At the surface of the sea, Lynn’s pirate ship stopped.

Not far ahead, a warship blocked it.

Lynn saw the strange warship decorated with a dog’s head and knew who it was.

Except for Karp or who.

“Marcino, Lieutenant Cap is coming, I’ll take you and say hello to him.”

Lynn hugged Marciano and jumped, but in a blink of an eye, she crossed the sea and landed smoothly on the warship.

Kapu looked at Lynn who was close at hand, and then looked at Marciano next to him, and he was immediately embarrassed and angry.

“Lynn, you bastard, you are so disgusting, you actually ran to my territory and did something to my villagers, you are too much.”

“Lieutenant General Karp, don’t think that you are older and uglier than me, you can frame me at will.”

Lynn tapped Karp lightly on the shoulder.

Karp almost didn’t get mad at Lynn.

Although he was indeed a little older and uglier than Lynn, did he need to say it?

Wait a minute.

How can it be said that it is uglier than Lynn, it is absolutely impossible.

“Lynn, don’t mention my old things, I’m talking about you now, you’re going a little too far, and you dare to rob my village.”

“I never thought that Lieutenant General Kapu turned out to be such a person, the two of us are obviously really in love, and he wants to break up the two of us.”

Lynn grabbed Marciano by the shoulders and gave a very affectionate expression.

Marcino smiled awkwardly too.

Although she was completely occupied by Lynn, she still felt that Lynn was quite good.

Not a downright bad guy.

And she was already Lynn’s wife, so naturally she had to think about Lynn.

Karp almost didn’t get mad at Lynn.

“Lynn, can you not be so shameless, it is clear that you robbed us, robbed us of the most beautiful girl in our village, and said it so grandly.”

“I’m not talking nonsense with you anymore, hurry up and hand over Marciano, I’m going to take Marciano back, I want to be with you.”

“Lieutenant General Karp, why are you such a scumbag?” Are you still human? If you want to break up the two of us hard, do you want a little face? ”

Lynn, of course, couldn’t have confessed.

In a real fight, Kapu is not necessarily his opponent.

Kap was speechless by Lynn.

It is clear that he is robbing, it can be regarded as robbing the people’s women, and he is still blaming him for breaking up the two people, and his face is really thick enough.

“Lynn, I really want to slap you to death.”

“Lieutenant General Karp, I think you may not be able to kill me, forget it, there is no need to cause big trouble for such a small matter, let’s go and rest.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and hand over Marciano, or don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Kapu gasped and put a hand on Lynn’s shoulder, trying to knock Lynn to the ground.

“Well, let’s both take a step back, and when I get married to Marciano, I can invite you over for the wedding, what do you think?”

Lynn said with a smile.

“As it turns out, you are getting married, and you have invited me to the wedding.

Karp nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

But after half a moment, Karp suddenly reacted, staring at Lynn in exasperation.

“What are you kidding?” I would never agree to the two of you being together, and Marciano must go back with me. ”

“Hey, you Lieutenant General Kapu is so much of a thing, he actually robbed his wife with me, such a big person, he actually wanted to rob a seventeen or eighteen-year-old delicate little girl.”

Lynn shouted.

All the navies were looking at this, their faces strange.

Kapu was also flushed by what Lynn said, and his eyes were filled with angry anger.

“Lynn, do you still want to face it?” It is clear that you are bullying a delicate little girl, and you are kind enough to say me. ”

Lynn nodded subconsciously.

He is in his 30s, Marciano is only seventeen or eighteen, and there is indeed some gap between the two sides.

But none of this is nothing, and there will never be a gap between true love.

“Lieutenant General Karp, I can’t spare Marciano anyway, she will definitely be with me in the future and live a happy life.”

“Mr. Karp, you leave us alone, I think Mr. Lynn is very good, I would like to be with Mr. Lynn.”

Marciano suddenly stood up, with determination in her eyes.

In fact, she also knew very well that Lynn would never let her go, and if she really wanted to fight, Kapu might not be able to bargain.

Since this is the case, there is no need to let Kapu and Lynn fight for no reason, if they really fight, there will definitely be an accident.

So Marcino could only give up and go back with Karp.


Cap looked at the determination in Margino’s eyes and nodded.

“Well, I can only wish you happiness, and Lynn, if you dare to bully the cutest girl in our village, I will never let you go.”

“Then Mr. Karp, bullying her at night, should be all right?”

Lynn laughed playfully.

Karp’s face darkened, and he wanted to slap Lynn to death, so he actually said such a thing.

Bullying at night, isn’t that the case.

Many navies in the vicinity were quite envious, and they had never seen such a brazen person.

The main thing is that Marciano is so pretty.

If they could, they would also like to kiss such a beautiful girl as Marcino.

Unfortunately, all this is just a thought.

Even Marciano was quite shy, gently pushing Lynn, more embarrassed.

“Lynn, don’t talk nonsense, there are so many people here, it’s embarrassing to say it.”

“I understand, then this kind of thing will not be said, anyway, the meaning is obvious, you can go at night, you can’t bully during the day.”

“Marcino, rest assured, I will take good care of you at night.” Definitely won’t hurt you. ”

Lynn had a deep look in her eyes.

Although Marcino was very embarrassed, he was also quite shy when Lynn said this, and more than that, he was warm.

What a wonderful good man.

Karp looked at the expressions of the two now, and knew that the two were very happy, and could only agree that the two were together.

Although Marciano was snatched by Lynn and taken over by Lynn, it seems that the two are doing well.

Since this is the case, it can only let two people be together, and I believe that these two people will be very happy.

In the end, Lynn managed to leave with Marciano.

Karp could only watch.

Such a good girl, arched by the pig.

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