In the sky, the golden lion retreated without a word.

Lynn didn’t think much of it, and immediately flew out, very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a short distance from the golden lion.

The golden lion had long expected it, and immediately used its ability to make the island float very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it flew far away.

Kaido also desperately followed behind.

A few people you chase me dare.

The golden lion’s face was incomparably blue.

If you continue like this, you really don’t have to run away.

“Lynn, you bastard, there’s a kind of don’t chase.”

“There’s a kind of you don’t run, you don’t run, I don’t chase.”

“, you don’t chase me, you don’t run.”

The Golden Lion’s ship flew in front, and as for Lynn, it flew just behind.

It flew like this for a while, one couldn’t run away, one couldn’t catch up.

“Damn Lynn, this bastard.”

The golden lion’s heart burst into scolding.

I’ve never seen anyone open and hang like this.

Obviously he had been injured, but he recovered quickly, and now everyone can fly.

The golden lion had some regrets, he already knew that he would just come to Lynn’s trouble, who would have thought that Lynn would be able to make people recover from the injury in an instant.

After a moment’s hesitation, the golden lion suddenly remembered a way, quickly turned around, and flew towards Dressrosa again.

Lynn was confused.

Is this a self-casting net?

Just as Lynn was thinking, the golden lion had flown directly above Dressrosa.

The next second, the whole of Dressrosa shook violently, as if an earthquake had come.

Everyone looked up at the sky with fear in their eyes.

“No, there’s an earthquake.”

Looking at the degree of violent shaking, it was a super earthquake, and everyone was scared out of the house.

Only Lynn, her face was particularly ugly.

He could see that the golden lion actually used his fluttering fruit to make the whole island fly.

With a loud noise, the whole of Dressrosa floated up, and a large amount of sea water roared.

“Hahahahaha… Lynn, this kingdom is for you, by the way, you pay a little attention, if this island falls, it will definitely cause a lot of damage. ”

The golden lion laughed triumphantly.

Since Lynn was chasing him from behind, it forced Lynn to retreat.

Lynn did have to retreat.

There are still many of his men on the island, and they cannot give up yet.

Suddenly, the island that was originally floating in the sky fell, and according to the falling trend, once it fell into the sea, it would absolutely sink.

After the golden lion dropped the island, he turned around and left, with no intention of fighting Lynn.

Lynn had no choice but to fly immediately to the bottom of the island, using her huge body to drag the entire island.

The island is particularly large and heavy, and with the tendency to fall from the sky, even Lynn can’t hold back.

But in order to protect his men, Lynn can only desperately, fortunately, his strength is large enough to hold the island.

In the distance, not long after the golden lion left, he saw the island being dragged and was a little surprised.

“I didn’t expect Lynn’s strength to be quite strong.”

Surprise turned to surprise, and the golden lion also knew that if he did not retreat, it would be too late to wait until Lynn freed his hands.

So Kaido retreated quickly.

After a few minutes, Lynn slowly lowered the island, then flew out of the bottom of the sea and quickly flew into the sky, with a murderous look in her eyes.

“Damn Scotty, he dared to pit me.”

Lynn understood the Golden Lion’s facelessness, knew that he could not beat it, and actually used this kind of conspiracy and small means.

Kaido was also particularly upset at the side.

A group of miscellaneous cultivators actually use small means.

But it didn’t matter, one day, he would teach the golden lion a lesson.

At that time, he will completely defeat the Golden Lion with his own strength.

“Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future, but it is a pity that no one has solved this battle.”

Lynn felt sorry.

Originally, I thought that at least a few people could be killed, whether it was the world government or the golden lion, he had earned.

As a result, these two people are more insidious than the other.

Especially the golden lion, the dignity of the king is gone, and he actually did such a small trick, and his face was lost.

Lynn looked down on this man anyway.

“Lynn, you’re all right, right?”

Tianyue suddenly jumped from a distance, quickly ran to Lynn’s side, and then grabbed Lynn’s arm tightly.

Lynn also pulled Tianyue into her arms.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have anything at all, that is, a little tired, not anything at all.”

Hearing Lynn tired, Tianyue immediately came to Lynn’s side and gently squeezed Lynn’s arm.

“How’s it going? Still tired? ”

Kaido glanced at the two people next to him and suddenly felt a little sad, why he didn’t have such treatment.

Although it was quite speechless, Kaido didn’t have much to say, turned around and left.

If he didn’t leave, he would cry.

Lynn looked at Kaido who was leaving, feeling very proud and gently tapped Tianyue’s shoulder.

“Okay, now it’s time to leave and find a place to rest, it’s too tired here.”


Tianyue happily relied on Lynn, and the two of them looked particularly happy.

On the other side, the golden lion sat on the floating island, his face particularly ugly, and his eyes full of anger.

He never imagined that Kaido had become so powerful that even he could hardly take down Kaido.

Coupled with Lynn, the two of them are even more difficult to deal with.

“Damn Lynn, you wait for me, I’ll beat you, the whole new world, it’s mine.”

The pirates nearby all bowed their heads and didn’t say a word, the angry golden lion, but it was very cruel, even if they were all the golden lion’s men, they would be taught a lesson.

Becarus also fled far.

Making sure Lynn hadn’t kept up, Becarus found a place to rest and treat the wound.

“Damn Lynn, I didn’t expect the defense to be so perverted, how could this kill him?”

Becarus had a headache.

Lynn is resilient, just find a chance, one hit must kill.

The defensive power is so perverted.

That wouldn’t hurt Lynn at all, let alone kill Lynn.

“By the way, this is the trouble of the world government, and it has nothing to do with me, so why should I be in such a hurry?”

(There are also two tips, which will be added tomorrow.) )

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