Blackbeard gave up completely, and Lynn didn’t think much of it, went back to his room, and called Kaido.

“Kaido, how is that boy doing?”

“Captain, that boy has almost been trained, and now it’s time for him to contribute.”

Kaido said of the boy with a smile in his eyes.

As for this plan, it is actually very simple, that is, to train a person and then infiltrate him into the navy as his spy.

Lynn was an undercover agent herself, so she knew exactly how to train undercover agents and what to do.

He had also trained an undercover agent.

And the undercover he chose is still a well-known character in the original book.

“Then go and get a Draco.”

Lynn thought about it carefully, only by catching a very important person and letting this undercover kill, this undercover will not want to rebel.

The most important thing is the Draco.

“No problem, then go get a Draco.”

Kaido turned and prepared to leave.

“No, I’m going to catch this Draco.”

Lynn stopped Kaido, changed her clothes, and then took advantage of the darkness to leave the room and come to the shore.

After confirming that there was no one around, Lynn immediately changed into the form of a black dragon, rushed into the sky, and quickly disappeared.


Holy Land Mary Joa.

Lynn quietly came up from behind the Red Clay Continent and quietly entered the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Although he did not pay attention to the navy and the world government, he should still be careful to capture the Draco, and it was best not to be discovered.

It is inevitable that the world government will accidentally go crazy.

After Lynn entered, she quickly arrived at the Draco residence, then casually grabbed a Draco, and left.

Not long after the Draco left, someone found that the Draco had disappeared, and the entire Holy Land Mary Joa was in a panic, and even caused a bloody storm.

But none of this had anything to do with Lynn.

After he caught the Draco, he immediately flew towards the North Sea, and in less than half a month, Lynn reached the North Sea and came to an uninhabited desert island.

On the desert island, there were only two people.

One is naturally Mitsuki Mita, and the other is Lynn’s choice of undercover Sakarski.

That’s right, the magma fruit ability.

Also for the Admiral, and even for the Admiral Sakarsky.

Lynn also accidentally discovered Sakarsky.

At that time, Sakarski already had the ability to produce magma, and Lynn remembered that he had been an undercover, so he decided to install Sakarsky as an undercover agent.

Even if Sakarski didn’t want to, he couldn’t beat Lynn and could only bear it silently.

Better than being killed.

But Sakarsky decided, and when he left Lynn’s control, when the time came, whether he wanted to be a navy or a pirate, it was up to him.

Not far away, Mitsuki Oda had been keeping an eye on Sakarsky.

He was also chosen by Lynn to specially train Sakarski, and he would play a game with the running exercise every day to ensure that Sakarsky could become stronger.

Not to say that it can surpass the whitebeard and the like, but at least it can fight against the admiral.

After joining the Navy, he can also become a major admiral.

After Mitsuki Mita’s tutelage, Sakarsky made great strides in progress and strength, and the average pirate was not Sakarsky’s opponent at all.

Even from time to time, Lynn would send some pirates and throw them to Sakarsky to solve.

The strongest is a pirate who bounties two hundred million Baileys.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

When Sakarsky saw this black shadow, he instantly understood who was coming, and he was a little wary inside.

Mitsuki Oda jumped up excitedly.

“Great, Lynn, you’re finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Training here every day with Sakarski, Mitsuki Oda still felt quite bored.

Lynn fell to the ground and left the Dracobo on hand next to Sakarsky.

“Hurry up and let go of me, you guys…”

The Dracos were still about to say something, but Lynn slapped down again, and the Dracos did not dare to speak.

Mitsuki Oda and Sakarsky looked at the Dracobo at the same time and instantly recognized the identity of the Draco, and their eyes were full of surprise.

“This is Draco?”

The two men shouted in unison.

“That’s right, this is Draco, Sakarsky, kill him and then you can join the Navy.”

Sakarsky understood instantly.

This is Lynn’s letter of submission to him.

If he kills the Draco, he can survive and then join the Navy.

But if he didn’t kill Draco, Lynn would kill him.

In between, there can only be one choice.

Sakarsky quickly made a decision inside.

Since you can only choose one, you can only let yourself live, as for the Draco, as far as you can die.

“Remember, with your magma fruit running through his chest, there can be no destruction in his face.”

Lynn made a special warning.

In case Sakarski burned the Dracos all at once, he would have no photo.

“I see.”

Sakarsky walked over to Draco.

The Dracobo became more and more frightened, constantly retreating backwards, and his eyes were full of fear.

“No… Don’t mess around, I’m a world noble Draco, if you kill me, the general will definitely come. ”

The murderous spirit in Sakarsky’s eyes became even stronger.

Since it was a Draco, it should be killed even more, otherwise it would be easy to expose it in the future.


Sakarsky’s magma fist easily penetrated Draco’s chest and was photographed by Lynn.

And more than one photo was taken.

There are even pictures of Sakarsky carrying the corpse of a Draco.

“Very well, I’ll send you back now, and after a while, you can join the Navy, and you’ll be an undercover member of the Black Dragon Pirates.”

“I know, I’ll be a member of the Black Dragon Pirates from now on.”

Seriously, Sakarski didn’t want to be an undercover agent.

But Lynn said so, and he had already killed the Draco, and he was not qualified to refuse.

Sakarsky had no choice but to go undercover.

Undercover is undercover, that is, a little hard.

“Then Sakarsky, you will work hard in the future and strive to become a marshal of the Shanghai Army as soon as possible, but you can rest assured that with me helping you in the back, you will definitely succeed.”

Lynn transforms into the form of a black dragon, grabs Mitsuki and Sakarsky, and flies into the sky.

Taking advantage of the night, Lynn put Sakarski down and left alone.

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