“Orvia, who is this girl?”

Lynn was curious.

Anyway, to be sure, Nicole Robin is not Olvia’s daughter, after all, he has been with Olvia for such a long time, and Olvia has been away from home for at most two months at a time.

Two months, raising confinement is not enough.

“Oh, this is the daughter of a friend of mine, but my friend died, and he is now my daughter, to be precise.”

Olvia hastened to explain.

Nicole Robin hid behind Orvia and looked at Lynn cautiously, looking a little frightened.

“What’s your name?”

Lynn was relieved that it wasn’t Orvia’s daughter.

Well, he had thoughts about Olvia, but he didn’t want Olvia to have a daughter outside.

“Robin, her name is Nicole Robin, and I asked her to have a last name with me.”

“By the way, I originally let her stay at my brother’s house, and my brother and sister-in-law didn’t treat her well, so I wanted to bring her back.”

Olvia was still a little afraid that Lynn would refuse, and her expression looked a little nervous.

“No problem, then let her stay.”

Lynn certainly wouldn’t refuse, and if he could, even if Nicole Robin were his dry daughter, he wouldn’t refuse.

It just so happened that he was interested in Nicole Robin growing up.

As for the relationship between the two in the future, it is not a big deal.

Anyway, it’s also dry daughter.

No, you can’t say it, you can just think about it in your own heart.

“Olvia girl, you’re back.”

Mitsuki Oda jumped over from a distance, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Nicole Robin next to her and couldn’t help but take one more look.

Such a cute girl, hiding behind Olvia, is there anything to do with the two of them?

Or that Nicole Robin is Orvia’s daughter.

Mitsuki Mita felt his heart break.

The people he liked, one by one, left him, why was the sky so unfair.

Lynn was only slightly handsome.

“Olvia girl, isn’t this your daughter?”

Mitsuki Oda was a little nervous.

Lynn immediately stepped forward, placing one hand on Olvia’s shoulder and pulling gently.

“Yes, you read that right, this is the illegitimate daughter of the two of us, called Nicole Robin.”

Nicole Robin.

Mitsuki Mita wanted to cry without tears.

What a nice name, but I didn’t expect it to be Lynn and Orvia’s daughter.

Although the girl and Olvia had a surname.

“Olvia girl, I didn’t expect you to already have a daughter, and you are still the captain, it seems that between us, it is absolutely impossible.”

“I don’t have anything more to say, so I can only wish you two happiness, and I hope that your family can have a happy life in the future.”

Saying such a disobedient word, Mitsuki Mita’s heart was broken.

Olvia also smiled awkwardly, this Lynn, just know the nonsense, so that Mitsuki Mita actually misunderstood.

The most critical words are said out, somewhat embarrassing.

“This… Mr. Mitsuzuki, actually, between me and the captain, it is not what you think, between us…”

“We’ve been together for many years, and while you’re excellent, it’s impossible for the two of you to find one better.”

Lynn interrupts Olvia and gives Mitsuki a good guy card.

Olvia was even more embarrassed.

Mitsuki Oda was only very helpless, but did not say too much, still smiling.

He’s actually used to it for a long time.

Lynn half-crouched in front of Mitsuki Mita, then opened her hand and smiled at Nicole Robin.

“Robin, come over and let me hug.”

Nicole Robin was a little frightened and didn’t dare to go near Lynn.

Or Olvia gently patted Nicole Robin’s shoulder and showed a very gentle smile.

“Robin, don’t be afraid, our captain is very handsome and gentle, and many people like captains.”

Nicole Robin, encouraged by Olvia, walked trembling toward Lynn and held out a pair of hands into Lynn’s arms.

At this moment, Nicole Robin felt Lynn’s warmth.

It was an experience she had never had in her life.

Lynn hugged Nicole Robin tightly, then picked Nicole Robin up and looked at Nicole Robin carefully.

“In the future, you can call me Captain or you can call me Daddy.”

Seriously, although Nicole Robin was quite dark when she was a child, she still looked quite cute and looked a little weak, giving people a feeling of wanting to protect.

Nicole Robin clutched Lynn tightly, feeling Lynn’s warmth, and her heart was full of warm currents.

This was the first time someone had held her so warmly.

“Wait, daughter, isn’t this guy your daughter?” How can I say that Olvia is not your person anymore? ”

Mitsuki Mita’s eyes revealed a glint of excitement.

He felt that he had hope, maybe he could be with Olvia and compose a love that could be sung and wept together.

“Oh, I’ve already told you, Robin is the dry daughter of both of us, but Olvia is my wife.”

Lynn put one arm around Orvia.

Olvia didn’t refuse, and she still had a crush on Lynn over the years, not to mention that Lynn often took advantage of her.

The two people just didn’t break it.

Mitsuki Oda was even more lost.

“Sure enough, Lynn, you’re so handsome, there are so many people who like you, and as for me, it’s much worse, and there hasn’t been a lady yet.”

Lynn also felt sorry for Mitsuki Mita.

Anyway, he also snatched Mitsuki Mita’s original wife, eliminating Mitsuki Momonosuke, causing Mitsuki Mita to be fighting with Bakko all the time.

He felt the need to take care of Mitsuki Mita.

“Otherwise, I’ll introduce you to one, Olvia, and if you know anyone else, you can also introduce one to him.”

“Lynn, don’t you want to introduce my aunt to me again?”

Mitsuki Mita looked at Lynn strangely.

Lynn used to want to introduce Big Mama’s daughters, and Big Mama’s children were young and beautiful, mainly because he was afraid of Big Mama.

“If you don’t believe me, then forget it, and I don’t want you to believe it, you can find someone else later.”

Lynn pulled Olvia along, turned and left.

Mitsuki Oda was a little anxious and immediately took a step forward.

“Wait, please introduce me to one, I really want to find a wife.”

“No problem, you wait, I’ll definitely introduce you to one, not to say that it looks too pretty, but certainly not too ugly.”

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