While Olvia was translating the ancient texts, Roger also came to Lynn’s territory with his own crew.

“Lynn, I heard that you got two slabs, is that true?”

As soon as Roger came over, the first thing he asked was this question.

He had already obtained two historical coordinates, plus Lynn’s robbed navy, and robbed the mother, and already had four pieces.

As long as he can get four historical coordinates, he will be able to reach Lavrud.

“Oh, the piece of the world government is in my hands, and as for the big mother’s piece, I have lost it in this sea, and I don’t know where it is.”

“Of course, I can give you the translated content if you need it, what do you think?”

Lynn didn’t discard the historical signs.

But he wasn’t going to let Roger get to Ralphde so quickly, he was going to get ahead of Roger and achieve a lot of things.

As for the translated content given to Roger, it is estimated that Roger will not want it.

If Roger wanted to, he wouldn’t have agreed.

“No, I still want to find it myself, translate it myself, and if you translate it, I won’t grab it.”

Seriously, Lynn was still quite speechless.

There is no difference at all from him asking for historical signs, or from what he wants to translate.

“Well, give me your portion, let me rub a copy, and then I’ll give you my slate.”

“No problem.”

Roger agreed without hesitation.

The two men exchanged historical signs.

After changing to what he wanted, Roger did not leave in a hurry and cheekily ate a dinner here.

During dinner, Roger asked Lynn curiously.

“Lynn, are you interested in Lavrud too?”

The others looked at Lynn at the same time.

“Lavrud, indeed, I care about this island, after all, even Locks has not conquered, I naturally want to conquer here.”

“I want everyone to know that I am the true king of this world, a king who surpasses Locks.”

Lynn domineering side leak.

Many people present felt Lynn’s domineering.

Especially the newcomers of Roger Pirates, the heart is even more shocked, this is the legendary Lynn, and it is indeed a domineering side leak.

Of course, Lynn cares most about being able to get the title of One Piece, and thus get an achievement.

“Are you interested in the blank 100-year history?”

Roger asked again.

This time, everyone present could see it.

Blank 100 years of history, this is the world government explicitly forbidden to study.

Everybody was curious.

Lynn weighed the glass lightly and looked at Roger silently with a look of strangeness in her eyes.

Speaking in front of so many people, Roger has a sinister intention, presumably hoping that he will replace him and then be hunted down by the world government.

What a badass.

Roger also noticed Lynn’s eyes, knowing that his purpose was seen through, and he was still a little embarrassed.

But at this time, it must not be said.

He was going to show no sense of guilt.

Lynn withdrew her gaze, but didn’t pay much attention.

“Roger, if you know the blank 100-year history, can you defeat the world government?”

“This… Can’t. ”

Roger’s expression was a little strange.

Lynn actually asked such a boring question.

“Then can I be rich and invincible?”




“Make me stronger?”


Lynn asked a lot of questions, and Roger shook his head.

Lynn glanced at Roger with disdain.

“Then why should I know this history? It is useless at all, and the failure to eliminate the world government is a complete waste of time. ”

Roger was speechless by Lynn.

When others hear this, it seems to be true.

“Really, I thought the blank 100 years of history had a role.”

“Yeah, it’s not useful at all, there’s no need to know.”

Roger smiled awkwardly.

“This… You can pass the time. ”

“Oh, then there’s no need, there’s no time to waste, it’s better to drink, sing, and watch the beautiful women dance.”

Lynn didn’t take it to heart at all.

“By the way, the reason why I want to go to Lavrud is to add a strong stroke to my life.”

Roger wasn’t saying much, talking too much to Lynn, and just playing the piano to the cow.

Yes, Lynn is not a descendant of D after all.

“It’s time for me to leave too.”

Roger got up and prepared to leave.

When he left, Roger also ordered a bottle of wine.

Lynn just looked at Roger, then didn’t say much, closed her eyes, and prepared to rest.

He had been given all the historical signposts and should have known about Lavrud’s whereabouts.

The title of One Piece is beckoning to him.

By the time he becomes One Piece, there’s a good chance he’ll get an achievement, and then don’t know what the achievement package is.

That’s right.

In a little while, it’s a new year again. You can also get a booster point, and then you can strengthen another wave.

Alas, it will be easy to teach world governments a lesson in the future.

At that time, whether to punch the five old stars or kick the world government, this is really quite difficult to choose.

After Roger got the historical signpost, translated it, and then prepared to find the last historical signpost.

It’s also around the Big Mama Pirates.

Unfortunately, Roger didn’t know that Lynn was simply fooling him, and the last historical signpost was also with him.

Little by little, time passed.

In just a week’s time, Olvia had translated all the historical signposts and knew about Lavrud’s whereabouts.

One street.

Olvia took a translated document and ran quickly to Lynn’s room.

Nearby, a group of people suddenly appeared.

These men were on both sides of the street, silently looking at Olvia with murderous look in their eyes.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the tall building, Lynn stood by the window, looking out at Olvia, grinning from the corner of her mouth.

“Sure enough, the world government did install spies in my place, and this time, you still threw your arms and gave them a hug.”

The others also stood next to Lynn.

Kaido, Mitsuki Mita.

The aces of the entire Pirate Regiment are here.

It can be said that in order to eliminate the members of the world government, Lynn has shown all her strength.

“Go get ready, you’re ready to go.”

As soon as Lynn waved, Kaido and Mitsuki Oda left the room, ready to go to the ambush.

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