Holy Land of Mary Joya, the home of the World Government.

The night was very calm.

But it wasn’t long before a fire suddenly broke out, burning a small half of Mary Joa, the Holy Land.

The burning place happens to be the dwelling place of the Draco.

In order to protect the Draco, all the soldiers went out en masse, and no other place could take care of it.

After all, the life of the Dracobo is the most important.

That is to say, this is a high-martial world, otherwise such a big fire, the Dracobo people would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

However, under the protection of the soldiers, the Dracos were able to live well and retreat far.

On the other side, a red fishman broke into the slave detention center and released all the slaves.

This fishman was none other than the legendary great hero Fishertiger.

In order to save these slaves and his own compatriots, Fishertiger deliberately climbed from the back of the laterite building to the height outside the mountain, just to save these people.

Seriously, Lynn admired Verschel Tiger.

It is precisely because of this that Ferscheltiger is known as the Great Hero.

“Let’s run.”

Fersheertiger was at the forefront.

Behind them were many slaves, armed with weapons in their hands, their eyes full of hope for the future.

But not long after running, Verschel Tiger was surrounded by a large group of navies.

These navies are the ones who saw Mary Joa in the Holy Land on fire and rushed over to help.

As soon as they arrived, they saw the slaves preparing to escape, and the navies instantly understood what had happened.

“Hurry up, arrest all these slaves.”

“Let’s go up together, we must play here.”

Naturally, Fishertiger, who would not compromise, rushed into the navy, which was a whole set of fishman karate.

A lot of the navy was knocked out.

However, the admiral was not an ordinary person, and he fought with Fishertiger, and as for the other navies, he also fought with slaves.

Unfortunately, the navy had too few people and a particularly large number of slaves, and although the slaves were not very strong in combat, they had a demographic advantage and became more powerful.

“Kill kill kill…”

In the sky, Lynn had just flown over and saw the crowd below fighting fiercely, a swoop, appearing on the upper hand of the battle.

The two sides that were fighting fiercely stopped at the same time, with a wary look in their eyes.

The expressions of the navy and the slaves changed at the same time.

After all, Lynn’s name is recognized in the world, and few people dare to offend Lynn.

But it’s not absolute.

At least some people are quite arrogant.

Fishman Dragon.

The dragon’s eyes were full of disdain and murderous spirit, which was quite unhappy anyway.

Lynn also noticed the dragon’s very unhappy eyes, glared at him fiercely, and then stretched out his dragon claws.

“Stinky boy, do you dare to look at me like this, is it a bit arrogant?” Believe it or not, I’ll fix you now. ”

Verschel Tiger’s face also changed.

He knew very well Lynn’s strength, and if he offended Lynn, he would undoubtedly die.

So don’t offend Lynn.

“Aaron, bow my head.”

Although the dragon was very unhappy, he still listened to Fishertiger’s words and could only bow his head.

“Cut, boy, you must remember that you Fishman Island will be protected by me, and without my protection, even the white-bearded man and the golden lion will not dare to protect you.”

Lynn warned.

Whitebeard had a good relationship with him and could never be an enemy of him.

As for the golden lion, although the relationship is not very good, at least he has saved the golden lion, and the golden lion is still very face-giving.

Not to mention, Big Mama, it was absolutely impossible to offend Lynn for a fishman island.

Fishertiger’s face was a little ugly, but he was also very aware that the entire Fishman Island was protected by Lynn.

Offending Lynn is the disaster of Fishman Island.

“Captain Lynn, he just didn’t see the situation clearly, so you don’t mind him as well.”

The dragon did not dare to speak at all.

As for Lynn, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she had a sly smile on her face.

He didn’t take the dragon in his eyes at all.

In the crowd, a young girl looked at Lynn enviously, her eyes full of reverence, and even a trace of admiration.

This young girl was a little petite, but she was very long and moving, and there were two women with somewhat strong bodies next to her.

The maiden is for the pirate goddess Emperor Boyahan Cook.

When Poyahan Cook saw Lynn at first sight, he was confused by Lynn and especially admired Lynn.

“By the way, you seem to be running away, otherwise, I’ll go talk to the five old stars and help you delay a little time, and you’d better be able to run faster.”

Lynn turned and flew away.

The speed of flight is fast, just in the blink of an eye, it disappears.

Verschel Tiger and the admiral looked at each other at the same time.


The two sides soon fought.

In order to be able to escape from here, the fight was fierce.

During Lynn’s flight, he also saw several people in the world government, and immediately swooped down and slapped down.

“No, it’s Lynn, get out of the way.”

The face of the world government changed in an instant.

Lynn, as one of the strongest pirates in the New World, is so powerful that none of them are sure to defeat Lynn.

In particular, the head of CP0, Becca, died at the hands of Lynn, making them even more jealous of Lynn.

“Oh, I didn’t think it was you.”

Lynn stopped slowly, her eyes playful.

These people were Lynn’s former companions and members of CP0.

He also didn’t expect to see his old friends here.

The CP0 people’s faces also changed, and there was a wary look in their eyes.

“Lynn, I didn’t expect you to betray the world government and betray us CP0.”

Lynn quickly changed back into human form and stood in the middle of the crowd.

“How do I listen to you and think your tone is sour, are you all particularly envious of me?”

“Nonsense, how can we envy you?”

Several people shouted at the same time, and their hearts were indeed envious.

Every member of CP0 wants to have a life of his own, the so-called betrayal of the world government.

Unfortunately, they don’t have this ability, and they can only envy Lynn in particular.

“I really envy you guys, but also, after all, there is no freedom, unlike when I can get the freedom I want.”

“Either you join my pirate group, so that you can be with me, and you will have food and drink in the future, and you will have the so-called freedom.”

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