Inside the room, the sky and moon did not keep up.

She knew that Lynn must be talking about business, and there was no need to bother at this time.

Even if Lynn had any good women, she would never care.

There were only Lynn and Olvia left in the room.

Olvia looked at Lynn who was close at hand, and was not afraid, so she stood behind her without saying a word.

Lynn turned and found a place to sit.

“Say, you are looking for me, is there anything wrong?”

Olvia was also a clever person and instantly understood that Lynn might already know her identity.

It’s not clear how Lynn knew, but Olvia wasn’t entangled, she had an important purpose.

“Lord Lynn, the purpose of my coming this time…”

“Don’t say it, I know your purpose, so let’s start, there’s no need to waste time.”

Lynn interrupted Olvia and then stripped off her clothes.

Olvia looked a little confused and didn’t understand what Lynn meant.

Why take off your clothes.

If you don’t know the other person a little, there is no need to take off your clothes at all.

Wait a minute.

I actually took off my coat, it was too fast.

“Mr. Lynn, what do you want to do?”

Lynn looked at Olvia with a smile.

“Don’t be shy, I know, you don’t want to join my pirates, just because you’re deeply in love with me.”

“So I decided to give you this opportunity to be with me, and let’s practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra together.”

Olvia’s face instantly darkened.

Although she didn’t understand what the Jade Girl Heart Sutra meant, she still knew Lynn’s action very well.

Lynn actually misunderstood her purpose, thinking that she was the kind of idiot girl who took the initiative to give her arms.

Is she that kind of person?

Don’t say that Lynn is quite handsome, in great shape, very strong, and is a very good man.

But she could never have looked up to Lynn.

“Mr. Lynn, you misunderstood, I didn’t mean that.”

Olvia said with a black face.

She really wanted to hack Lynn to death.

“Oh, misunderstood? I thought you were just as in love with me as the women before me, and you were mad at me. ”

“But you really are, since you are not deeply in love with me, why do you have to take the initiative to give me a hug, I thought you liked me.” 」

Lynn sighed and then put on her clothes.

Olvia didn’t know what to say.

Obviously, Lynn himself was blind, misunderstood her meaning, and now he actually blamed her.

Not at all manly.

“If that’s the case, then it’s no nonsense, you took the initiative to turn to me, and you didn’t want to be with me, so what’s the purpose?”

Lynn had actually guessed it.

Olvia also took a deep breath, suppressing her inner displeasure.

“Captain Lynn, I heard that you got a few pieces of historical text, is this true?”

“Yes, I did get the historical coordinates, so is that what you’re for?”

Lynn picked up the teacup on the side and drank the tea leisurely.

He felt that he was really the protagonist of this world, and just when he wanted to translate the historical text, someone took the initiative to send him to the door.

And it was a young, plump girl.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

There is no door-to-door no, great rebellion.

“But why should I let you see it?”

Lynn looked at Olvia with a smile.

Olvia was stunned, not knowing how to explain.

She had thought about it before she came, and Lynn would definitely need someone who could read ancient texts.

They are the only ones in the whole world.

Originally, she thought that as long as she came, she would definitely be able to get Lynn’s attention, but she didn’t expect Lynn to ask such a question, and she didn’t know how to answer Lynn.

“This… Captain Lynn, the whole new world, only we can read ancient texts, without us, you can’t decipher. ”

“So we’re a collaboration, a collaboration that’s good for everyone.”

Olvia said what she thought was a perfect point.

She could surely persuade Lynn that when the time came she could get the historical text, and then find the legendary Lavrud, crack the blank 100-year history.

In this way, their ultimate desire for O’Hara is fulfilled.

Olvia’s eyes were filled with longing.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I worked with Roger, and he has the ability to listen to the voice of all things, and he’s very open, so he doesn’t need you at all.”

Lynn said indifferently.

And Mitsuki Oda can also read ancient texts, if it is not Olvia is very beautiful, Lynn refuses.

Olvia didn’t know how to answer.

Does the world still have the ability to open and hang?

Then what is the use of these scholars?


Olvia was distraught and didn’t know how to persuade Lynn, as if she really couldn’t find a suitable reason.

However, Lavrud was close at hand, and it was difficult to find an opportunity, and how could he give up so easily.

No, be sure to find a way to persuade Lynn.

“Then I don’t know, Captain Lynn, what do you ask for?” As long as I can promise, I will absolutely promise you. ”

Olvia took a deep breath, in order to get what she wanted, she could only give herself.

After all, she was the only one herself.

“Hmm, do you think I’m that kind of person?” I would never give up my temperance for a woman. ”

Lynn snorted coldly, saying righteous words.

Olvia was stunned, but she had gathered enough courage, and as a result, Lynn actually refused, this righteous and awe-inspiring expression, could it be that she really misunderstood Lynn?

But the next second, Olvia was completely stunned.

“Forget it, for your pitiful sake, I won’t say much, who makes me the most of this person is to help others.”

Lynn had a self-denying expression.

What a glorious shore.

But somehow, Olvia had an urge to slap Lynn to death.

Never seen such a brazen person.

Olvia didn’t know what to say, but when she thought about it, she seemed to have achieved her goal.

“I see, Captain Lynn, I can grant you any request as long as I can help you interpret the text of history.”

“No problem, from now on, you are my maid, you must usually listen to me, otherwise, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn waved a big hand, turned and left.

Olvia immediately followed Lynn.

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