“Oh, is that little devil’s head coming?”

Lynn was surprised too, but soon learned the purpose of the red-haired Shanks.

Since the red-haired Shanks came, he would play with the red-haired Shanks, just so many years, he had not fought much, and his hands were a little itchy.

Outside, the red-haired Shanks waited for a moment, about to say something, when he saw Lynn come out from outside.

“Captain Lynn, long gone.”

Lynn ignored the red-haired Shanks and glanced around, and no one saw anything.

“Didn’t you say the redhead was coming?” How come there is nothing? Forget it, not so much nonsense. ”

Lynn regretted and was ready to leave.

The red-haired Shanks turned black.

He was standing in front of Lynn, and Lynn didn’t see anything, which was a naked trampling on dignity.

Others are embarrassed too.

Especially the red-haired Shanks’s men looked down on the red-haired Shanks, plus the red-haired Shanks bragged before, and the look in his eyes was even more strange.

“Captain Lynn, I’m here.”

Red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but roar.

Lynn then stopped and looked at the red-haired Shanks carefully, in fact, he had already recognized the red-haired Shanks.

“It turns out that you are redhead, it looks like you have grown up, even like you when you were a child, it is simply a turnip head, and it is quite cute.”

“It’s a pity, the male college 18 changes, you are much uglier than before, but also much uglier, not as handsome as before.” 」

“I’ve always been handsome.”

The red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but yell again.

Lynn suddenly pulled out her knife, and the blade was placed on the neck of the red-haired Shanks.

“What did you just say?”

The red-haired Shanks subconsciously shivered.

Although his strength has become much stronger, every time he faces Lynn, he will think of Lynn’s horror.

So subconsciously feel afraid.

The others also looked at the red-haired Shanks with disdain.

Sure enough, everything before was that the red-haired Shanks was deliberately deceiving people.

The red-haired Shanks also reacted quickly, as if there was no need to be so afraid, he had now become stronger.

“Captain Lynn, I’m here to challenge you, do you have time?”

“Oh, challenge me, then come with me, let’s go to the sea and fight.”

Lynn, of course, wouldn’t refuse and took the initiative to be at the forefront.

Red-haired Shanks immediately followed.

The others looked at each other, also raised their feet, and followed the two men, still quite curious about the battle between the two.

After all, Lynn is the world’s top power, with absolute strength, and they are all curious about Lynn’s strength.

A group of people soon came to the shore.

Reaching the shore, the red-haired Shanks pulled out the knife in his hand, ready to strike.

“Captain Lynn, I have admired your strength since I was a child, and this time, please let me challenge you.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you can do it, don’t waste my time, I don’t have time to spend with you.”

Lynn quickly pulled out the demon sword.

As a master of Roger’s peak sword skills, he is very strong in kendo and is not inferior to the red-haired Shanks.

Not to mention the red-haired Shanks who has not yet reached his peak level.

“Captain Lynn, I’ll do it.”

The red-haired Shanks ran fast, and in a blink of an eye, jumped in front of Lynn, and then a horizontal knife, a dazzling light illuminating Lynn’s eyes.

Lynn felt a chill in her bones.

At the moment when the Western Sword was about to touch him, Lynn quickly raised the sword and picked it casually, blocking the attack of the red-haired Shanks.

Quite relaxed, no stress at all.

“Worthy of being the strongest pirate in the New World, it actually blocked the captain’s attack so easily, although the captain’s strength is indeed not good.”

The red-haired Shanks turned black.

The last sentence seemed superfluous.

But don’t say anything, Lynn is really powerful, looks careless, as if he doesn’t pay attention to it, but is strong enough.

A casual knife blocked his all-out attack.

“Captain Lynn, don’t underestimate me.”

The red-haired Shanks was ready to move on.

Lynn suddenly withdrew her weapon, and then, in an instant, transformed into a huge black dragon form.

It’s too much trouble to fight with others.

He decided to end the battle as soon as possible, the black dragon form was very suitable, and he liked this form quite a bit.


Lynn suddenly slapped it hard.

The whole void seemed to explode.

Obviously, the ground has not yet been photographed, but the ground has shattered, and there are cracks one after another, and it is constantly expanding.


Red-haired Shanks didn’t back down and gave Lynn a sword.

A sword qi flew towards Lynn, and the target was Lynn’s brain.

A cold light bloomed in Lynn’s eyes, the power of the dragon’s claws was even greater, and the dark scales revealed a deep ghostly light.

Sharp claws, even more cold flashing.

The red-haired Shanks whispered a bad word.

He suddenly remembered that Lynn’s physique was very strong, even if it was the original Roger, it was just a white trace.

Just careless, actually forgot.

Sure enough, his sword qi hit Lynn’s body, and it only left a white trace, and Lynn didn’t have anything to do.

Just when the red-haired Shanks was surprised, Lynn’s dragon claws had instantly appeared next to the red-haired Shanks and slapped them hard.

This slap just happened to hit the red-haired Shanks’s body, slapped the red-haired Shanks away, and rolled on the ground, and then fell into the sea.

“Well, sure enough, we shouldn’t have had much hope for him.”

Rakiru sighed and then continued to eat the chicken legs.

Originally, I thought that the red-haired Shanks was very powerful, but now it seems that it is just general, a knife can’t kill Lynn, and he was slapped by Lynn and flew out.

Looking at the red-haired Shanks now, I don’t know what to say.

Lynn wouldn’t give the red-haired Shanks a chance to react and immediately flew into the sea and grabbed the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks didn’t react at all and was caught by Lynn.

It is also because the red-haired Shanks is still young, although strong enough, but it has not reached the peak level at all.

Coupled with forgetting Lynn’s immortal body, he was temporarily taken over by Lynn and was unable to resist at all.

The red-haired Shanks was caught by Lynn, and his face was quite ugly, so he could only raise the knife in his hand and throw a few knives at Lynn.

Knife after knife slashed at Lynn’s body.

Lynn stood where she was, motionless.

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