Office of the Marshal.

As soon as Steelbone Kong returned, he saw Lynn and Kaido eating the barbecue, and their faces were completely blackened.

They actually used their naval headquarters as a barbecue shop.

“Damn, this Lynn actually came to the Navy headquarters in a bright and upright manner, and didn’t pay any attention to us at all.”

The other navies were also quite upset.

Only Lieutenant General Crane, sneaking a glance at Lynn, always remembered the scene with Lynn.

Not memories, of course.

Lieutenant General Tsuru was simply unhappy and wanted to teach Lynn a lesson, but dared to completely possess her.

“What do you think Lynn is for?”

Steel Bone looked at the people present.

“I think Lynn is just coming here to get in trouble, and don’t forget, we can’t even kill Kaido, let alone Lynn.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru spoke first.

The other navies remembered at this time that not only Lynn had an immortal body, but Kaido also had an immortal body.

Even if they had turned themselves in, they wouldn’t have been able to kill Lynn.

Lynn turned herself in, purely to get into trouble.

“Yes, we can’t kill Lynn at all, so there’s no need to let Lynn stay, or let them go back.”

Steelbone nodded, and then led the others to a short distance away from Lynn.

“Lynn, we’ve discussed it in the Navy, and this time we’ll let you go for the time being, you can leave, don’t stay.”

Lynn opened her mouth in surprise.

But he came to die, but the Navy didn’t want it.

“Marshal Air, you must believe me, we are sincerely here to surrender, you must arrest the two of us.”

Lynn showed a very sincere look.

I believe you are a ghost.

The steel bone hollow heart spat loudly, but did not say it, still behaving very calmly.

Anyway, if you can’t kill Lynn, then there is no need to fight with Lynn and accidentally destroy the naval headquarters.

“Okay, you can leave, you really don’t welcome here.”

Steel Bone waved his hand, but he had no intention of doing anything.

Lynn and Kaido looked at each other, they were quite surprised, they did not expect such a good opportunity, the Navy actually did not move.

But soon, Lynn figured it out.

How the two of them could not be killed, and how the Navy could do anything to them was a complete waste of energy and time.

Not to mention that this is still the naval headquarters.

“Marshal Kong, if you don’t arrest me and judge me well, I’ll stay with you and not leave.”

Lynn clasped her hands to her chest and had no intention of leaving.

The face of the steel bone empty was particularly ugly, and I had never seen such a brazen person.

Looking at Lynn and Kaido in front of me again, I was speechless.

“Well, if that’s the case, it’s like that today, and you can stay as long as you want.”

The steel bone empty face was gloomy and left.

None of the other admirals said anything.

“Ah He, you might as well stay with me.”

Lynn looked at Lieutenant General Crane and shouted slightly.

Over the years, Lynn had also sneaked into the naval base and then had something happen to Vice Admiral Tsuru.

In fact, Lieutenant General Tsuru wanted to refuse, but there was no way but to reluctantly agree.

Who let Lynn take the naval base to threaten her.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to be with you, I still have things, so I’ll go first.”

Lieutenant General Crane had a black face and didn’t look at Lynn.

Lynn didn’t care, just silently looking at the back of Lieutenant General Crane, his figure was still so beautiful.

There is also a ripe flavor.

In order to keep Lieutenant General Crane young and mature, Lynn had spent a lot of money at the beginning.

Thinking that Lieutenant General Crane would most likely grow old, Lynn wanted to make Lieutenant General Crane immortal.

The first thing he thought of was pure gold.

As long as you bring pure gold, you can live forever, so Lynn began to look for pure gold.

Because he knew that there were many lanternfish in the world, Lynn had spent a lot of money looking for them.

Even Fishman Island was conquered by him, and a large number of fishmen went to find lanternfish every day.

Although King Neptune did not understand what Lynn meant, but Lynn was powerful and ruled half the world, and they could only obey orders.

In the end, Lynn still spent half a year to find pure gold and gave it to Lieutenant General Crane, so that she maintained her appearance in her 30s.

Regardless of body shape or temperament, it has not changed in so many years.

“Kaido, since the Navy won’t arrest us, we’ll stay and have a barbecue here.”

“By the way, you’re going to salvage a sea king right now and have a drink together in the evening.”

“Got it.”

Kaido jumped into the sea, and it wasn’t long before he grabbed a giant sea king.

The two of them sat together in the square, grilling Neptune, still drinking wine, and living a delicious life.

Steel Bone Kong was in the office, looking at Lynn and Kaido with a dark face, and his heart was particularly unhappy.

“Damn pirates, it’s so disgusting that they did such a thing at the Navy Headquarters, and these pirates should be completely destroyed.”

The other navies were helpless.

Zefa also stood silently beside him.

“These two people, how to cut can not be killed, want to kill them, it is still very difficult, I think it is still counted.”

Lynn seemed to sense that someone was looking at him, and when he turned his head, he saw the steel bone air and Zefa in the distance.

“Hey, Marshal Empty, do you have time tonight?” If you want to go out for a walk together, I invite you to have a barbecue, I am familiar with the Navy Headquarters. ”

The steel bone air almost didn’t get angry to death.

He was a grand admiral, and he knew much more about the naval headquarters than Lynn, did he need Lynn to lead the way?

Sure enough, Lynn was still easily annoyed.

“Yes, if you really can’t kill these people, then let these people go for the time being.”

Steel Bone Air returned to his desk, not wanting to continue to watch, and it was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.

Soon it was night.

Lynn and Kaido were lying at the Navy Headquarters, snorting and sleeping, with many Navymen watching them.

Even the steel bone empty a few of them, a little sleepless, had to stare at Lynn, afraid that these two people had some conspiracy.

It was only in the middle of the night that Lynn quietly left and found Lieutenant General Tsuru.

“Ah He, my brother has come to make friends with you.”

Lieutenant General Crane’s face instantly turned gloomy.

The man is here again.

(Two thousand tipping plus more.) )

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