Over the next few days, Lynn was making pure gold, and over time, even outsiders knew, and finally even the world government knew.

After all, there were too many spies of the world government, and Mitsuki Mita accidentally drank too much, so he said so, and it happened to be heard by the people of the world government.

Then it spread to the world government.

The Five Old Stars were also quite suspicious, but when he thought that Lynn was often making mysterious objects during this time, it might be pure gold.

For pure gold, all the five stars are full of desire.

They also want to live forever, they affect youth forever, then they need pure gold.

Unfortunately, there was indeed pure gold, but then it disappeared, and even the manufacturing technology of pure gold completely disappeared.

The five old stars couldn’t find it if they wanted to, and they could only give up in the end.

Now Lynn also has pure gold, and they both want it.

In a room, several five-year-old stars looked at each other, immortal, youthful, and several of them wanted it.

It’s just that threatening Lynn is impossible, and Lynn probably can’t accept it and won’t take care of them.


Youth is eternal and really wants it.

They looked at each other for a while, and finally, one of the five old stars took the lead in speaking.

“Or not? We can talk to the five old stars and see if we can get some pure gold. ”

“No problem, let’s talk about it for a while.”

They were all old and wanted to live forever.

The Five Elders quickly made a decision, and then took out a phone bug and prepared to call Lynn.

For so many years, he had never called Lynn, and this time for the sake of immortality, he could only endure humiliation and seek perfection.

The phone was quickly answered.

“Hey, what are you guys looking for me for?” Don’t you want me to run errands for you? Don’t think too much, it’s impossible. ”

Lynn wondered in her heart, it was incredible that these people actually wanted to call him.

Obviously, everyone is no longer in contact.

As soon as Lynn said this, the atmosphere was a little strange, and several of the five old stars were a little speechless.

How to say that it is also the five old stars of the world government who have ruled the world for so long, and now they have to compromise with Lynn.

“Just don’t fart, I hung up the phone.”

Lynn was ready to hang up the phone.

The five old stars were in a bit of a hurry and couldn’t take care of so much.

“Lynn, I heard you made pure gold.”

Lynn’s face darkened.

Damn Mitsuki Mita, drunk and talking blindly, now it’s all right, even the Five Old Stars know, although he didn’t take the Five Old Stars in his eyes.

“Alas, your intelligence agency is really good, say, for the sake of all of us who have been good friends for so many years, I can grant you some requests.”

Lynn’s smile was a little weird.

If there was someone else next to him and saw Lynn’s smile, he knew what bad thoughts Lynn had in mind.

The five old stars did not know that they were particularly moved, and even burst into tears, and they were about to cry.

They treated Lynn like that, and it turned out that Lynn was so good that she was even thinking about them.

“Lynn, we want one pure gold, no, five pure gold, can you provide it to me?”

“Hahaha… It turned out to be this small problem, and I thought it was a big problem. ”

Lynn laughed.

The five old stars were also very happy in their hearts, and thought that Lynn was going to agree.

“Thank you, Lynn, we blame you.”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect you to be a good person.”

A few old stars did not skimp on praise.

“In fact, you don’t want to thank me, I just want to tell you that I will never agree to such a small problem.”

“Are you really stupid of me?” Am I stupid? Please, we’re enemies, why should I send you pure gold, a bunch of stupid forks. ”

Lynn taunted recklessly.

The face of the five old stars instantly darkened, and sure enough, they thought too much, Lynn had a vendetta against them, how could he agree to them.

They were just so excited.

I almost died of emotion.

Lynn slapped it.

“Lynn, say, what do you want?” As long as you say the number, we can all take it out, we need to buy five pure gold. ”

The five old stars said breathlessly.

Lynn was proud.

“How’s it going? Do you particularly want to hit me? Seriously, I like the scene where you want to hit me, but you can’t help me. ”


One of the five old stars crushed the table.

“Huh… Five old stars, shouldn’t it be crazy? You should calm down a little bit, don’t be so nervous, you can’t cut me anyway. ”

Really can’t be angry.

The five old stars took a deep breath, and now they still wanted to talk to Lynn about the conditions, but they couldn’t be angry with Lynn.

“Lynn, let’s talk about the conditions, what do you want, as long as I can achieve it, I can definitely promise you.”

“No problem, give me five demon fruits and I’ll give you four pure gold.”

Lynn didn’t care either.

In these years, pure gold is nothing at all, but it only makes people’s cells stop growing, they will not become old, and it is impossible for people not to die.

One day, he will destroy the five old stars.

At that time, all the pure gold can be completely recovered, and when he destroys the world government, he can get it all back.

And he could also make a fake pure gold.

No matter how bad it is, you can make a defective product.

Lynn has made a lot of defective products during this time, which can greatly delay the aging of others and live for decades.

“Wait, why do you give me four pure gold for five demon fruits?”

The five old stars couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s simple, because there are five of you, so I just want to give you four and watch you fight.”

Lynn was smiling.


The five old stars wanted to break the scolding, and then rushed out of the phone, found Lynn, and beat Lynn hard.

But in the end, the five old stars still restrained.

Because they really can’t do it.


“Well, no more nonsense with you, I know what to do, so why not do this, five demon fruits, give you five pure gold.”

Five demon fruits, in exchange for five defective pure gold, this is still quite cost-effective.

After a long time, the inferior pure gold will be useless, and there will be no need for him to grab it back at that time, and it will not cause too much impact.

Sure enough, some defective stuff should still be built.

“No problem, we’ll let people trade with you.”

The five old stars were especially happy.

Heaven forbid, you can live forever.

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