“Lynn, I heard that the Golden Lion was caught, how’s it going?” Would you like to check it out? ”

Kaido suddenly thought of looking at the golden lion.

After all, he did not defeat the golden lion, nor did he have the shame of a snow, and the golden lion was actually caught by the navy like this.

“Okay, we’ll go check it out now.”

Lynn immediately rushed into the sea, then transformed into a human form and swam quickly towards the advancing city.

Kaido followed behind and swam along.

Before he could get closer, he was spotted by the soldiers.

“Stop, what are you?”

In the face of the soldiers’ obstruction, Lynn was particularly calm, her expression became very serious, and she shouted loudly.

“What to see? Don’t know me? I was a Vice Admiral at the Admiral Headquarters, and this time I was sending Kaido, the deputy captain of the Black Dragon Pirates. ”

Lynn threw Kaido out.

Kaido also fainted cooperatively, and the soldiers nearby knew Kaido, after all, it was so fierce and vicious, especially easy to recognize.

“I see.”

None of the nearby soldiers suspected Lynn.

They really thought Lynn was the Navy.

Soon, Lynn, led by these men, pulled Kaido into the Advance City and was ready to lock him up.

But not long after entering, suddenly a man, coming out of the inside, was standing in front of Lynn.

This man is Magellan, the deputy director of the Advance City.

Superman is a person with the ability to poison the fruit of poison, and his body is dressed like a demon.

“Who are these people?”

Magellan asked, and at the same time glanced at the tall Kaido next to him, his brow furrowed.

Isn’t this the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment’s Hundred Beasts Kaido?

Who would get Kaido back.

Now that the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment is so powerful, there are still people who can catch Kaido.

“Who caught Kaido?”

Magellan asked.

As for Lynn, although he was standing in front of Magellan, there was a navy in front of him, so Magellan did not see Lynn.

“Director Magellan, this Vice Admiral got caught.”

A soldier gave way to a path.

Magellan saw Lynn at this time, his pupils narrowed, his face changed suddenly, his muscles tensed, his hands clenched in fists, and he quickly took a step back.

“It’s you, Lynn, you idiots, this is Lynn, the strongest sea thief in the world, the first Lynn to reach Lavrud and become One Piece.”

He also didn’t expect these soldiers to be so stupid as to bring Lynn in.

The soldiers were also completely confused.

Shouldn’t it be an admiral?

However, their reaction was not slow, and when they heard that Lynn was a pirate, they immediately ran to the side, and at the same time picked up the gun and aimed it at Lynn.

Kaido also got up from the side, and with a strong shock, the chain on his body was shaken to the side.

“Lynn, this guy is handed over to me, you go find the golden lion, hurry up and get him.”

“Got it.”

Lynn walked toward the depths of the city.

As soon as Magellan was about to stop him, Kaido appeared and punched Magellan with one fist.

In the face of the world’s top sea thieves, Magellan did not dare to be careless, so he had to let go of Lynn and confront Kaido.

As for Lynn, after walking for a long time, he finally came to the infinite hell, although there were many soldiers blocking it, but who could stop Lynn.

After entering the Infinite Hell, Lynn looked at the pirates present with shock in her eyes.

“I didn’t expect it, it’s all people I know.”

Indeed, they were all people Lynn knew.

There were many people who were suppressed by Lynn, and these people also saw Lynn, and their eyes were full of murderous anger.

“Lynn, you bastard, I didn’t expect you to be caught.”

“Hahaha, what a mercy from God, it’s great that you’ve been caught.”

In the crowd, the golden lion also heard Lynn coming, and came to look at it, with disdain in his eyes.

“You idiots, don’t you see? There were no handcuffs on him at all, and he had come in by himself. ”

The others also noticed at this time that Lynn had not been caught at all, but should have been openly and righteously in.

For a time, countless people were shocked.

Someone actually broke into the Advance City.

The Golden Lion also admired Lynn for being able to walk in with dignity and, like him, a hero.

Lynn glanced at the crowd, finally set her eyes on the golden lion, and then jumped to the golden lion’s side.

“Shi Ji, I heard that you broke into the naval headquarters, and you were really brave enough, so you didn’t know how to retreat?” It was caught today. ”

The golden lion’s mouth twitched.

At first, there was a real fire, and his heart was so angry that he actually forgot to retreat, otherwise he would not have been able to stay.

Now that I was arrested, I still regret it in my heart.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t want to talk to you.”

The golden lion turned around, not wanting to say too much.

Lynn didn’t say much, picked up the key that was ready and threw it to the golden lion.

“Hurry up and get the key, I’ll take you out of here.”

“Hmm, who do you think I am?” Even without you, I could get out of here. ”

The golden lion snorted coldly, put one hand on the key, and gently took it into his pocket.

“Hey, didn’t you say you didn’t want me to help?” Your hand is also too fast to take the key away so quickly. ”

Lynn looked at the golden lion playfully.

The golden lion’s expression was even more ugly, since he saw it, couldn’t he pretend that he didn’t see anything?

Can’t you just give him a face?

At that time, the golden lion could only say this in his heart.

Lynn didn’t say much, fell from the sky, landed smoothly on the ground, and then glanced at the others present.

“I’m really sorry, you continue to stay here, I am optimistic about you, you will be able to successfully escape from prison.”

“Lynn, hurry up and let me go, I’m willing to join your pirate group.”

“That’s right, as long as I am released, I will agree to join your pirate group.”

All the pirates are crazy.

After staying here for so long, they had long wanted to leave this ghost place.

Now that Lynn is here, it’s natural to leave with Lynn.

Unfortunately, Lynn had no intention of taking these people away.

“I’m sorry, you guys stay by yourself, I still have something to do, I’ll go first.”

Lynn turned and left.

Not long after, the golden lion also opened the handcuffs and footcuffs, and then left the cage.

“You miscellaneous cultivators, I can teach you a way to cut off your own feet, so that you can escape.”


(Today there are flowers to tip and add more, a total of eight more, tomorrow there are two more additions.) )

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