Eventually, Lynn left Navy headquarters.

The navies, though angry, had to evacuate some of their naval bases from the New World.

Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to face the pirates of the New World.

Not to mention so many top sea thieves.

In less than a month, the entire New World had only a tiny fraction of its naval bases left.

Lynn was happy to hear the news of the naval base retreat.

In this way, the New World is the world of their pirates.

As the top pirate in the New World, it is equivalent to the New World being his world.

“Captain, you are so powerful, most pirates adore you, and many people say that you are the great hero of pirates.”

“Yeah, Captain, you’re amazing.”

Many pirates’ eyes were filled with adoration.

Especially those few female pirates, their eyes were even more eager to eat Lynn.

Lynn was still a little nervous when she was being watched by so many people.

These women shouldn’t go crazy.

Maybe you want to possess him like crazy.

Sure enough, men still shouldn’t be too handsome, or they should protect themselves.

“Hahaha… Of course I’m very good, by the way, such a great achievement, I must send a good newspaper. ”

“Embers, go and get people ready, and then send out a newspaper so that everyone knows about my great deeds.”

Lynn laughed triumphantly.

“Got it, Captain.”

The embers turned and left.

A few days later, a newspaper spread all over the world.

The newspaper is all about the Four Emperors, and it is also promoting Lynn’s great cause.

Almost everyone knew that the Navy had withdrawn from the New World because of Lynn’s credit.

Lynn broke into the naval headquarters, forcing the Navy to compromise and then withdraw from the New World, giving up most of its territory.

For a moment, Lynn’s Black Dragon Pirate Regiment resounded all over the world.

Only a few people knew about it before, but after Lynn’s newspaper publicity, more people knew.

Naval Headquarters.

Of course, Steelbone Kong also saw this newspaper, and was immediately angry, furious, and constantly scolding in the office.

This time it can be said that it has been trampled on by dignity.

“Lynn, you wait for me, one day it will destroy you, and when the time comes, let you see how strong I am.”

The angry steel bone empty mouth scolded, but there was nothing to do.

In the end, the steel bone empty can only be silently accepted.

Who made him unable to deal with Lynn now, could only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach.

At the same time, the golden lion also saw the newspaper and was particularly proud.

“Seeing no, we went into the Navy Headquarters, and the Navy Headquarters had to surrender.”

The pirates below are also constantly patting themselves.

But a moment passed. The golden lion suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and immediately looked at the newspaper in his hand, and his face instantly became ugly.

“Damn Lynn, here again, I’m not going to let him go, this bastard.”

The pirates looked at each other and did not understand why the golden lion was so angry.

These people also carefully read the newspaper, and soon understood that their faces were strange.

Because the newspaper said that Lynn and his men Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others broke into the Navy headquarters and successfully forced the Navy to compromise.

The most important thing is the content.

Lynn actually said that the Golden Lion was a subordinate.

This is simply humiliating the golden lion, and the golden lion is naturally very angry.

Not only the golden lion found it, but so did Whitebeard.

“Ku Lala, this Lynn, knows that taking advantage of people is really disgusting enough.”

Others also found the contents of the newspaper and were quite speechless.

“It’s really disgusting, to say that Daddy you are his subordinate.”

“Well, no matter how much, we already know Lynn’s character, and we don’t need to pay attention to it.”

Whitebeard didn’t get tangled up that much.

Big Mama’s side also knew it, and her heart was quite unhappy, but she also knew that there was no benefit in fighting with Lynn.

Instead of wasting time, eat a good dessert.

So the big mother was only slightly angry, and then sent a frenzy, and finally did not go to Lynn for trouble.


Lynn looked at the newspaper in her hand, and she was also quite proud, and even couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahaha, as the king of the new world, it is only natural to lead his men Whitebeard and Golden Lion to negotiate with the Navy.”

Kaido and Mitsuki Mita looked a little strange.

“Lynn, is this really good?” Whitebeard and Golden Lion don’t seem to be your men. ”

“It doesn’t matter, there’s no need to take it to heart, they’re my men.”

Lynn was happy to read the newspaper and had a big smile.

Kaido and the two didn’t say much.

Anyway, they had long been accustomed to the brazen Lynn, and it was normal to say such things.

“By the way, it is said that Olvia seems to be back, do you want to go and have a look?”

Kaido said suddenly.

Mitsuki Mita’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Did you say Olvia is back?” I remembered that Olvia was pretty, I hadn’t seen her in a long time, and she had finally returned. ”

An excited Mitsuki Oda immediately jumped out, ready to find Olvia.

However, just two steps away, suddenly a figure jumped from the top of his head, and then instantly turned into a behemoth and flew far away.

This behemoth was, of course, Lynn’s black dragon form.

Mitsuki Oda turned black.

“I’ll go, you actually have to fly, you are too faceless, how can you do this?”

Lynn completely ignored Mitsuki Mita.

In the face of beautiful women, it is absolutely impossible to admit it.

Not to mention Olvia’s beautiful and mature big beauty, it is even more impossible to give up.

Thinking about it for so many years, the relationship between him and Olvia was particularly delicate, and although it did not reach that step, it was almost over.

Maybe you can take advantage of this time to take down Olvia completely, and then you can be together.

Mitsuki Oda was quite fast, but Lynn was faster and soon arrived at Olvia’s house.

As soon as she came in, Lynn saw Olvia and a young girl next to her.

This girl looks quite familiar, and there is some blackness, especially like Nicole Robin in the original book.

Wait, Nicole Robin.

Lynn felt that her heart was broken, and it was time for Olvia to go out and already have her own daughter.

But no, even if Olvia goes out, she will come back in a short time, and she is not pregnant at all.

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