By the shore, Lynn was already holding a fishing rod, fishing aimlessly, leisurely passing the time.

“Alas, I don’t know when my aunt will come back, I’ve been waiting here for a long time.”

Lynn sighed and looked into the distance again, he was still waiting for Big Mama to arrive, and he didn’t know how long to wait.

After a long time, the aunt finally came from a distance, with a murderous look in her eyes, and that look was eager to eat Lynn.

There are also many people behind them, all of whom are the children of the Great Mother, or the kings of the black and white of the new world.

They were both curious about the battle between the two.

“Lynn, I’m going to kill you.”

Big Mama ran angrily to Lynn’s front, and raised her hand, the hat on her head, and instantly turned into a knife.


The angry aunt came up with a knife.

The purple sword qi exploded, slicing through the ground and charging at Lynn with a bamboo-like momentum.

Where you pass, the ground is completely cut open,

There was a rumbling sound.

Lynn dropped the fishing rod, pulled out the demon sword Muramasa, and picked it casually, and the purple sword qi of the big mother was picked up by Lynn.

Flying to the sea in the distance, the sea was split in half in an instant, and the sea constantly rushed to both sides.

“It’s so powerful, it’s worthy of being a big mother, and she actually has such a powerful sword qi.”

An underground king praised.

“It’s really powerful, but Lynn is also very powerful, and with a single knife, he cut through this sword qi.”

There are also some people who admire Lynn’s strength.

Lynn put away the demon knife village again, and then raised her hand, and her right hand quickly turned into a huge dragon claw.

The next second, Lynn’s body was also rapidly getting bigger.

Soon, a huge black dragon was floating in mid-air, and the huge dragon’s eyes scanned the people present.

Many people noticed Lynn’s gaze, and a chill appeared in their hearts, and their scalps were tingling, and they felt that they were being stared at by some wild beast.

“Such a terrible momentum, is this the strongest pirate in the New World?”

“Yeah, no wonder you beat Locks.”

Many people understand why Lynn was able to beat Locks.

With such a strong strength, it is also natural to be able to defeat Locks.

Big Mom didn’t think so much, and quickly ran to Lynn’s side, and her murderous eyes stared at Lynn like this.

“Fire in the sky.”

Suddenly, a huge pillar of fire fell from the sky.

The fiery red pillar of fire illuminated the sky, the temperature in the air rose by more than ten degrees, and a large amount of hot air kept tumbling, giving people the feeling of being in a volcanic crater.

Lynn just looked at the pillar of fire, and then without hesitation, rushed into the pillar of fire.

The pillar of fire exploded in an instant.

Strong explosions kept tearing at Lynn’s scales, but Lynn was nothing at all and completely unharmed.

That’s Lynn’s defense.

At best, he felt some pain, and even this pain was nothing at all, completely within the scope of bearing.

The flames of the explosion rushed in all directions and soon fell into the sea, and the sea surface was instantly enveloped by flames, like a sea of fire.

In the flames, Lynn’s huge body was still floating in mid-air, and the scales on her body were dark and shiny, completely unaffected.

Once again, these people were shocked.

This is the strength of the sea thief Lynn, who was hit by such a strong explosion, and there was nothing on his body.

If it were for them, they would have been injured a long time ago.

In mid-air, Lynn slowly fell, her eyes fixed on her mother, and a sly smile on the corner of her mouth.

“Big Mom, I said it all, it’s impossible between us, I’m all for your own good, why are you pestering me?”

“I know I’m really handsome, the dream lover of all women, and you are deeply in love with me, but it’s impossible between us.”

Before Lynn could finish speaking, Big Mama exploded, leaping into the air, not really summoning thunder and flames.



Lynn sighed, then immediately flew to the side, dodging Big Mama’s attack.

He’s not stupid either, and can’t always bear it.

The more he was attacked, the more he would be overwhelmed.

After hiding a few times, Lynn felt that it was almost over, and immediately flew into the air, and then opened her mouth, which was a huge pillar of fire.

“Big Mom, I’m a merciful man.”

Big Aunt looked at the pillar of fire in front of her, her face did not change color, and she slashed out a knife fiercely, which was a sharp sword qi, straight into the clouds.

The pillar of fire was instantly cut in half.

But even if it was cut in half, the pillar of fire still had a strong momentum, and it flew towards the big mother.

The faces of the underground kings watching from behind changed.

Such a strong pillar of fire is really terrifying.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.

The black light covered most of the island, and the invisible waves of air set off a series of strong shock waves, constantly impacting the sea.

The sea water on the surface of the sea is layer by layer, and soon a huge wave is formed, lapping at the shore.

“Big Mom, I’ll go first, the two of us, although we didn’t get married successfully, but the good guys are also good friends, and they can still find me if they have trouble in the future.”

Lynn felt that it was almost over, there was no need to continue fighting, and immediately flew into the sky and rushed into the clouds.

The crowd also saw only a huge black shadow.

“Lynn, I will never let you go.”

Big Mom let out a roar, but there was nothing she could do, she could only look in Lynn’s direction, and her heart was burning with anger.

Her children were all frightened.

It was the first time I had seen my aunt so angry.

Not to mention, Lynn is really terrible enough, so unscrupulous to provoke the mother, and not afraid of the mother’s complete rampage.

Big Mom looked at the sky so angrily.

Unfortunately, Lynn had already flown away, and Big Mama couldn’t do anything about it.

And the weddings have all begun, and they can’t help but be held.

Otherwise it would be a shame.

Big Mom looked at the people present and felt the need to choose a good person as her marriage partner.

Everyone paid attention to the look in the mother’s eyes, and there was a sudden feeling of uneasiness in their hearts.


Suddenly, Big Mama set her sights on one of the giants.

“You, that’s you, and now that Lynn is gone, you’ll take Lynn’s place and continue the wedding with me.”

“Pero Pero, hurry up and prepare for the wedding, today at noon, we must complete the wedding of the two of us, absolutely can not delay.”


(There is still a gap of more than three hundred evaluation votes plus more.) )

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