
The red-haired Shanks kept moving, knife after knife, bursting out a series of sword qi, stabbing Lynn.

But so much sword qi slashed at Lynn’s body, that is, it left a white trace, bursting out golden sparks.

Other than that, Lynn didn’t have anything to do.

Lynn slowly held up the red-haired Shanks, the huge dragon’s eye, just staring deadly, with a playful look in her eyes.

“Red-haired little devil, your strength is not good, it is too bad, you still need to exercise well, so I caught it.”

Red-haired Shanks was embarrassed.

If you are careful and you won’t be caught by Lynn, then at least you can hold on for a while.

Well, now that I’ve been caught by Lynn, I can’t get rid of Lynn.

Compared to strength, he is no better than Lynn.

In particular, Lynn’s two dragon claws clenched tightly, leaving no slit.

Invisible pressure squeezes from all sides.

“Captain Lynn, you’re really good, but you definitely won’t lose.”

Red-haired Shanks had a resolute look in his eyes.

Even if you want to lose, you can’t lose so fast, at least for a while.

Lose too quickly, and then it’s too humiliating.

“Captain, if you still concede defeat, we believe that you still have strength, and if you persist, you will be beaten very badly.”

Rakilu felt that the chicken legs in his hand were not fragrant.

“I think the same way, or give up, there is no need to fight so hard, it will really be miserable.”

Beckman was also persuading from the sidelines.

They all know the strength of the red-haired Shanks, and they also know that the red-haired Shanks are very talented.

But now it’s much worse than Lynn.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m not so easy to beat, it’s impossible in this life.”

The red-haired Shanks gritted his teeth and pressed his hands against Lynn’s dragon claws, pushing desperately to the sides, trying to break free of Lynn.

Not to mention, the strength of the red-haired Shanks was quite large, even Lynn’s dragon claws were partially broken off, revealing a thin slit.

“You are indeed quite powerful, and since that’s the case, then I can only show my full strength.”

Lynn sneered, then opened the dragon’s mouth, and a black flame gathered in his mouth, constantly circling, and would spit out at any moment.

The red-haired Shanks looked at the flames in front of him, feeling the heat wave that was constantly sweeping in the air, and his face changed instantly.

Such a large flame, blowing on the body, ordinary people are absolutely unable to bear, maybe even him, will be burned into gray carbon.

It’s really horrible.


Lynn suddenly spat out a mouthful of black flames that pounced on the red-haired Shanks’s face, with a hint of black mist.

“Cough cough cough…”

The red-haired Shanks choked uncontrollably, his face blackened, and he looked very embarrassed.

Beckman shook his head helplessly.

“I don’t need to work so hard, you’ve already proven your strength.”

Lynn opened her mouth again, and the black flame in her mouth became even thicker.

The temperature in the air is rising rapidly, like a crater, making people feel the heat and want to take off their clothes.

The red-haired Shanks also felt that Lynn seemed to be serious, and his heart was a little nervous, and he couldn’t stand being caught in this mouth of flames.

No, you have to admit it.

“Captain Lynn, I already know your strength, there is no need to continue fighting, or should I forget it?”

Red-haired Shanks spoke hurriedly.

Now caught by Lynn, there was almost no escape.

“You said earlier that your temper doesn’t have to be so hard, and you can’t beat me, so why didn’t you admit it earlier?”

Lynn then let go of the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks wanted to cry without tears, and the thought that he could challenge Lynn was a little excited, forgetting Lynn’s ability.

Who thought of Lynn’s strength strong pervert.

“Captain Lynn, I conceded defeat, there is no need to continue fighting, I now understand the true strength of Captain Lynn.”

Red-haired Shanks compromised again.

Lynn didn’t continue to do anything to the red-haired Shanks, gently throwing the red-haired Shanks to the ground.

The red-haired Shanks immediately stood up and quickly stepped back, with helplessness in his eyes, and he didn’t know what to say.

“Redhead, you don’t think you can compete with Captain Lynn, the gap is a bit big.”

Rakilu looked at Cao Red-haired Shanks with blank eyes.

Red-haired Shanks was looked a little embarrassed, shyly lowered his head, and touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“This… In fact, I was just careless, otherwise my strength is still very strong, at least I can…”

Before he could finish speaking, Lynn’s dragon claws clapped over.


With a slap, the red-haired Shanks flew away.

The red-haired Shanks circled the sky and almost fell to the ground, but he was quite embarrassed anyway.

“Don’t brag here, the people who look down on you the most are the ones who know how to pretend every day.”

Lynn particularly despised such people.

Others despise it too.

The red-haired Shanks felt even more embarrassed and was eager to find a seam to drill into.

None of these people can offend.

Lynn was too powerful, the others were his crew, and it was not good to do anything to his companions, and he could only suffer in silence.

“Okay, almost, I should go back.”

Lynn turned and prepared to leave.

The red-haired Shanks was also ready to leave, but when he saw the look in his companion’s eyes, he instantly remembered that he had come this time for a purpose.

He also wanted to become the Four Emperors, but he didn’t know if there was any connection between the Four Emperors of the New World, for example, they would unite together.

If the Four Emperors had any offensive and defensive alliances, he certainly did not dare to find trouble for the Four Emperors.

But if there are no alliances, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

One word.


“Captain Lynn, I don’t know if I want to be the Four Emperors of the New World, is there anything?”

Lynn stopped and instantly understood what the red-haired Shanks meant.

“There is no demand, and between our four emperors, we are only united to fight against the navy and the world government.”

“If you want to become the fourth emperor, then there is a point, in the future, we must fight against the navy together, and if you admit it, then I will slaughter you.”

After saying that, Lynn didn’t say anything more, and quickly walked forward, quickly disappearing.

The red-haired Shanks also understood what Lynn meant, and his eyes were full of determination.

Fighting the Navy together, that’s really acceptable.

After all, the navy is strong, and the world government is also very strong.

One person really can’t hold back, and he definitely needs to unite with other people.

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