Half an hour later, Lynn and the Golden Lion left Advancing City together.

Pushing the city tried to resist, but unfortunately, in the face of Lynn and Kaido’s three top sea thieves, they eventually failed.

Not only did it fail, but it was beaten particularly badly.

In the sky, a warship is floating.

Lynn and Kaido sat on the deck, and the three of them sat together, drinking wine together, eating barbecue together, and having a good time.

After a long time, Kaido suddenly raised his head and turned his head to look at the golden lion next to him.

“Shi Ji, you are also too wasted, you were actually caught by the Navy, don’t be so dragged in the future.”

Kaido felt very happy in his heart, and he could finally be happy.

Especially at the thought of the golden lion being caught, he was very happy.

The golden lion’s face suddenly became difficult to see, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

“Kaido boy, do you dare to talk to me like this, are you a little arrogant?”

“How? The defeated generals who were caught by the navy were so arrogant. ”

Both men stared at each other so silently.

If it weren’t for Lynn still around, it is estimated that the two men would have fought.

As for Lynn, there was absolutely no intention of stopping it.

“But seriously, Stoney, you’re so arrogant that you think you can defeat the Navy.”

The golden lion’s face turned red.

He really didn’t know what to say, he had fought too hard, forgetting that he would be defeated.

In the end, physically exhausted, the golden lion found that he seemed unable to escape.

“Lynn, Kaido, you’re not welcome here, just give me down, and if you don’t go down, I’ll throw you down.”

“No problem, but Stoney, I owed you a personal favor, and now I have paid it back to you, and there will be no grudge between us in the future.”

Lynn got up and prepared to leave.


Kaido suddenly stopped Lynn.

“Lynn, that time Kaido only helped you lure the Navy away, this time you saved him, and the two sides are not equal at all.”

The golden lion’s face was greener.

Sure enough, Kaido should have been taught a lesson in the first place, giving Kaido a deep and unforgettable memory, being too arrogant to be a person.

“Don’t play with you, I’ll go now.”

The golden lion took advantage of the fluttering fruit and quickly left.

He was a little glad that he had brought a lot of warships with him, otherwise it would have been inconvenient to throw away Lynn.

Lynn laughed, but didn’t care too much.

The golden lion heard this hearty laughter and flew happier, afraid to continue to hear Lynn’s voice.

“Kaido, it’s time for us to go.”

Lynn transformed into a black dragon and flew into the sky.

Kaido followed.

At the naval headquarters, Steel Bone Air also knew that Lynn had broken into the Advance City and rescued the Golden Lion, and his heart was roaring.

“Damn Lynn, what a disgusting bastard, this bastard actually broke into Advance City.”

He had no idea that Lynn had actually entered the Advance City with his bare hands and taken the Golden Lion with him.

Knowing that Lynn would do this, he must be optimistic about Lynn, and he would never give Lynn such a chance.

Unfortunately I forgot.

The nearby navy was also angry.

Even Lieutenant General Crane was a little indignant.

Let go of a golden lion, and their navy will be unlucky.

The next period of time is estimated to be another bloody battle, and the golden lion will definitely bring great harm to the Navy.

“Damn, we must reward Lynn, increase the bounty, I want many pirates to want to catch Lynn.”

Steel Bone Empty Mouth Scolded.

Since their navy couldn’t catch Lynn and couldn’t kill Lynn, they could only let the others find Lynn in trouble.

At this moment, suddenly two black shadows flew through the sky, just as they were seen by the steel bone.

Steel Bone Sky immediately ran to the window and looked at Lynn flying in the sky, his face was particularly ugly.

He even flew over from the Navy Headquarters.

This is definitely provoking their navy, too arrogant.

“Marshal Empty, be sure to increase the bounty.”

“Yes, you can’t let Lynn go.”

All the navies were particularly angry.

At the Navy banquet, they could bear it, and they couldn’t kill Lynn anyway.

However, he actually ran to the Advance City to release the most important pirates, and finally flew over the naval headquarters.

This is absolutely trampling on the dignity of the Navy.

In mid-air, Lynn also looked in the direction of the navy, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and even let out a roar triumphantly.

The roar was deafening and deafening.

Steel Bone Empty was originally not happy, and now it is even more unhappy.

“Lynn, you’re waiting for me.”

After some time, Lynn returned to the New World.

At the same time, Lynn’s bounty appeared on the sea.

1.5 billion Baileys.

Yes, it doesn’t feel incredible.

Lynn is also the top sea thief in the New World, and he only has a bounty of 1.5 billion.

The first bounty has a bounty of half a billion.

This is also because Lynn later found trouble with the Navy several times, but because she has an immortal body, the Navy does not want to waste energy.

So over the years, the two sides have lived in peace.

Lynn hadn’t increased the bounty at all.

Strength and status are few in the new world, but the bounty is not even as much as the white beard, and it can be said that it is too bad.

After returning to the New World, Lynn read the newspaper in her hand and was still very excited.

“I didn’t expect the Navy to finally add a bounty to me, but it was only a little bit at a time, which seems to be a little bit less.”

The others also came together at this time, and they were all very excited, after all, Lynn had increased a lot of bounties.

“But Captain, your bounty is too little, and I think it should be doubled.”

“Yeah, people with white beards have billions of baileys, and you’re only 1.5 billion baileys, so you should try a little harder.”

In the face of everyone’s ridicule, Lynn’s face instantly darkened, and one person gave a head melon.

“So please? What is your bounty? ”

At this moment, everyone was silent, looking at Lynn with some embarrassment.

Compared to Lynn, their bounty is less.

Until now, Kaido often died, so the bounty was a little higher, and the others were much worse.

“This… We still had something to do, so we left first. ”

The pirates left embarrassed.

As for Lynn, who was about to say something, suddenly stopped, and the voice of the system came from his head again.

“Congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the billion bounty achievement package, please open it now?”

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