In the end, Lynn agreed.

Don’t give money for free.

Anyway, even if he robbed, the aunt couldn’t help him, and in the end he could only be dumb and eat Huang Lian, and the bitterness could not be said.

Half an hour later, Lynn, led by her mother’s children, came to a special room.

Super luxurious suite.

“Mr. Lynn, I’ll leave first.”

Peros Pero turned and left.

Lynn sat on the bed, her hands on her chest, silently thinking about where Big Mama might put the historical signs.

According to the agreement of the big mother, they were married after three days.

How could he really marry Big Mama.

That night, Lynn found a time and quietly sneaked into Big Mama’s treasure trove without anyone noticing.

It’s just a pity that the historical signpost is not in the mother’s room, Lynn did not care too much, anyway, these two days have time.

He must find the location of Big Mama’s treasure.

The next night, Lynn spent some time finally finding the historical text.

A huge red slate.

Lynn looked at the red slate in front of her, a golden light in her eyes, and her heart was full of joy.

Finally got what you wanted.

“By the way, rub a copy now.”

“Wait, why rubbing? It is better to take it away directly, this kind of thing, or should be in your own hands. ”

Lynn took the slab and quietly left, hiding it in the sea.

And then back.

That’s right, Lynn is back and not in a hurry to leave, lest she be discovered.

He had to wait for the aunt to get married before leaving, and then the aunt would definitely lose face, and it would have nothing to do with him.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, Big Mama’s children gave Lynn a brand new dress and left.

Lynn took her clothes away and ran.

That is, the aunt did not know, otherwise she would be angry, took her gift money, and stole her historical text.

That’s all, and she also took away her new wedding dress.

This is a bit excessive.

Unfortunately Lynn had already left.

In the morning, the whole Big Mama Pirate Regiment was jubilant.

After all, their mother was getting married, and the object of marriage was Lynn, one of the top pirates in the new world.

Many underground kings attended the wedding.

At the banquet, the aunt smiled very happily.

“Guys, I’m really welcome to my wedding, and I’ve wasted days of your time.”

“It doesn’t matter, the wedding of the two of us, of course, we should attend.”

“Yes, of course we have to participate.”

All the underground kings are saying good things.

After all, both Lynn and Big Mama are particularly powerful, and they are definitely the most powerful pirate group in the New World.

The two men were united, and they would all need to look at Lynn’s face later.

Bu Pu Bu Lu …

Just when the aunt was happy, the phone bug suddenly rang, interrupting everyone.

Big Mom had some doubts, but answered the phone.

“Hey, who’s that?”

“Of course it’s me.”

Lynn pressed the smile in her heart.

He really didn’t want to laugh unless he couldn’t restrain himself.

“Lynn, it’s you, are you ready?”

Big Mom didn’t think much of it, just thinking that Lynn had something.

“Oh, mama, I’m so sorry, I suddenly remembered that I don’t like women, so I can only break up with you.” 」

Lynn made a casual excuse.

The face of the big mother became gloomy, and the people around her also sensed that something was wrong, without saying a word, many people bowed their heads,

They were all quite speechless to Lynn.

What is called not liking women.

If they remember correctly, Lynn had a recent wedding and had married a vice admiral.

Now I found a reason for such boredom.

“Lynn, what do you mean by that?”

Big Mom forcibly pressed to resist the anger in her heart.

“I mean, the two of us together, there will be absolutely no happiness, and I decided to leave you so as not to get in your way.”

“Of course, I decided to give you a compensation, and in order to prevent you from being targeted by the world government, I took the historical signpost so that you would not be in danger.”

Everyone was speechless.

The deceitful aunt also stole the historical coordinates of the big mother, but showed a look of thinking about the big mother.

This is clearly trampling on the dignity of the mother.

The aunt was also angry and gritted her teeth, the atmosphere of the scene was very heavy, and a wave of murderous gas spread out.

She now seriously suspected that all this was done by Lynn on purpose, and that anything that married her was also a joke.

The purpose is to steal the body of history.

“Lynn, you…”

“Don’t thank me, as long as I take away the historical text, the world government will not trouble you, sorry, this is the only thing I can do.” 」

The aunt was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lynn, and said something particularly grand.

The big mother said that she was particularly angry inside.

She had never seen such a brazen person, and her face was really thick enough.

“Lynn, don’t give me nonsense, hurry up and hand over the historical text, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Big Mom let out an angry roar.

On the surface of the sea, the corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised, and she did not take the big aunt in her eyes at all.

But Lynn didn’t leave, he was ready to fight with Big Mama, or Big Mom would definitely go to his turf.

After a fight, the aunt knew how strong he was, and she didn’t dare to find him in trouble anymore.

“By the way, Lingling, the clothes you prepared for me were also taken away by me, lest you touch the scene and hurt me, do you think I’m okay?”

Lynn’s tone was a little weird.

All the underground kings almost laughed.

I have never seen such a brazen person who stole from his aunt and said that it was for the sake of his mother.

This is all, now dump the big mother, but also go with the dress prepared by the big mother, but it is so grandiose.

“Lynn, you wait for me, I will never let you go, you give me to die.”

When Lynn heard Big Mama’s voice, she knew that Big Mama was particularly angry, but she didn’t pay any attention to it.

“I see, I’m waiting for you here, you’re faster, don’t make me wait too long.”

Big Mama no longer hesitated and immediately left the room, ready to teach Lynn a lesson.

Her children immediately followed.

As for the underground king, he looked at each other silently, and then followed behind.

They were also curious about Lynn and Big Mama’s strength.

It’s going to be a big fight.

(There are still a few hundred votes left to add more.) )

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