A few days later, Whitebeard left alone.

When I left, I also took a piece of pure gold.

Although he wanted more, how could Lynn give it to him, after all, there were so many people in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, they couldn’t always give one to each of them.

The materials of this world may not be able to make too much, and if you can give one, you are already giving face to Whitebeard.

After Whitebeard left, the whole world fell into calm again.

However, this peaceful life will not last long, and the Navy will still have to do something to the pirates after all.

And the Navy’s first choice was the New World’s top sea thief Whitebeard.

They want to get rid of Whitebeard once and for all.

In particular, Whitebeard received pure gold, and if Whitebeard is not eliminated as soon as possible, Whitebeard will be more difficult to deal with when the navy gets old in the future.

For a time, the whole new world was full of battles.

Countless navies continued to hunt down Whitebeard, and for more than a week, Whitebeard felt some headaches.

“Damn the Navy, it’s really hard enough, and I don’t have any deep hatred for him, can we use it so desperately?”

Whitebeard couldn’t help but scold.

Although he was not afraid of the navy, the navy was too troublesome, and he felt some headaches in trouble.

“Dad, let’s run fast, don’t be caught up by them, it’s too much trouble.”

Others also feel special headaches.

The Navy is not very powerful, it is just a bit troublesome.

“Forget it, everyone is still running faster, there is no need to fight with the Navy, it is not worth it at all.”

Whitebeard quickly retreated with his men.

The navy chased after it for a long time, but was still escaped by Whitebeard.

For some time the navy chased after him, and Whitebeard fled and held out for a long time, but finally failed.

But even so, Whitebeard had a headache because the Navy was chasing them so often that they all felt some headaches.

On this day, the sea was calm.

Whitebeard sat on the deck, looking at the sparkling sea around him, unable to calm down.

“Damn the Navy, it’s really troublesome enough, don’t you feel annoyed when you hunt me down and kill me every day?”

“Yeah, why don’t you go after Lynn?” Or chase and kill the golden lion, the big mother is also very good, just like to chase and kill us. ”

The nearby navies were speechless.

Never seen such a desperate navy,

It’s as if there’s some deep hatred between them.

“Forget it, don’t worry about so much, or find a way to get out of here first, otherwise, it is estimated that the Navy will come again.”

Whitebeard immediately left with the others.

Not long after several people left, the navy also arrived here, and did not find Whitebeard, but could only continue to chase.


Lynn looked at the newspaper in his hand, his brow furrowed, and he hadn’t expected the Navy to be so crazy lately.

Hunting down and killing Whitebeard every day is like having some deep hatred with Whitebeard, and you have to kill Whitebeard before you are willing to give up.

“Lynn, the Navy has been so crazy lately, we have to be careful, or he’ll get us in trouble.”

Mitsuki Oda said something next to him, his expression somewhat serious.

“Don’t worry, they can’t kill us at all, unless they want to fight with us, otherwise, they can’t help us.”

Kaido was particularly calm.

With an immortal body, he is not afraid of anyone at all.

Even Lynn was fairly calm.

However, in this world, the navy is not too powerful, otherwise Whitebeard and they are all defeated, and he is not alone in the face of the navy.

“Sure enough, the Navy should still be driven away.”

Lynn muttered to herself, already thinking about the Four Emperors Plan.

The New World still needs four One Piece Emperors.

“Get the Navy out?”

Kaido next to him frowned, and then thought about it carefully, it was true that the Navy should not be left behind.

In the whole new world, there can only be pirates.

“Lynn, are you right, do you want us to do it ourselves?” Get the Navy out. ”

Kaido stood up, and Mitsuki Oda finally agreed.

“You’re all right, get the Navy out, the new world doesn’t need that many people.”

“Well, I’ll contact Whitebeard and Big Aunt now, and let them come over, and let the Golden Lion come over by the way.”

Lynn got up, then took out the phone, called everybody, and invited everyone to meet here.

On the other side, the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard heard Lynn’s invitation and frowned slightly, although he did not understand what Lynn meant, but he still set off with his men.

Floating islands.

The Golden Lion also received a call from Lynn, who also did not understand what Lynn had in mind, but finally nodded his head in agreement.

Big Mom was the most upset, even scolding on the phone, after all, the last time Lynn ruined her wedding and stole her historical signs.

However, although she was very unhappy, the aunt still promised Lynn, after all, she also wanted to know what Lynn’s purpose was.

For a moment, the top sea thieves of the New World were all close to Lynn’s territory.

So many sea thieves were abnormal, which naturally attracted the attention of the Navy.

The naval headquarters, the Warring States are still admirals, and the steel bone air looks at the information in his hand, and his expression is somewhat serious.

“Gentlemen, just received the information, the Golden Lion of the Flying Pirates, the white-bearded Edward Newgate, and the Aunt Charlotte Lingling, all went to Lynn’s stronghold in Dressrosa.”

All the admirals had a dignified look in their eyes.

After all, Lynn is now the world’s top sea thief, and with so many people invited, these navies are still quite worried.

They were afraid that these pirates would unite and that even their navy would have to retreat.

“Sengoku, you don’t need to hunt down Whitebeard these days anymore, be careful during this time to prevent these pirates from uniting together.”

“I see.”

Sengoku didn’t know what to say.

“Also, order all the spies to investigate the New World, especially Lynn, what is about to happen there.”


The whole navy began to prepare.

Not only the Navy, but even the world government paid attention to Lynn and sent a lot of people to investigate and inquire into the news.

Lynn was hiding so deeply that the world government would be simply hard to spot.

In the blink of an eye, many days have passed.

The famous sea thieves of the new world have all gathered in Lynn’s territory, and they are not far from the meeting point.

Lynn also began to arrange for people to take care of these people.

The whole new world began to swell undercurrents.

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