The pirate ship, Belmer and the others had already been caught.

Although some did not want to be with Lynn and did not want to join the Pirates’ team, they couldn’t help it, and eventually joined Lynn’s team.

Belmel was a little nervous, he didn’t dare to face Lynn at all, and there was still some uneasiness in his heart.

She was afraid that Lynn would be a pervert, for example, to do something bad to her two fucking daughters.

And that’s quite a possibility.

Lynn noticed Marcino’s expression and knew what was going on in Belmer’s mind, quite calmly.

He didn’t plan to do anything to these people anyway.

At most, it is to do it to Belmer.

Wait, he had already taken Marcino, but Marcino was alone, delicate and weak, and could not resist him at all.

Better to add one more person.

For example, Bermel is also very good-looking, and his figure is quite good, if you can, you can teach Bermel a lesson.

That’s right, let’s teach Bermel a lesson tonight.

Lynn made a decision quickly.

The night soon arrived, everyone else was asleep, and Lynn had already informed Belmel in advance.

Although Belmel was very unhappy, he also knew that he could not offend Lynn, so he could only silently go outside and wait for Lynn.

“Come with me now.”

Lynn reached out and put her arms around Belmel and pulled her into his arms.

Belmel just struggled for a moment, seeing that he couldn’t get rid of Lynn, and finally reluctantly agreed.

“You can rest assured, as long as you are my person, I can protect your family of three, and I can also protect Nami and a few of them.”

These words came to Bermel’s heart.

As long as she can protect Nami a few people, even if she gives herself, she can accept it, and the big deal is to become Lynn’s person.

Belmel was eventually dragged into the room by Lynn.

As for what you can do when you get to the room, it is natural to do what you should do.

On the other side, Nami and Nochgao were asleep.

The two had just fallen asleep, but seeing that Belmel was gone, they suddenly woke up again.

After all, sleeping at sea is somewhat inappropriate.

When she wakes up, Nami sees that Belmel is not there and prepares to look for Bermel.

But just before she could get up and leave she heard the voice in the next room, it was Belmer’s.

“Damn, this guy actually beat Belmer, and I won’t let him go.”

Nami gets angry and thinks that Belmel is being bullied by Lynn and is ready to do it.

Fortunately, Nochko understood what this meant and immediately grabbed Nami.

“Nami, don’t mess around, the two of them should be playing games, let’s not bother them.”

“Play the game?” I want to go too, or take me with me. ”

Nami was ready to go.

Noach grabbed Nami tightly.

“This… Nami, let’s not go, if we disturb the traditional things, the captain will definitely be angry. ”

Nami took a closer look, Lynn is indeed not a good person, especially easy to get angry, there is no need to provoke Lynn.

In case Lynn gets angry, it’s bad, and the family has to watch Lynn’s face go.

Early the next morning, Nami got up early.

Nami wakes up and quickly takes it to the deck and finds Lynn and Belmer.

“Captain, why did you hit my mother when you played the game yesterday?”

Belmer’s face darkened, slightly embarrassed.

Lynn was equally embarrassed to be told by Nami in front of so many people.

Nochko was helpless, and Marcino was smiling.

As for the pirates, some of them couldn’t control themselves and especially wanted to laugh, but in the end they resisted.

There are some things that still can’t be said.

Nochko immediately pulled Nami away.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Lynn rubbed Nami’s head.

“Nami, I’m a good person, how can I do such a thing as hitting people?” This is absolutely impossible. ”

Lynn said righteous words, toe high.

Bermel next to him couldn’t help but roll his eyes, not knowing who it was last night, knowing what it was to be an adult.

Forget it, not so much.

Nami just looked at Lynn with such eyes, with a look of doubt in her eyes, and always felt that Lynn was not a good person.

Belmel also stood up at once.

“Nami, don’t talk nonsense, we didn’t do anything last night.”

“Oh, I see, I didn’t do anything last night, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bother you.”

Nami wasn’t an idiot either, and presumably had already guessed what might be between Lynn and Belmer.

Maybe it’s a matter of adults.

“Okay, let’s rest early.”

Lynn immediately ripped off the subject.

“Why sleep? Isn’t it morning, just got up? ”

Nami deliberately showed a very confused expression.

Lynn had a black face and didn’t know what to say, that is, Nami dared to talk to him like this, if it was someone else, she would definitely draw her knife and threaten.

But forget it, that is, a very ordinary girl, there is no need to be so angry with this child.

Not to mention, this look Nami is still quite cute.

Lynn couldn’t help but take one more look.

In the future, when you have the opportunity, you can find a way to teach Nami a lesson, for example, when Nami grows up, you can teach a lesson.

The time of day passed quickly.

At night, Lynn was just about to rest when the door suddenly rang and Nami’s voice came from outside.

“Captain, stop bullying Belmer, you won’t be able to sleep at night.”

Belmel shyly covered his face, a little embarrassed, this girl is also true, do not know to give her a little face.

Lynn didn’t know what to say either.

It’s also hard to meet a brazen.

“Don’t worry about this matter, you have a good rest, if it is nonsense, there will be no pocket money in the future.”

Lynn took out the trump card trick.

When Nami heard that there was no pocket money, she was suddenly a little anxious, and she couldn’t take care of so much.

“Then I’m gone, and I’m definitely not going to bother you.”

Belmel also felt quite ashamed.

This guy actually likes money so much that he even wants to steal things.

Time flew by, and soon more than a month passed, and Lynn was finally back in the new world.

In the New World, it was Lynn’s turf.

In particular, most of these top sea thieves are related to him.

Lynn can be described as black and white.

Just three days after arriving in the New World, Lynn met an old acquaintance.

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