“No kidding, I’m not going to turn to pirates.”

Several members of CP0 shouted in unison.

Seriously, they would love to betray the World Government, but they don’t think Lynn can defeat the World Government.

Or if Lynn were in a strong position right now, they might think about it.

“If that’s the case, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn instantly turned into a black dragon form, huge dragon claws, and slapped down on several people.

Despite his large size, Lynn was so fast that the average person had no time to dodge.


There was a loud roar in the air, as if space had exploded.

“No, let’s run.”

Several members of the CP0 changed their faces and quickly flashed to the side, pulling away from Lynn.

Unfortunately, it was still a step slower, and Lynn’s dragon claws were already close to one of them.

The man’s face changed instantly, and he immediately clenched his hands.

“Armed color iron block.”

The pitch-black domineering spirit covered his whole body, and he used the Navy’s six-type iron block to keep his body bulging like steel.

Lynn slapped it and just pumped it.


The man didn’t hold on, and he was slapped by Lynn, his face was a little pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The whole body flew out backwards, with a hint of breaking sound, very loud, and crashed into countless houses.

“Remember, don’t use iron.”

Lynn sneered.

How many heroes in this life, Haojie, are because they believe too much in the iron block, and as a result, they are seriously injured, especially unlucky.


Lynn suddenly accelerated, and a huge black shadow rushed into the crowd and then opened the killing ring.

Several of them were Lynn’s former companions, not even as strong as Lynn, and could only be counted as alternate members.

Some of the alternate members, of course, were not Lynn’s opponents, but after three or two clicks, they were thrown to the ground by Lynn.

Although he was not completely defeated, he was also injured, and his breathing was somewhat short, and he looked like he would be defeated at any time.

“Well, the battle has come to an end, and it’s time to end, I’ll go find the Five Old Stars for tea, and you’ll go back and have a good rest.”

Lynn just flew out.

As a former CP0 member, Lynn certainly knew where the Five Old Stars were.

Within a few strokes, Lynn was outside.

“Five old stars, your once most beloved companion has come, don’t you invite me to go in and sit down?”

The five old stars already knew that Lynn was coming, but they didn’t greet him and didn’t want to take care of Lynn.

But now Lynn had walked to the gate, and they were all shouting loudly, and without saying a word, they thought they were afraid of Lynn.

“Come in.”

Lynn pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

“Five old stars, after not seeing each other for so many years, do you miss me?” I can’t sleep if I think about it.”

The face of the five old stars turned black.

For so many years, they did miss Lynn, but they wished Lynn was dead.

“Lynn, what’s the purpose, though, don’t talk nonsense with us, we don’t have that much time.”

“Yes, we are still ready to rest, and it is better not to disturb us.”

Several of the five old stars did not have very good expressions.

“Oh, it’s all like this outside, you can still sleep, and I admire you, it’s almost like a pig.”

Lynn had a sly look in her eyes.

The face of the five old stars was completely blackened, and they actually used such words to describe them.

If it wasn’t for the inability to kill Lynn, the five of them would absolutely go out en masse, and with the great strength of the five people, completely suppress Lynn.

“Lynn, don’t talk nonsense, say your purpose, we don’t have time to waste with you.”

“That’s right, say what you mean.”

“Okay, no more.”

Lynn’s expression suddenly became serious, and then he sat down in front of the five old stars.

The expressions of the five old stars were also very serious.

It seems that Lynn should have some important purpose when she came here this time.

Not to mention, the last time they bought five pure gold is very good, they feel that they are never old again, and their bodies are particularly spiritual.

Lynn was silent for a moment.

“Five old stars, I am also the fourth emperor of the new world, can’t you entertain me well?” Just send me a few beautiful girls and let me have a good time. ”


The five old stars almost fell to the ground.

They waited for so long before Lynn actually said such a thing.

Are you really good at yourself?

Although Lynn is indeed quite powerful.

“Lynn, don’t talk nonsense to women, tell me, what is the purpose?”

The five old stars are about to explode.

Lynn turned her head and looked at Mary Joy, a holy place that was burning outside, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“In fact, my main purpose of coming here this time is to save these slaves, but I didn’t expect that someone actually did it, so I can only come and play with you.”

The face of the Five Old Stars turned incomparably blue.

Too provocative, too arrogant.

He provoked them so brazenly.

“Lynn, you remind me that this is the world government, the holy land of Mary Joa, our territory, and if you dare to be so arrogant in the future, I will let you know how strong we are.”

“Yes, you have to remember your strength, but also to know that our world government is strong, don’t be too unscrupulous.”

The faces of several people were very gloomy.

“Oh, rest assured, I’m a good man, how can I rebel against the world government, I was once your subordinate.”

Lynn smiled.

The five old stars didn’t know what to say, and they were quite helpless in their hearts, especially Lynn’s strength was very strong.

“Forget it, I won’t talk to you so much, anyway, they probably ran away, there is no need to take care of them.”

Lynn turned and prepared to leave.

But just two steps away, Lynn suddenly returned again.

The five old stars were quite curious, what was Lynn’s purpose, and actually came back.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lynn directly took the tea leaves of the Five Old Stars.

Fill a whole amount of fine tea imported by others.

“Five old stars, once worked for you for so long, this is what you paid me, by the way, we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future.”

The face of the Five Old Stars became gloomy again.

Too arrogant, too arrogant.

Unfortunately, Lynn didn’t pay any attention to these people.

“Five old stars, I’m gone, remember, we will have a chance to meet again later.”

Lynn triumphantly left.

But the five old stars gritted their teeth in anger and wanted to kill people.

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