The night passed quickly.

The next morning, before dawn, Lieutenant General Crane gently pushed Lynn.

“Well, Lynn, you can leave and not be discovered by anyone else.”

“I see.”

Lynn rubbed her eyes.

“You really are, I’m the husband you are marrying, and I actually want to sneak around, like the two of us are cheating.”

Lieutenant General Crane’s face instantly darkened.

She originally had a fiancé, but this Lynn, who had completely occupied her, still said such things.

“Hurry up and leave.”

Lynn did not leave at all, just lying on the body of the Lieutenant General of the Crane, looking directly at the Lieutenant General of the Crane, with a hint of inexplicable meaning.

“Ah He, how can you thank me, I remember that when I sent you pure gold, you were very happy, you worked very hard that day.”

Lieutenant General Crane’s face instantly darkened.

I was really happy.

After all, it is pure gold, and if you bring it, you can make yourself immortal and maintain your youth forever.

This is the dream of every girl, even if it is Lieutenant General Crane, naturally he hopes to stay young.

So that day, Lieutenant General Tsuru was indeed very grateful to Lynn, and as for the method of thanks, it is not worth mentioning.

“Shut up and leave me now.”

“Alas, how did I meet you scumbag who could have given you pure gold for your sake, and had a quarrel with my wife?”

“Unexpectedly, you abandoned me like a disposable item.”

Lynn sighed and acted sad.

Lieutenant General Tsuru almost didn’t get angry to death.

This scumbag, it is good to say such a thing.

No, you must put up with it, and you must not be angry about this scumbag.

“Lynn, can you leave now?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru was in a bit of a hurry, and if Lynn didn’t leave again, once he was discovered by the Navy, it would be over.

She didn’t even know what to say.

“Well, I’ll leave now, but before we leave, shall we have a baby?” With a child, maybe our lives will become dull. ”

Lynn looked at Lieutenant General Crane with a smile.

Lieutenant General Tsuru didn’t say a word and immediately started to move.

Lynn was so fast that he flashed to the side in an instant, easily dodging Lieutenant General Crane’s attack.

“Then I’ll go first.”

For the next few days, Lynn stayed at Navy headquarters, either eating barbecue or dancing with Kaido.

The navies were quite speechless, but they could only watch silently, and they couldn’t stop all this.

Just a few days later, Roger was finally executed, and when the execution was executed, Roger began the era of the sea thief.

Recall that a few days earlier, when Roger had been executed, a pirate had asked about Lavrud’s whereabouts as loudly as ever.

“Roger, that legendary treasure, the treasure you and Lynn found, is it still there?”

At that time, everyone had their eyes on Roger, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

After all, Lynn had been to Loverud, and Roger had been to Loverud, but when Roger went, there was still a lot of treasure.

So those people all think that Lynn didn’t take the treasure, and Roger probably didn’t take it, and they still have a lot of hope.

The face of the navy at that time changed.

They kind of understand that they may be pitted.

“Want Lavrud’s treasure?” Then go look for it, neither Lynn nor I have any eye on these treasures. ”

“An island of gold, at the end of the world, you all work hard.”

Roger’s cry instantly ignited the desire in the hearts of countless people.

Many people are roaring madly, trying to find the legendary treasure.

On that day, Lynn could clearly see that the steel bone hollow’s face had become incomparably blue, as if someone else owed him millions.

Lynn spent a few days at the Navy Headquarters, and felt that it was almost time to leave, and then took Kaido with him and prepared to leave.

Only when leaving, Lynn deliberately found the steel bone hollow.

In the office, Steel Bone Kong looked at Lynn who was close at hand, and his face was particularly ugly.

“Lynn, what’s the matter, I don’t really welcome you here.”

Steelbone swore that if he could kill Lynn, he would catch Lynn and fix it fiercely.

“Oh, Marshal Kong, I should have left too, but when I left, I was a little reluctant to let you go, do you want to have a banquet at night?”

Have a banquet.

When it comes to opening a banquet, the steel bone empty face is very ugly.

These days, Lynn and Kaido hold banquets here every day, and they treat this place as their second home, completely ignoring their navy.

It is simply a wanton trampling on the dignity of the Navy.

Now it’s good to say what to say about the banquet.

“No, you can go now, you are not welcome here, as far as you can go.”

Steel Bone Hollow stretched out his hand and made a departure motion.

“Then I’ll go first, by the way, Roger’s thing, it really has nothing to do with me, I absolutely didn’t know he was terminally ill.”

Lynn said something suddenly.

The already ugly face of the steel bone void became more gloomy.

Roger was terminally ill.

No wonder Roger came to him, he always just thought that Roger was not in good health and did not know that Roger was terminally ill.

Now it seems that Roger turned himself in purely because of the realization of this plan to open the era of sea thieves.

Lynn must have known that too, and told him at this time, that he was clearly hitting him.

“I’m definitely not hiding from you, I really don’t know about it.” Lynn said again.

“Roll me, how far to roll, you are not welcome here.”

Steel Bone Air let out a roar.

“If that’s the case, I’ll go first.”

Lynn turned and left.

When he left, he also took a special look at Lieutenant General Crane, and blinked at Lieutenant General Crane, whose face turned red.

Soon, Lynn and Kaido were leaving.

Steel Bone Sky looked at the two dragons flying in the sky, gritting his teeth in anger.

“Damn Roger, and Lynn too, is too arrogant, and has he ever put our navy in his eyes?”

But no matter how angry the steel bone air was, Lynn had already flown away, and he couldn’t hear it at all.

In the sky, Lynn flew for a moment, and suddenly saw a huge building below, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

“It’s like a push town.”

Kaido also noticed it, and thoughts came to mind.

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