“Well, now that everyone agrees, let’s start dividing up the territory.”

Lynn took out a large map, placed it on the ground, and drew a large opening in his hand.

“As the initiator, I want these places.”

The white-bearded face was black, the big mother’s face was green, and the golden lion was gritting his teeth.

Because most of the territory that Lynn had divided was occupied by Lynn.

Even Big Mama and Whitebeard’s original territory was occupied by Lynn in a large part.

“Lynn, are you looking for death?”

Big Mom gritted her teeth and said.

Mitsuki Oda and Kaido were speechless, not even knowing what to say.

Never seen such a brazen person.

One person occupies 80% of the territory, too arrogant.

“Lynn, that’s what you’re saying in five parts, and it’s a bit too much.”

Even Whitebeard couldn’t help but say Lynn.

“Although my territory is a little bigger, but I am relatively handsome, and the burden I need to bear is also large, I am willing to bear all this.”

Everyone looked at Lynn silently.

It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the long handsome.

“Oh, then forget it, it is still divided according to the previous territory, and as for the rest, it should be given soup to the other pirates.”

Lynn was just talking about playing.

“That’s how it is divided.”

The golden lion nodded in agreement.

Big Mom and Whitebeard didn’t say anything.

“Then we shall set off now, go to the Great Passage, the Naval Headquarters, and have a good discussion with these pirates.”

Lynn instantly changed into black dragon form.

Both Big Mama and the Golden Lion were a little wary, afraid that Lynn would do something to them.

Just as a few men were on alert, Lynn grabbed his ship and flew away.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded.

They didn’t seem to have followed up yet, and Lynn was gone, so what about them?

Fortunately, the people present still had telephones.

Whitebeard and Golden Lion and the others made phone calls one after another, had their crew wait where they were, and then sat down on the deck.

Several people looked at Lynn in the sky.

“Not to mention, Lynn’s black dragon form is still quite powerful.”

“Indeed, it looks huge.”

Both the Whitebeard and the Golden Lion were admired.

Big Mom also looked at Lynn silently.

“With such a strong body, it should be very powerful, right?”

The look in his eyes was filled with longing, eager to take Lynn down at once.

Lynn was flying, listened to her mother’s words, and almost fell to the ground.

Whitebeard and the golden lion were also smiling.

They had known for a long time that the aunt was very interested in Lynn and had always been concerned about Lynn’s body.

Now it seems that Big Mom is still thinking about Lynn.

Lynn lowered her head, and the huge dragon eyes stared at Big Mama.

“Lingling, don’t think about my body anymore, my body is no longer working, I can’t stand your toss.”

In order not to be remembered by the big mother, Lynn can only tell a lie.

It’s terrible to be remembered by Big Mama.

“It doesn’t matter, I have the ability, and I can also raise your body well.”

Big Mom continued to star.

Such a huge black dragon, why can’t it be seen.

Lynn simply stopped saying anything to Big Mama.

After a long time, Lynn went to the Navy Headquarters.

A huge figure appeared directly above the naval headquarters, and Lynn placed the ship in his hand on the surface of the sea, and his dark body appeared above the square.

“No, it’s Lynn, Lynn, the top sea thief in the New World.”

These navies already knew Lynn.

After all, the last time Lynn and Kaido had a barbecue in Navy Square, most of the Navy knew each other.

“No, and Aunt Charlotte Lingling.”

“Whitebeard Edward Newgate.”

“Golden Lion Sciskey, they are the top sea thieves in the New World.”

The navies looked at the fierce sea thief in front of them, and their eyes were full of trepidation.

It’s terrible, it’s all the top sea thieves.

Only Kaido’s face changed.

“Are these navies blind?” Don’t you see I’m here too? It’s so arrogant. ”

Mitsuki Oda was also indignant.

Not far away, the marshal’s office.

Steel Bone Sky just saw the scene here, and his face suddenly became ugly.

“Oh no, Lynn, they’re here again.”

Kapu and Sengoku immediately jumped over.

The two people followed the steel bone empty together to the square, looking at the several sea thieves in front of them, and their faces were particularly ugly.

Four top pirate regiments.

Coupled with the fact that Kaido is also a top pirate, their entire naval headquarters together will not necessarily be able to take down these people.

Now these people are here, putting a lot of pressure on their navy.

“Lynn, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, party.”

Lynn said calmly.

Have a party.

The face of the steel bone was black, and the expressions of the Warring States and others were not very good.

That’s where Lynn last partyed.

The key is that this is the naval headquarters, and a group of pirates are partying here, which seems a little inappropriate.

No, it’s quite inappropriate.

“Bastard, this is the Navy Headquarters, where are you supposed to be?” Still want to party here, hurry up and roll me. ”

The steel skeleton almost roared out.

Nearby navies looked at each other.

It was the first time they had seen Steel Bone Hollow so angry.

“Empty, don’t be so angry, we have known each other for so many years, and we are all old friends.”

“Otherwise, this party, I invite your navy to join us, and everyone will have a good time and have fun.”

Lynn found a place to sit down.

Kaido had already taken the grill from the ship and was ready to grill it in the square of the Navy Headquarters.

Whitebeard and the Golden Lion and the others looked at each other.

Really want to have a barbecue here?

“Going to party?” Do you want to take me with you? ”

Karp stood up.

Just after taking a step, the steel bone void suddenly appeared, slapping Kapu on the shoulder, with a murderous look in his eyes.

“Karp, what the hell do you want?” Don’t forget that you are in the Navy. ”

“Got it, I get it.”

Karp was actually talking about how he could join the pirates.

Steelbone turned his head to look at Lynn again.

“Lynn, what’s going on?” Hurry up and don’t waste our Navy’s time. ”

“Well, I will also say that we, the pirates, have decided to set up the so-called Four Emperors Group, and because of the great reward for the opening, we want to invite your navy to participate.”

Lynn roughly explained the Four Emperors.

There are also the territories and obligations of the Four Emperors.

The steel bone air and the others were stunned when they heard it, and then their eyes were full.

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