Lynn had just returned home, but Tianyue was not there, and he could only find a place to rest for a while.

Just as Lynn was resting, Mitsuki Mita and Kaido came out from outside, with many beautiful girls behind them.

“Captain, we have something to do with you.”

Mitsuki Mikuta walked solemnly to Lynn’s front with a serious expression.

Kaido nodded beside him as well.

Lynn saw the two with such a serious expression, sat down cross-legged, and was still quite curious about what was going on with these two people.

The main thing is the beautiful women in the back, all of them are quite bright-eyed, and their bodies are also very beautiful.

It’s so pretty.

Lynn’s eyes flickered, it felt good to have a beautiful woman.

“Mita, Kaido, you two are looking for me, what’s the matter?” As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you. ”

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda immediately walked over to Lynn and sat down cross-legged.

“Lynn, there is no setback in life that cannot be passed, so don’t take it to heart in the future.”

“Yeah, no matter how you fail, there is still us next to you, there is no need to be afraid.”

Both were saying some comforting words.

Lynn frowned slightly, these two people, the mysterious and mysterious of God, did not know what it meant.

“What do you two mean?”

“Captain, it doesn’t matter what the failure is, look, how are these beauties?” I found it for you, and I still found you a house outside, and you can hide it in the golden house in the future. ”

Mitsuki Oda slapped Lynn’s arm.

Lynn looked at Mitsuki Mitsuki with some surprise.

When Mitsuki Mita was so good, he actually took the initiative to send him beautiful women, and he sent so much as soon as he sent it.

Carefully counted, dozens of beautiful women, the figure is very beautiful, but also young and lively, and these beautiful women, the future is very beautiful.

“Mita, when did you become so sensible?” Actually prepared for me so many beautiful women. ”

Lynn sneaked a grin.

Don’t think about it too much, he’s not a good person either, but sometimes these beautiful women can’t look at him.

However, if there is a beautiful woman who takes the initiative to send it to the door, it is impossible not to do it.

“Captain, we don’t know your personality yet, just an lsp, like beautiful women, this is also very normal.”

“Yes, to comfort you, we have specially prepared a lot of beautiful women for you, and none of them we have touched.”

With a black face, Lynn picked up the demon knife on the side, quickly pulled it out, and stroked the blade.

“What did you just say?” I didn’t seem to hear clearly if you were saying bad things about me again. ”

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda turned black at the same time.

Lynn was still the same as before, using a knife to scare people when he didn’t agree.

“Lynn, we have something to say, you failed your research, there is nothing to be sad about, one day it will succeed.”

“Don’t get too excited, at most it’s a failure, don’t think about it.”

Lynn soon understood what the two men meant.

These people actually thought he had failed, even went crazy, and came to him to give him gifts.

Although my heart was very unhappy, I was very moved.

“Don’t think about it too much, I haven’t failed, I’ve successfully researched it.”

Lynn triumphantly took out the pure gold ring.

Kaido and Mitsuki looked at the pure gold ring in Lynn’s hand, and then looked at each other again.

The next second, the two shook their heads regretfully.

“Well, that’s just a ring.”

“Yeah, I thought it was a good thing.”

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda got up and prepared to leave.

“Alas, I made pure gold, and no one wanted it, so forget it.”

“Pure gold.”

Both stopped at the same time.

What did they just hear?

That legendary pure gold.

It is said that with just a little bit, people can live forever and stay young forever.

Lynn actually made pure gold.

“Are you really talking about pure gold?”

“That pure gold that can live forever.”

Both had anticipation in their eyes.

“, otherwise, what do you think I’m making?” And wasted so long. ”

Lynn gave the two men a blank stare.

Be able to live forever, youth forever.

That’s a good thing.

Both Kaido and Mitsuki Oda are quite concerned.

They will not deliberately pursue immortality, but there is also a point that can be obtained, and will never be rejected.

Mitsuki and Kaido looked at each other at the same time, then quickly came to Lynn’s side.

“Lynn, we all know you’re a good man.”

“That’s right, pure gold, prepare us a little too.”


Lynn turned, rather dissatisfied.

“Lynn, don’t do this, we’re good friends too, I’ll go find you a beautiful girl.”

“Lynn, prepare me two pure gold, and when the time comes, I can introduce my daughter to you.”

“Cough cough cough…”

Mitsuki Oda coughed at the side, then looked at Kaido with a look of disbelief.

This man is also really too lowly.

Even Lynn thought it was incredible that Kaido was planning to sell his daughter.

Although the future Yamato is quite beautiful.

But Yamato is less than ten years old now.

Kaido also felt that he was wrong, which was quite embarrassing.

“This… I mean, when Yamato grows up, I’ll give her to you, and the girl keeps saying you’re good, and I think the two of you can be together. ”

Mitsuki Mita’s eyes were filled with contempt.

“Kaido, you are really good enough to send your daughter like this, I admire you.”

Kaido didn’t care at all, as long as I didn’t have a face, no one else could mock me.

Lynn despised and despised in her heart, but also remembered the future Yamato, whether it was body shape or appearance, that was the best choice.

It was decided that since Kaido himself had sent his daughter, there was no need for him to be so polite.

“This… Kaido, since you said so, then I will not say too much, I will send you a few pure gold. ”

“As for your daughter, forget it, am I such a person?” People like me with noble character can never do anything out of the ordinary. ”

“If you don’t send your daughter over, I can teach her personally and make her stronger and become the pillar of our pirate group.”

Lynn suddenly felt her image rise to a lofty and radiant light.

Kaido and Mitsuki despise Lynn at the same time.

It sounds so grand, in the end, it is still necessary to let Kaido send his daughter.

I don’t know how Lynn said it nicely.

Scum scum.

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