The car is still a long way to go.

The AI ​​function on the Mu Continent is very user-friendly.

After riding in an unmanned car, the car can stop halfway to the destination under the driving of AI, and even change the destination halfway. The locomotive will lock the nearest power station to stop according to the remaining power.

...Of course, the charging time is also counted as your riding time.

You can customize the route, change lanes halfway, and even AI can perform a highway drifting drama for you as long as you want.

...But the premise is to pay extra money, and if the car drift causes a traffic accident, you will also need to bear economic and legal responsibilities, and everything has nothing to do with the company.

Xu Ziling actually just had the car stop halfway to pick up Kevin and Su. When he finally paid the bill, the AI ​​actually asked him for 50 yuan more!

And it was 50 yuan in Mu Continent currency. After converting it, it was 350 yuan in Shenzhou currency.

Damn, it turns out that there are only more evil-hearted bosses in this world.

After getting off the car at the parking lot, Xu Ziling used the navigation function of his mobile phone to lock a nearby hotel in M ​​City. As it was getting late, he planned to stay overnight and go to the city hall to make trouble tomorrow morning.

Su and Kevin had their stomachs filled, but they didn't see anyone from ME Club along the way, so they were naturally worried. However, they felt that they had asked "Assistant Xu" for a lot of things tonight, and it would be embarrassing to ask for help again, so they simply stayed overnight and talked about it tomorrow.

This is a common problem among college students. They don't know what to say when they have something to say, and always think "wait a little longer". Little do they know that if you dare to "wait a little longer" today, the dog boss will dare to pretend to have amnesia with you tomorrow. Kevin and Su have obviously not been tortured by society.

But it doesn't matter. They will always grow up in the future.


The next day.


As Xu Ziling swiped the identity card of Mobius on the identifier of the capital of Mu State, the instrument made a slight sound.

Perhaps because of the disrepair, the sound of this instrument is quite small.

But it is also quite loud.

After all, the sound of this thing can be heard by the entire Zhuhuo high-level, no matter where they are.

Europe, Geely Country.

An old gentleman holding a cane and being polite was enjoying a steak leisurely, but the next moment his face suddenly changed, and the morning coffee was spilled all over the floor.

In America, a bloated figure holding a cigarette and spending a lot of money in a casino changed his face drastically, and then he left the place quickly without caring about his scattered chips.

In Shenzhou, the black-haired man far away from home silently steadied his sunglasses.

Australia, Africa, and Mu... When Xu Ziling swiped Mobius's authority card in front of the highest city hall of Mu, the Mu federal parliamentarians scattered around the world and the high-level members of the Fire Chasing Moth woke up and cast surprised or horrified eyes at this place.

Perhaps some people would think that there is an exaggeration in this, but at the moment, these are actually the real influence of Mobius in this world. Before this, whether it was Changkong City or the time when she moved to K City in Mu Continent, she regarded herself as "down and out".

And now, the giant snake hidden in the dark is ready to show the world her most proud fangs again in exchange for more research funds.

"Um... Assistant Professor Xu, why don't you leave?"

Kevin asked curiously when he saw Xu Ziling standing still after swiping his card at the door.

Yes, why did Xu Ziling not leave after swiping his card?

The answer is actually very simple...because he doesn't know the way.

Although Mebius said that the highest city government of Mu Country is integrated with the underground core base of the Fire Chaser Moth, she didn't tell him how to get there in detail? If he takes the wrong road and leads Kevin and Su to the toilet, how embarrassing would that be?

Instead of letting someone who doesn't know the way lead the way, it would be better to wait for the group of old men of the Fire Chaser Moth to find him, which would make him look more cool.

Faced with Kevin's question, Xu Ziling coughed twice and said:

"Kevin, it's time for you to play a role. If someone rushes towards me later, remember to help me block them."


Kevin was still a little confused.

However, the next moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the door of the highest city hall of Mu country.

Then, a large group of black-clad bodyguards, all with big bald heads, quickly locked onto Xu Ziling, the "blonde beauty", and then locked onto the ID card hanging around Xu Ziling's neck.

"Not Mobius? ... Who are you?"

The leader of the black-clad bodyguards was an old man in a suit. He was originally a little suspicious, but when he saw that only Xu Ziling and others were at the scene, his eyes relaxed a little, and then he frowned and said,

"But no matter who you are, stealing other people's identities and trespassing into the Mu Federation is a felony, arrest!"


Looking at a large group of at least 20 black-clad bodyguards rushing towards the main gate, Kevin was stunned. What's going on? Didn't Assistant Xu return from a business trip? He and Su just came to see if there was any physical work they could help with to repay a favor. Why were they arrested right after they came in?

On the other side, seeing such a large group of people rushing towards him with batons and handcuffs, Su would be lying if he said that he was not nervous.

But at this moment, Su was more concerned about what the old man who led the group said just now.

Not Mobius...

The implication is that the ID card that Assistant Professor Xu just swiped was that of Dr. Mobius? ?

But wasn't he on a business trip at public expense according to the instructions of the "Snake Professor"? Or... ! !

Thinking of a certain possibility, Su's expression when he looked at Xu Ziling suddenly changed, and a trace of fear and surprise flashed in his eyes that had not been opened for a long time.

"Pah pah."

At this time, Xu Ziling patted Kevin on the shoulder and said,

"Go ahead, Kevin, didn't you say you are best at physical fitness? It shouldn't be difficult for you to knock down these... well, knocking down these people in self-defense, right? Kevin."


Kevin was really dumbfounded for a moment, hesitating,

"No...Teacher, Assistant Xu, isn't this how physical fitness is used? You didn't tell me to hit people before you came?"

"Who asked you to hit people?"

Xu Ziling looked at Kevin, tilted his head slightly, and stretched out his right hand, saying Said,

"Kevin, you can read more books when you have nothing to do. You will know more when you read more books. We scholars can't call it fighting. What we did should be called... self-defense."

A moment after the words were spoken, the bodyguards brought by the old man who seemed to be a congressman surrounded Xu Ziling and the other two. One of them was even more rude. Seeing that the visitor was not the terrifying postdoctoral fellow who would hit people's kidneys at any time, he swung the baton in his hand and hit Xu Ziling's back of the head. If hit, ordinary people would most likely faint directly, or at least lose their ability to move.

And Xu Ziling's words...


The baton hit Xu Ziling's back of the head firmly.

After the guard secretly laughed at the empty shell that came this time, he prepared to take out the handcuffs to carry out the arrest.

However, the guard looked down for a long time but couldn't find Xu Ziling's hand, and then he raised his head with a belated consciousness.

Xu Ziling raised his hands, pointed at the baton that the guard hit on the back of his head, and said to Kevin and Su:

"Okay, Kevin, you saw it, these people attacked us first, so as victims, we can defend ourselves."

Then, taking advantage of the gap of everyone's surprise, Xu Ziling grabbed the wrist of the guard behind him, swung it in the air like a rag doll, and then smashed it directly into the surrounding guards.

Before coming, Mebius said that she didn't want to tolerate those congressmen anymore. Snake has been forbearing for too long, and now Snake needs to let the world recall the infinite horror again.

And Xu Ziling, as her nominal boyfriend, how could he refuse her?

Since they started it first, there is no need to show a good face to these congressmen.


A bald man of 1.8 meters was thrown up and smashed into the police crowd. This may not be a particularly outrageous scene in the novel world, but from the perspective of other guards, it is a beautiful woman with a Western European face. After being hit by a stick on the back of the head without any defense, she picked up an adult man with one hand and smashed him at them!

The size of the strong man and the face of the beautiful woman formed a tearing contrast. The visual experience was really as inconsistent as it could be. At least ordinary people would definitely not be able to accept it for a while.

And Xu Ziling was really too lazy to waste time in front of this group of experience packs. After his legs quickly exerted force, his body popped out like lightning, accurately and without error.

He grabbed the shoulder of the old councillor hiding behind the guard.


The old councillor was also shocked, but as a councillor of the Fire Moth, he had more or less understood the truth of this world, so after seeing the physics being pressed to the ground and rubbed, he did not seem too panicked. Even though Xu Ziling had put his hand on his shoulder, he gritted his teeth and blurted out a few words:

"Who are you... Last warning. In addition, if you dare to attack me here, you will face the wrath of the entire Mu Federation!"

Hearing the old councillor's no longer hiding After hearing the threatening words, Xu Ziling chuckled, picked up the ID card on his chest and said:

"Old man, what's wrong? Don't you remember me? I am Mobius. Didn't you invite me back to attend your banquet? Why, now that I'm here, you want to break the contract?"

"You are Mobius?!"

As if thinking of some possibility, the old congressman stared at Xu Ziling with a pair of cloudy eyes, and after a moment, he shook his head decisively and said,

"Impossible... The eyes of that snake will not be like yours. Such a joke. You should be her lab assistant? Did she send you here? "

"Old man, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it?"

After hearing the old congressman's guess, Xu Ziling took up his ID card with a smile and said,

"The doctor said I am Mobius, so I am Mobius... At least I will be today. And I came to your banquet according to your invitation, but you sent people to attack me right away. Old man, do you think this is appropriate?"

When Xu Ziling spoke, the old The councillor also saw the playful smile on his face, which was no longer hidden, and immediately confirmed his previous thoughts. After a disdainful snort, he said:

"I don't care who you are...but what you do is tantamount to treating us as blind. Go back and tell your master to let her come by herself!"


Hearing the old man's words, Xu Ziling curled his lips. He finally knew why Mobius was disgusted by the councillors of the Fire Moth. Now it seems that these old guys are really boring. Only the Tianjin guys are still a bit standard.

If the next meeting is to face these old guys who rely on their old age and look old-fashioned. Xu Ziling feels like he can single-handedly brush the entire Fire Moth senior management.

After all, those who have experienced the workplace know that the really difficult ones are not the old bastards who do things in a rigid manner, but the smiling tigers who greet you with a smile.

But if Xu Ziling alone defeated the top leaders of the Fire Chaser, the plot would be too boring. He actually hoped that there would be more masters like Xiang Tianjin. After all, there is nothing to be proud of in defeating a bunch of old stubborn people. It is interesting to defeat an equal opponent.

Anyway, he attended the meeting on behalf of the Mobius Institute to promote the power of the giant snake and its prosperity.

To put it bluntly, he was just pretending to be cool and intimidating these congressmen. Of course, he had to be as high-profile as possible.

"You said that this photo is not me?"

Xu Ziling picked up the old congressman like a chicken and put him away. He pointed to the photo on his ID card on his chest, then pointed to himself and said,

"Yes, this is indeed not me... But I insist on saying that she is me today, old man, do you have any questions?"

"... You are provoking the Mu Federation... and even the authority of the Fire Chaser!"

The old man has lived enough. Even when his life is completely controlled by others, he still has a tough attitude.

"Have you considered the consequences of doing this? How can you do this?!"

Xu Ziling brushed his golden hair and said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Because I am 'Mobius', of course I can do this. "

"You! ..."

The old councillor, who was already old, almost fell down due to Xu Ziling's unreasonable remarks. After finally catching his breath, he waved to the police officers who dared not act rashly around him, "What are you still standing there for? ? Take this man down! Don't forget who your immediate superior is! !"

"Tsk... you really want to fight... Forget it, the giant snake has been hiding for too long, and today it's time for you to recall the fear of snake venom. Come on, friends, I will prove to you what is the real 'power'. "

Under the pressure of the dog boss, the police officers had to try to attack Xu Ziling, the freak, even if they were reluctant. A group of people fell down and stood up and rushed forward again, not because

How fearless they are, just because they all have important things in the hands of the boss.

The melee was about to break out.

"Hey, hey, hey... everyone, let's talk it out, don't start fighting right away?"

Kevin now looked at Xu Ziling's unparalleled way of taking the enemy's head and the chaotic scene, and felt a headache for a while. He quickly shook Su's expression beside him and asked,

"Su, you are smart, can you tell me what's going on now? Why did Assistant Xu fight with those people right away?"


However, Su's face was pale at this moment. After staring at the ID card on Xu Ziling's chest with his breath-holding eyes, he looked at the environment of the highest city government of Mu Country and uttered a few words with difficulty,

"Kevin... if that 'Snake Professor' is really the rumored 'Dr. Mobius'... we are now... I'm afraid we are involved in big trouble..."

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