The World Government, the Five Old Stars, quickly understood Lynn’s abilities and had a particular headache.

Super resilience is enough, now there is a super strong defense.

Even Becarus couldn’t help Lynn, which showed how perverted Lynn was.

And how else does this solve Lynn.

A few of the five old stars were sullen and unhappy, did not know what to do, wanted to kill Lynn, but could not kill.

“I think it is okay, Lynn has a blank 100-year history, but he didn’t say it at all, which means he didn’t want to say it at all.”

“Yes, Lynn probably doesn’t want to completely turn his face to the world government, and since that’s the case, there’s no need for us to turn his back on Lynn.”

A few of the five old stars quickly made a decision.

I wanted to kill Lynn, but I couldn’t kill Lynn.

Trying to destroy Lynn’s team, Lynn can fly into the sky, and the Navy is difficult to pursue.

They cannot always do it themselves.

The world government could not do it himself, even if the original Roger, who had escaped many times in a row, conquered the world, and finally did not do anything.

After the five old stars made their decision, they no longer cared about Lynn, and the navy also focused on the other pirates.

They tried to find a way to eliminate other pirates, such as Roger, who was also interested in the blank 100-year history.

Poor Roger, being hunted down every day.

But all this has nothing to do with Lynn.

Even if Roger is hunted down and killed, it is Roger’s own business.

On this day, Roger is still being hunted down, Lynn is resting, and the voice of the system suddenly appears in his head.

Lynn quickly opened her eyes and opened the system panel, which had a little more reinforcement on it.

It turned out to be a new day.

So excited.

With the reinforcement point, he can continue to strengthen.

Lynn thought about it for a moment and decided to strengthen the Dark Fruit.

After all, the dark fruit is still very good, that is, it has a slight disadvantage.

For example, it cannot be elementalized, and the pain is relatively strong.

“System, give me the Dark Fruit now.”

Lynn said somewhat impatiently.

As soon as the words fell, a large amount of black gas suddenly appeared around Lynn’s body.

The moment the black gas came out, Lynn, the whole person turned into a living black hole, and everything in the vicinity was absorbed by the black hole.

All the furniture in the room was crushed into powder in an instant, and then completely disappeared.

Lynn was speechless, and it wasn’t the first time.

However, considering that the Dark Fruit was still strengthening, Lynn didn’t say much, focusing on the Dark Fruit.

After Lynn’s control, the strong attraction emanating from his body disappeared, and the black breath also disappeared.

Unfortunately, the ground is already one layer less.

Lynn looked at his right hand wrapped in black gas, and his heart was very excited.

It seems that the suction power of the dark fruit is stronger.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, the Dark Fruit successfully awakens and obtains the special ability of the fruit to elementalize.”

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, the Dark Fruit has obtained special abilities, and within the special range, the Demon Fruit abilities are all invalidated.”

“It’s very good, I didn’t expect it to be elementalized.”

Lynn squeezed his arm gently, and the next second, Lynn’s whole being turned into darkness and dissipated into the air.

In the end, Lynn was concerned with the special scope that the system said, in which all the demon fruits could be invalidated.

That’s a good ability.

Although the original dark fruit can also invalidate the fruit’s ability, it must be within a fixed range, the distance is too far, and the restriction is very large.

Lynn’s mind moved, and the black aperture suddenly appeared on the ground, probably at a glance, at least two or three meters in diameter.

Not very big, but it’s enough.

In the future, he will be the nemesis of the Able.

“By the way, it’s time to take a break.”

Lynn thought about it and immediately left the room.

At this moment, there were already many people standing outside the room.

After all, Lynn’s movement had just been too big, and there was still a lot of black gas outside the room.

Naturally, they should come over and take a look.

“Lynn, what just happened?” Why was there so much black gas, and there was a rumbling sound in the room. ”

Mitsuki Oda asked with concern.

Not to mention Tianyue, who immediately walked over to Lynn with a look of concern in his eyes.

“Lynn, are you all right?”

“Rest assured, I don’t have anything to do, but the strength has become stronger, no way, people are really too good.”

Lynn flicked her hair gently.

Although it may seem particularly narcissistic, Lynn is right, he has indeed become stronger.

Everyone rolled their eyes en masse, and Lynn was right, he had indeed gotten stronger, but he had also become more narcissistic.

“By the way, Captain, what was your ability just now?” Does it seem to be black gas, but is it also the ability of the fruit of the esper species? ”

In the crowd, Blackbeard couldn’t help but ask out, and his heart was particularly nervous.

Just now that ability is special like the Dark Fruit.

He had been pursuing the Dark Fruit for so many years, and the reason why he turned to Lynn was that he felt that there was a special opportunity here in Lynn.

It would be better if he could get the Dark Fruit, but if he couldn’t get it, he would have to die in Lynn’s Pirate Regiment.

Lynn looked at the nervous Blackbeard and instantly understood his thoughts, perhaps making Blackbeard give up his undeserved thoughts.

“Yes, my body is special, so I can use the double fruit ability, which is my other fruit ability, the dark fruit.”

With that, Lynn held out her hands, and a large amount of black gas filled the air, surrounding Lynn.

He was going to strike Blackbeard’s mind once and for all.

Blackbeard’s heart did tremble a little, and the dark fruit Lynn ate it, and there was no chance in this life.

After all, Lynn’s perverted defense and life force could not be solved by anyone at all, let alone reborn the Dark Fruit.

Unless you can wait until Lynn dies.

But when Lynn died naturally, it was estimated that he was also old, and the dark fruit was useless.

Blackbeard was particularly disappointed, and his heart gave up the idea that he should not have, and decided to follow Lynn and mix well.

How can you mix a captain, a senior cadre.

The previous salted fish life should also be abandoned.

Lynn also noticed Blackbeard’s expression, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and it seemed that Blackbeard had completely given up.

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