In the vast sea, a ship was adrift, and Lynn sat on the deck, leisurely drinking.

Mitsuki Mita and Kaido sat next to them.

There are also many cadres of the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment nearby.

For example, fire embers, drought Jack, epidemic Quinn.

That’s right, the three plagues of the future have become Lynn’s men.

It can be said that Lynn’s team is comparable to the Navy.

“Lynn, why are you meeting anyone else here, not in Dressrosa?”

Mitsuki Oda looked around, his brow slightly wrinkled.

“Idiot, you forgot, we don’t have a good relationship with them, in case of a fight, just fight here.”

“If we fight on our territory, if we are not careful, we will damage the territory, and then we will be in trouble.”

Lynn gave Mitsuki Mita a blank stare.

Mitsuki Oda thought about it carefully, and it was indeed very correct.

Can’t meet on their own turf.

After a long time, ships finally appeared from afar.

Whitebeard, Big Mama, and Golden Lion are all here.

“Curlass, Lynn, how did you think of inviting us over today?” What’s the matter? Whitebeard laughed.

On the other side, Big Mama opened her hand, and the hat on her head turned into a knife, and then jumped and leapt towards Lynn.

“Lynn, you give me death.”

Angry Aunt slashed at Lynn.

Lynn quickly pulled out the demon knife and slashed it at the big mother.

When the two blades collided together, golden sparks burst out, and then the enchanting light, accompanied by strong momentum, spread out in all directions.

A huge wave of air was set off on the surface of the sea.

The pirate ship was also shaking violently, with a feeling that it would drown at any moment.

The battle between the two sides only collided for a moment, and then quickly separated.

“Lingling, I said it all, there is no need to fight, it is impossible between us, I am not suitable for you.”

Lynn said in a serious tone.

Big Mom was full of black lines, obviously said that the two people got married together, and as a result, Lynn actually ran away from the marriage and robbed her of her things.

The most important thing is to take her dowry in vain.

Now such unscrupulous words are being uttered.

“Lingling, there is no need to fight hard, there should be something very important today.”

Whitebeard also appeared next to Lynn, clearly trying to help Lynn.

Big Mom is very angry.

In the sky, the golden lion also slowly fell.

“Lynn, Lingling, there is no need to fight, it should be important today.”

The words of the golden lion are clearly to help Lynn.

Lynn was slightly stunned.

He also didn’t expect the golden lion to actually help him speak.

But if you think about it, the last time he rescued the Golden Lion from advancing into the city, the Golden Lion was probably grateful.

Although he saved the Golden Lion, he was purely bored and wanted to pass the time, but the Golden Lion was on his mind.

I didn’t expect that the golden lion was still a person with great affection and righteousness.

Big Mom is about to explode.

One by one, the men wanted to help Lynn.

Whitebeard helped Lynn, and the Golden Lion actually helped Lynn.

Just because Lynn saved the Golden Lion?

These big men are not good things, and several people actually unite to bully her as a woman.

Lynn also carefully observed Big Mama.

Over the years, Big Mom has become old and her figure has gone out of shape, fortunately not with Big Mama.

At the same time, he was also glad that he had given Lieutenant General Crane pure gold several years ago, ensuring the mature charm of Lieutenant General Crane.

“Well, Lynn, if there’s anything to say, don’t waste my time.”

The aunt found a place to sit down, with her hands on her chest, anyway, her heart was very unhappy, with a grudge in her eyes.

Lynn and Whitebeard ignored it completely.

Whether the aunt is in a good mood or not, they don’t care.

“I’m looking for you today purely because I’m too bored to see if you will obey.”

The atmosphere on site is tranquil.

The golden lion took out his own double knife, and the two knives rubbed against each other, emitting golden sparks.

“I think you’re too arrogant, maybe you should teach me a lesson and let me see your strength.”

“Lynn, do you want to die?”

Big Mama’s expression is also very ugly.

The last time he played her, this time he said that the matter was so serious, he was actually playing her.

Even Whitebeard raised the large knife in his hand and threw two knives at the void.

Kaido and Mitsuki Oda turned black.

It is too provocative to say this, and it is clear that it is trampling on the dignity of these sea thieves.

“Hahaha… Just kidding, I mean, the Navy has been crazy lately, and the new world is also the world of our pirates, and we should teach the Navy a lesson. ”

Lynn’s expression was somewhat serious.

Several others nodded.

Originally, they were all members of the Locks Pirates, traversing the entire New World, and the Navy was also suppressed and could only fight guerrilla warfare.

It can be seen how beautiful they were at the beginning.

But now, after the division of the Rox Pirates, the Navy is becoming more and more arrogant, and none of them have been hunted down by the Navy.

Even the original Lynn had to fight guerrilla warfare with the Navy and destroyed many Navy bases, which forced the Navy to give up.

“So you mean?”

Whitebeard just looked at Lynn.

He already knew what Lynn meant.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised.

“Yes, the whole new world doesn’t need so many navies, and it doesn’t need such a rampant navy.”

“So I was thinking in my heart, divide the whole new world into five parts, and each of us will occupy a place and form a pirate alliance, and we will be called the Four Emperors.”

“The meaning is also obvious, the four emperors who stand at the peak of the pirates, rule the whole new world, as for the navy, just leave them a few naval bases.”

Lynn proposed the Four Emperors Plan.

There was a hint of chill in the eyes of all the pirates.

Both the Golden Lion and Big Mama are interested that the new world doesn’t need so many navies.

They all wanted to occupy a place.

“I think it’s a good plan, one man to occupy a territory, and as for the navy, let them return to the great channel.”

Big Mom couldn’t help but laugh.

Whitebeard’s heart was also pure and pure, especially during this time, he was often hunted down and killed, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

“Well, then, we will form the Alliance of Four Emperors, occupy most of the new world, and drive the navy out.”

The Golden Lion agreed.

They all knew very well that the odds of winning against the Navy alone were not very great.

(And add more, put it tomorrow.) )

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