“It’s so disgusting, I can’t accept it, I definitely won’t agree to it, and our navy won’t agree.”

The steel skeleton is basically roared out.

Because it’s really unacceptable.

Lynn actually wanted to set up the Four Emperors and divide most of the territory of the New World, and their navy could only leave a few naval bases.

This is clearly a violation of the dignity of the Navy.

Don’t say that the steel bone is empty, even the Sengoku and Kapu are a little angry and can’t accept this matter.

“Marshal Air, do you want to talk to us about your opinion?”

Lynn smiled and stood in front, then pulled out the demon knife and flicked the blade gently.

Whitebeard and Kaido were standing behind.

A group of people silently watched the steel skeleton air waiting for the navy.

Five top sea thieves, plus cadres of various pirate regiments.

Any pirate group stays, the steel bone air has an absolute certainty of defeating, but with so many top sea thieves, there is no certainty.

All the navies looked at Lynn indignantly.

They feel that they have been trampled on their dignity.

In the Navy, a little Lori, who was about ten years old, was also very angry, muttering, and was particularly unhappy.

How dare he threaten the Navy in this way.

Lynn also noticed this strange gaze, turned her head and saw this little Lori.

The long one is quite young, and it is very cute.

But I don’t know why, this little Lolita and Lieutenant General Crane look somewhat similar, most likely carved out of a mold.

It was not Lieutenant General Tsuru and his daughter.

Very likely.

“Come, little sister, come and show my brother, he has a lot of delicious candy here.”

Lynn beckoned.

Little Lori was startled and immediately hid behind Lieutenant General Crane, not daring to look at Lynn at all, only daring to show a small eye.

Tsuru’s face turned iron blue.

“Lynn, this is my sister, you should be respectful and not allow bullying my sister.”

“Oh, your sister, it’s my sister, my sister, you have to take good care of it.”

Lynn said with a smile.

I still have some regrets in my heart.

He thought it was his daughter, but he didn’t expect it to be the sister of Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Wait a minute.

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s sister is not the candidate for the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters in the original book.

It is also a beautiful billet that is very moving.

Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General Tsuru’s sister appeared, and if you think about it, many of the big beauties in the original book have already been born.

Now they are all like little Lori.

It seems that you can find a way to attack these little Lolitas.

“Lynn, do you have any bad ideas?”

Lieutenant General Crane noticed Lynn’s strange look and was a little wary, she suspected that Lynn might have some bad intentions.

Although I don’t know what I have in mind, I must be careful not to give Lynn a chance.

“Look at you, am I such a person?” I am a very serious person, and it is absolutely impossible to do such an outrageous thing. ”

Lynn was righteous.

No matter how beautiful and cute the garden was, after all, he was still a child, and he certainly couldn’t do anything to a small child.

Lieutenant General Tsuru still had doubt on his face.

Whitebeard suddenly appeared next to Lynn and asked cautiously.

“Is this the last navy you occupied?” Not to mention, the long one is really beautiful. ”

The aunt next to her also looked carefully.

That’s it, much worse than her.

I didn’t expect Lynn’s vision to be so bad that she would look at such an ugly girl.

Sure enough, it was right not to be with Lynn.

It was absolutely impossible for Big Mama to admit that she had thoughts about Lynn, and now that Lynn had been taken down by Lieutenant General Crane, it proved that she was inferior to Lieutenant General Crane.

She was absolutely impossible to admit.

Lynn walked over to Steelbone’s empty shoulder and gently tapped Steelbone’s shoulder.

“Marshal Kong, so many of us have come to discuss things with you, and you can’t help but agree, so you have to give us a face.”

“Otherwise, in the New World, I will leave you a few bases, and as for other places, you should leave for the time being, really fight, you are definitely not my opponent.”

The steel bone empty face was particularly embarrassed.

This is definitely a naked threat, and there is nothing he can do.

So many top sea thieves, but also fucking a team, even if he dragged it, he couldn’t help these people at all.

In the face of Lynn’s threat, there seemed to be only one way to do it.

“I understand, roll me, now completely disappear, I don’t want to see you again, how far to roll me how far.” 」

Steel bone empty gritted teeth.

Now they can only compromise, otherwise Lynn and they will lose a lot of money when they fight at the naval headquarters.

“I see, I know what you mean, Marshal Empty, you are such a good man, you know that we have no territory, and you specially gave us territory.”

Lynn felt particularly moved.

The steel skeleton didn’t know what to say.

Never seen such a brazen person, and if Lynn hadn’t pulled out the knife, how could he possibly have agreed.

“Hurry up, I don’t want to see you, how far to roll, but if you dare to find trouble for us in the future, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Steel Bone left with a black face.

Lynn didn’t pay much attention and turned her head to look at the garden not far away, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

“Little girl, do you have time tonight?” Do you want to hang out together, brother, please eat well. ”

“Yuanyuan, hurry up and go with your sister.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru pulled the garden and turned and left.

She had always suspected that Lynn had thoughts about the garden, and she had to be careful not to take advantage of Lynn.

Lynn watched as Lieutenant General Tsuru left.

“Oh, is it necessary to do this?” I just wanted to ask her to go to a movie and eat something, and there wasn’t any conspiracy. ”

“By the way, do you have a pretty girl in your navy?” You can introduce me to one or two, and I’ll love her when the time comes. ”

Lynn shouted.

Lieutenant Crane runs happier, fearing that he will be caught by Lynn and then it will be finished.

As for the other admirals, they also ran away, even the steel bone ran fast, and they didn’t want to see Lynn.

Before long, there were only ordinary navies in the square.

“Well, since they’re all gone, we won’t say anything more, let’s go back first, anyway, Marshal Air has already agreed.”

Lynn flew away again with the others.

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