Tokai, Rogue Town.

Lynn looked at the town in front of her with some emotion.

When Roger died, he didn’t come to see him off in person, although he didn’t care too much about Roger.

“It’s a good day, alas, life is sometimes so wonderful.”

Lynn took a deep breath.

A month ago, he left the New World to travel around the world to pass the time, just because he was too bored.

After a period of travel, Lynn happened to come to the East Sea, so he simply came to Logue Town to see and pass the time.

“Captain, almost, our supplies are ready and ready to go.”

The pirate in the distance suddenly shouted.

Lynn turned her head and nodded.

“Then let’s go.”

Soon, the pirate ship left.

Not long after leaving, Lynn encountered a warship, a warship decorated with a dog’s head.

This warship is Karp’s warship.

Karp stood at the bow of the boat and saw Lynn too, a gleam in his eyes, and a little worry in his eyes.

“Lynn, how did that guy get to the East Sea?”

Lynn naturally discovered Karp as well.

“Huh… It’s actually Karp, it just so happens that I’ve been bored lately, so let’s pass the time. ”

Lynn held the strings of the boat with one hand, jumped hard, and in a blink of an eye, crossed the sea and came to Cap’s boat.

Karp was not nervous, just looked calmly, but his hands were already clenched into fists, ready to erupt.

“Lynn, how did you get here?” What’s the matter? ”

“Kapu, I haven’t seen you in years, go get me some food, I’m hungry and need to enjoy it.”

Lynn found a place to sit down.

Karp’s face darkened, and he couldn’t help but give Lynn a blank stare, not knowing what to say.

A pirate actually looked for the Navy to eat.

“No, I don’t have anything here, I don’t have anything to eat, I have to go as soon as possible, don’t stay here and disturb me.”

Karp waved, a look of disgust.

Lynn didn’t care, and casually found a place to sit down, and then looked at the other navies.

“What else are you doing?” Don’t hurry up and prepare the food, don’t prepare it again, and in a little while, I absolutely know how good I am. ”

The pirates were a little frightened, and sneaked a glance at Kapu next to them, hoping that Kapu could give him an opinion.

Karp’s face instantly turned black.

An ordinary pirate actually ran over and threatened their navy.

And he showed such a fierce and evil expression.

Do you really think their navy is afraid?

“What to see? Just make something and send all these people away. ”

Karp shouted breathlessly.

All he wanted to do now was send Lynn away, so as not to get too annoyed.

Now the whole Navy, the last thing they want to see is Lynn, it’s a waste of time.

The navies were speechless, but they could only listen to Karp’s advice and immediately go to prepare food for Lynn.

Half an hour later, Lynn and Karp were sitting together eating and even drinking, talking like a pair of good friends.

All the navies were quite speechless.

At first, I was so angry, but now I actually talk so happily, as if I am a good friend, which is really exaggerated enough.

“By the way, Lynn, to ask you a question, last time, the five old stars seemed to be particularly happy, did you do something?”

Karp suddenly asked, his eyes filled with a thick fire of gossip.

“Oh, there’s nothing I can’t say, the last time I went to Mary Joya in the Holy Land, I saw a very beautiful woman, with a graceful body, long and beautiful, and I took her down.”

“Later, I learned that this woman is actually the person who the five old stars look up to, but I am not the kind of person who recognizes it, and naturally I will not return it.”

Karp opened his mouth wide in surprise, a look of confusion, and the nearby navies did not know what to say.

I have never seen such a crazy person.

The woman who dared to rob the five old stars was estimated to be the only one who had the guts, and ordinary people did not dare to do so.

“Lynn, I really admire you, I dare to do this, and my courage is really big enough.”

Karp gulped and admired Lynn in particular.

“It’s ok, it’s nothing, it’s what I should do.”

Lynn said very calmly.

“This doesn’t seem to be what a normal person should do, right?”

Karma couldn’t help but roar.

After robbing someone else’s wife, he still had a faint expression on his face, and actually thought that he should do it.

How brazen this must be.

Never seen such a brazen person.

“Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?”

“As a pirate, it seems normal to fight against the world government, right? It’s as if your navy is fighting pirates, and rightly so. ”

“It seems quite normal.”

Karp nodded subconsciously.

Soon, though, Karp reacted.

“What is called very normal? This is not normal at all. ”

“Well, don’t talk so much, Karp, do you recognize some beautiful women?” Tell me a few, my family is not enough. ”

Lynn poured Karp a drink.

Karp was still very happy, very happy to drink, and when he heard Lynn ask if there was a beautiful woman, he subconsciously nodded.

“I do know a beautiful woman.”

But as soon as he said that, Karp reacted, and this beautiful woman seemed to be the person from their windmill village, and she definitely could not be introduced to Lynn.

“Unfortunately, the beautiful women I know are so bad that they can never compare to you, so don’t think too much.”

“By the way, you have a lot of women yourself, why do you need so many women?”

“You don’t understand that, because I’m so good, I always need some women.”

Lynn deliberately showed a strange smile.

Karp’s face darkened, and he didn’t know what to say.

The nearby navies also looked at each other, quite speechless.

Kapu that is not a word.

“Forget it, I don’t want to say too much, I don’t know any beautiful women anyway.”

Lynn looked at Karp’s expression and knew that Kapu knew beautiful women, and he knew who it was.

Not even that pretty hostess Marcigino.

But Lynn didn’t say it, but he had already decided in his heart to find a chance to see it, and if he looked beautiful, he would tie him back.

After all, he was a pirate, and kidnapping a girl was a matter of course.

In the end, Lynn left.

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