the way, the professor Snake you saw before is my doctor and my girlfriend, so Kevin, you stepped on two minefields of mine at the same time, do you understand why I wanted to fight you now?"

"I understand..."

Kevin's blue eyes widened, and he looked up and down at Xu Ziling's national goddess-level face and

Skin better than girls and nearly perfect body curves... If Xu Ziling didn't admit it himself, he would never have imagined that such a perfect goddess could be a boy.

Xu Ziling also glanced at him and said:

"Got it? Then why are you still standing there?"

"I...ah I...I'm sorry!!!!!!!"

And Su was already in a brainstorming session.

Compared to Kevin, who was stupid and couldn't fully understand the current situation, Su obviously had already understood the whole picture of the incident. After the brainstorming session, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that it was a miracle that this assistant Xu didn't just throw them here or punch them right away.

After all, Kevin, who was attending an open class at Qianyu College at the time, strictly speaking, flirted with someone's girlfriend in front of her... and even flirted with Assistant Professor Xu... This...

"Okay, don't think too much, after all, I beat you up at the time, and that matter is just that, just apologize."

After waving his hand, Xu Ziling stood up, opened the door of the unmanned car and sat back, saying,

"If you have nowhere to go, I don't mind giving you a ride, but the premise is... you have to do me a favor."

"What favor?"

Kevin asked subconsciously.

And Xu Ziling's expression gradually became subtle, and he said:

"Tomorrow morning... help me to intimidate a few people. Don't worry, I won't do it, you just need to be responsible for supporting the scene."

"Well... OK!"

Hearing that he was just going to support the scene, Kevin immediately agreed, as if he was afraid that he would miss Xu Ziling's meal ticket because of his hesitation.

However, neither he nor Su knew that Xu Ziling had never intended to let these two go from the beginning...

Although this extremely coincidental plot development made Xu Ziling suspect that it was a script, since Kevin and Su, the pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, had both bumped into his arms, how could he not use them?

Tomorrow, I will take them to a meeting with the members of the Fire Chasing Moth... I really look forward to the expressions of those members after they know that the people who will meet with them today are the future strongest physical warrior and the strongest spiritual warrior of the Fire Chasing Moth.

No, I have to prepare another camera, such pictures must be treasured.

At the very least... Kevin and Su, the two future Fire Chasing Heroes, can also help Xu Ziling complete the daily tasks of tomorrow's system refresh. After all, his system's daily format is "with any Valkyrie/Hero" and so on, and Xu Ziling will not be able to see the Doctor and Ellie tomorrow.

Now with this pair of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, the future is really bright! (Happy)


At this moment, a sudden cry interrupted Xu Ziling's self-reveries.


Then, another one.

Xu Ziling looked to the side and saw Su and Kevin looking at him with embarrassment, as if he was hesitating about how to start.

Xu Ziling smiled helplessly, and naturally would not miss this opportunity to improve his impression of Ying Jie. He stood up and came to the front seat of the car, pointed to the back seat, and said, "Sit down, I'll take you to dinner." Hearing this, Kevin and Su both breathed a sigh of relief. Su nodded to Xu Ziling and said, "Thank you... Assistant Teacher Xu." Kevin was already excited and came over, saying very familiarly, "Hi! Teacher, have you ever eaten noodles? I tell you, that thing is so delicious, why don't we go eat that tonight?" "If I'm the one treating, of course I have the final say on what to eat." In order to prevent these two guys from reproducing the plot of the Monkey King's birth in the first chapter and eating themselves out of money, Xu Ziling waved to them and signaled them to get in the car first, and then talk about what to eat when they get to the specific place. ... About ten minutes passed. Without a moment of grief over the lost money, Xu Ziling, who was walking in front of him, threw three buckets of instant noodles to Kevin and Su. The shop owner had also thoughtfully added hot water and seasonings, so the noodles could be eaten directly after they were cooked. In front of the shop. Su half-crouched on the stairs over there, facing the moonlight from the night sky of Mu Continent, holding the warm noodle bucket in his hand, and began to think about life. "Slurp, slurp..." Kevin next to him wolfed down the noodles before they were fully soaked. "What? Don't you like this?" Xu Ziling also sat down on the front seat of the car with a bowl of instant noodles in his hand and said to Su, "The doctor likes this very much, and I... am almost the same." This is true. Before crossing over, Xu Ziling was a solitary social animal. Although

Although he can cook, he mostly eats instant noodles, and at most he fries an egg in a pan, which is typical of a lazy person.

"No, I..."

After hearing the first half of Xu Ziling's words, Su waved his hand. Just as he was about to say something, his stomach started to growl again-


Okay, I wasn't hungry just now.

"Slurp, slurp..."

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