A week later, Lynn flew back to base camp.

Kaido and the others had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lynn return, several people immediately stepped forward.

“Lynn, I heard that you and your aunt are married, and you have not been bullied by your mother, right?”

Mitsuki was the first to ask.

His favorite is the beautiful beauty, but there are also women who are afraid, that is, the big mother.

He still can’t forget that once he wanted to flirt with his mother, but he was slapped by her and fainted.

After that, I was particularly afraid of my mother.

Lynn let out a sonorous cry and pulled out the demon sword.

Mitsuki’s face turned green, and every time Lynn was upset, the first thing he did was to draw his sword and throw it twice in front of him.

He was scared every time.

“Lynn, you’re cruel, I’ll say no more, I’ll go now.”

Mitsuki Oda turned and prepared to leave.

“Forget it, don’t go, just make a joke with you, and there’s a cocktail party soon, are you sure you want to leave?”

“Cocktail party.”

As soon as he heard that there was a cocktail party, Mitsuki Oda immediately turned around.

“I think I have nothing to do, so I might as well eat some food and drink some wine by the way.”

“Okay, no nonsense, Kaido, go get ready for a cocktail party and celebrate that I’ve got the slate of history.”

Lynn was happy.

He now had three slabs of historical text, and if he managed to get together the last one, he would know the whereabouts of Lavrud.

Become One Piece, or achieve a big package.

That night, Lynn hosted a lavish banquet that all members of the Pirates could attend.

The rest of my life became flat again.

But as bland as it was, Lynn was still investigating the whereabouts of the last historical signpost.

On this day, Lynn went out shopping as always, ready to pass the time, and when he was still followed by the sky and the moon, he happily took Lynn’s arm.

Suddenly, a man rushed from a distance.

Several pirates next to them had black faces.

Isn’t it possible to be a Blackbeard again?

Among them was Blackbeard, who was speechless.

Ever since he had successfully joined the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment by holding Lynn’s thigh with his face to death, someone had done so every once in a while.

Of course, almost all of them were rejected by Lynn.

After all, those people, maybe there are spies of the world government, he is not stupid, and he will never let spies join.

Not everyone is like Blackbeard, Lynn knows the basics.

Now someone was ready to hug Lynn’s thigh, but I didn’t know if Lynn would agree.

“Titch, do you think the captain would agree?” One pirate asked.

Blackbeard glanced at the person who pounced on her, a very beautiful girl, with a very full figure and a bright silver-white hair.

This is a woman who can make a lot of men happy.

According to what he knew about Lynn, such a beautiful and beautiful woman, and a beautiful woman who was heartwarming, would most likely agree.

“I think the captain should have said yes.”

Blackbeard said confidently.

“Well, then I’ll guess the captain won’t agree.”

Lynn blackened her face, turned her head, made a sonorous sound, and pulled out the demon knife Muramasa.

The pirates actually bet on him.

Blackbeard and the others were terrified and sweaty.

It really fits Lynn’s character, and it is terrible to draw a knife without a word.

Several people immediately turned their heads, not daring to continue looking at Lynn, for fear of being offended by Lynn.

Lynn also focused on the person who was running, and he was curious about who this person was.

The visitor was a young girl with silver-white hair.

The maiden stopped in front of Lynn and immediately bowed her head respectfully.

“Lord Lynn, my name is Orvia, and I came here this time hoping to join the Black Dragon Pirates.”

Sure enough.

Blackbeard and the others nodded.

Like the people before them, they all took the initiative to walk in front of Lynn in order to join the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment.

“Well, this year, people like you are everywhere, in order to become famous in one fell swoop, they take the initiative to come to me and want to join my team.”

Lynn snorted coldly, and was immediately ready to refuse, don’t think that the long is beautiful, he will agree.

He’s definitely not the kind of person who is heavy on color.

“Wait, your name is Orvia.”

Lynn was just about to say no, when it suddenly occurred to her that this Olvia was not O’Hara’s man, the mother of the future Nicole Robin.

It’s just that Olvia is very young now, and Nicole Robin wasn’t born.

Such a beautiful girl walked in front of him, naturally it could not be missed.

Of course, the main thing is the ancient script of the Olvia Society.

The text of his history has not yet been interpreted.

Mitsuki Mikata will do the same, but Olvia is still more beautiful.

“But forget it, seeing that you have so much courage, I will agree to you joining my pirate group.”

Lynn said with a smile.

Blackbeard next to him nodded, which was indeed the same as he said.

The other pirates were speechless.

They also thought that Lynn would refuse, after all, many beautiful women had been rejected before, and there should be no more of this one.

“Titch, how do you know?”

Several pirates looked at Blackbeard with some displeasure.

Blackbeard looked triumphantly at the others

“You don’t understand this, can those women before be compared to this Olvia?”

The others nodded, and the gap was indeed large.

In this way, it is a big truth to sum up, Lynn is really handsome, and she also likes girls.

It’s just that Lynn has a higher vision and likes girls with special flavors, or beautiful women with special flavors.

Bang bang bang…

Lynn turned around and hit everyone in three or two blows.

“, is the captain something you can laugh at?” The next time I say that again, I’ll send you into the sky. ”


All the pirates, including Blackbeard, reluctantly accepted because Lynn was terrible.

After getting Blackbeard to fix them, Lynn turned her head and looked at Olvia next to her.

“Very well, you come with me now.”

Lynn went back as she pulled the moon.

He knew very well that Olvia had traveled thousands of miles and had never come to him.

Nine times out of ten, it is also for the historical text.

This is presumably a mutual use.

Olvia didn’t say much, and immediately followed Lynn, and she was relieved, and after much effort, she finally found Lynn.

Next, we are investigating the body of history to understand the blank 100 years of history.

I was really looking forward to it.

Olvia was even a little eager.

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