“Lingling, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Lynn politely stepped forward.

Although he didn’t pay much attention to the big mama.

“We haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

Big Mom thought about it carefully, and it was indeed long enough.

“Lynn, come in and sit down.”

Lynn did not refuse, followed the big mother, walked into the castle together, and then sat down in the main seat.

In addition to Lynn, there are many people nearby, the boss of the Underground King of the New World.

For example, the World Economic News, the king of lending.

Of course, they are not the underground kings decades later, but these are family inheritance enterprises, and the underground kings after the beginning of the plot are the successors of these people.

“It turned out to be Captain Lynn, what an honor.”

“Yeah, it’s an honor to meet Captain Lynn.”

Several people were greeting Lynn.

After all, Lynn is too powerful now, one of the kings of the New World, they want to mix in the New World, and they will definitely have to deal with Lynn in the future.

Lynn nodded and set her eyes on one of the women.

The woman was quite young, but Lynn knew this man, a member of the world government CP0.

It can also be regarded as his predecessor.

He is Strecy, the queen of Happy Street and a good friend of Big Mama.

Streezy also stared at Lynn silently, with a big smile on her face.

She also knew Lynn’s identity.

At the same time, she admired Lynn a lot, and actually dared to betray the world government, but the world government could not help Lynn.

This is definitely her idol.

In particular, Streezy did not want to be under the control of the world government, and there was no way but to listen to the world government.

Lynn noticed the look in Strece’s eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and a wicked smile on her face.

“This beautiful woman, do you like me?” Look at me like this, or I’ll give you a chance, let’s have a good time tonight.” ”

The corners of Strece’s mouth twitched slightly.

Never seen such a faceless person.

“No, I think it’s okay, you’re a little older, I’m not used to young cows eating old grass.”

Before Stacy could speak, Lynn said suddenly.

That said, Strecy’s especially wanted to cut people.

What does it mean that she is old?

How can you say that a girl is older.

Streisch hesitated in his heart, considering the gap in strength between the enemy and us, and could only give up teaching Lynn.

However, although she gave up in her heart, Streezy did not intend to let Lynn go, and she must find trouble in the future.

“By the way, auntie, you’re actually quite pretty, and if you need to, I can provide you with free services and give me 18 billion Baileys when the time comes.”

Lynn continued to provoke recklessly.

Strecy’s face was momentarily gloomy.

To call her aunt is too much.

She has not yet reached the point of auntie, and at most, even if she is a sister, it is a bit too much to call her aunt.

Also, if you want her to provide services, you actually want her to give 18 billion Baileys.

This should not be made of diamonds.

Diamonds aren’t as valuable either.

And even in her happy street, it was always men who gave money.

Curse you for not finding a beautiful girl in your life.

Many people in the neighborhood wanted to laugh, but in the end they restrained themselves, and they had to give Strecy’s face.

The main thing was that they didn’t dare to laugh at Lynn.

As for the others, they were all silent.

Alas, it was pathetic.

After a long time, the tea party began.

Big Mom sat at the front, happily eating dessert.

Everyone else was also drinking and eating tea, quite happy.

After the dessert was finished, the aunt suddenly looked at Lynn with a smile on her face, and this look looked strange.

Lynn also noticed Big Mama’s expression and couldn’t help but wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Suddenly I felt that Big Mama was so terrible.

Even if he defeated Locks, he was a little worried.

I always feel that Big Mama is not a good person.

Lynn sorted out her clothes, it should not be that the aunt saw his peerless appearance, so she wanted to take advantage of this tea party to completely possess him.

If you think about it, it’s really possible.

It’s horrible.

“Lingling, if you have anything, it’s better to say that your eyes are terrible.”

Lynn had one hand on the hilt of the knife.

If Big Mom wants to mess around, he definitely lets Big Mom know how good he is.

When the time comes, you can slash it down.

Big Mom gently beckoned, and immediately ran over to many people, all of whom were Big Mama’s children, holding a lot of money in their hands, and even a demon fruit.

So many shining gold and silver jewels, all of them lit up Lynn’s eyes.

“Big Mom, what do you mean by that?” Want to bribe me? I tell you, I will definitely give you a chance to bribe. ”

Everyone rolled their eyes.

That said, I still promised to be bribed.

Big Mama immediately walked over to Lynn.

“Lynn, I think you’re pretty good, I’m here today to propose to you, I don’t know if you’re willing to say yes.”

Everyone present was amazed.

They didn’t expect Big Mama to propose to Lynn, not even Lynn herself.

Although the eldest mother was eager to have children with him, it was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

How do you choose now?

It’s still really tangled.

Just as Lynn was struggling, the aunt immediately stepped forward and walked over to her children.

“Lynn, here is a superhuman demon fruit, and so many gold and silver jewels, and it will be time for your dowry.”

How bold, how atmospheric.

Anyway, Lynn didn’t know what to say, and this was the first time she had been proposed by someone else.

As for the others, they were also quite speechless.

Lynn looked at the gold and silver jewelry beside her mother, and then at the demon fruit.

He came this time, as if to rob the historical signs, and if the aunt pasted some gold and silver jewels upside down, it seemed to be quite good.

Not to mention that there was also a demon fruit.

At this time, there is only one choice.

Lynn immediately took the gold and silver jewelry, mainly the demon fruit, and put it in her pocket.

“The bride price doesn’t matter, mainly because I think you are very good, very pretty, and in good shape, so I decided to take care of you.”


Many people in the neighborhood almost fell to the ground.

Also said that it was not for the bride price.

The hand was stretched faster than anyone, and the movement was particularly dashing, and it was clear that it was for the bride price.

What a brazen man.

To be outrageous, they are willing to call Lynn the strongest.

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