Tokai, Windmill Village.

A pirate ship approached slowly.

At the bow of the boat, the red-haired Shanks looked at the windmill village in front of him, somewhat eager to try.

He also wanted to take the position of the Four Emperors, but it was a pity, although the strength was very strong, but the foundation was still a little worse.

He can fight the Golden Lion or Whitebeard, even if Big Mama has the strength to fight, and there is no winner or loser.

But it is precisely because there is no distinction between victory and defeat, neither being able to be defeated, nor being able to defeat the enemy, and getting the title of the Four Emperors.

So the red-haired Shanks gave up and just found a good place in the New World.

However, even if he did not defeat the others, he also got the position of the fifth emperor, and he had a small reputation in the new world.

So the red-haired Shanks did not continue to work hard, no matter how hard they tried, it was just that they did not distinguish between winning and losing, and the red-haired Shanks with the salted fish personality would definitely not be desperate.

“Redhead, I have finally arrived at the Windmill Village, and I have heard that you have always been interested in Miss Margiano, but you should try a little harder.”

“Yeah, as a man, you should work hard.”

In the face of the cajoling of the people nearby, the red-haired Shanks was also a little embarrassed and gently touched the back of his head.

“This, it depends on what Miss Marcitino means.”

Everyone understood that the red-haired Shanks obviously had an idea, but he was a little embarrassed to say it.

This kind of person is really garbage.

After arriving at the windmill village, the red-haired Shanks saw the village chief and immediately walked up happily.

“Chief, is Miss Marcinal still here?”

At the mention of Marcino, the village chief’s face was ugly.

The red-haired Shanks also noticed the village chief’s expression and secretly said something bad in his heart.

“Chief, what happened?” Is there something wrong with Miss Marcino? ”

Other pirates are also worried.

They were also very optimistic about Marcino, and even thought that Marciano was their captain’s wife.

The village chief sighed slightly.

“You’re late, Marciano has been snatched away by pirates, and it’s been a long time.”

“What? Which pirate is so rampant? ”

The red-haired Shanks’s pupils narrowed, his eyes filled with anger, and a strong momentum erupted.

The whole windmill village is under the shroud of this momentum.

Everyone, including the village chief, was afraid.

But soon, the red-haired Shanks reacted and immediately retracted his momentum.

“Chief, tell me who it is?” I’m going to go get Marciano back now.” ”

Red-haired Shanks had a resolute look in his eyes.

Although Marcino is likely to be bullied by pirates, he does not care, he likes Marcino and is willing to be a receiver.

“Forget it, I know you’re pretty good, but alas, that pirate is quite powerful.”

The village chief did have some expectations, but whoever thought of Lynn’s status was helpless.

After all, even Cap couldn’t save Marciano.

“Chief, don’t worry, I’m still a little famous in the whole new world, and ordinary pirates will give me face.”

Red-haired Shanks patted himself hard, quite confidently.

“Yes, village chief, our captain is still very powerful, and ordinary people are definitely not opponents.”

“Rest assured, Chief, that you can leave it all to our captain.”

The other pirates are also quite confident.

The village chief looked at such a confident red-haired Shanks and didn’t know what to say.

Lynn is so powerful and has dominated the new world for many years, is this something that these turnip heads can deal with?

Forget it, since the red-haired Shanks is so confident, then give it to the red-haired Shanks.

“Since you said so, then I will tell you that Marcino was snatched by Lynn, the top sea thief of the New World, and if you really want to bring her back, then it will be up to you.”

“It turned out to be a new world, no big deal, that is, a Lynn, and it will be handed over to me when the time comes.”

The red-haired Shanks was too serious to remember who Lynn was, but just remembered the name.

Instead, the other pirates had strange faces.

This is Lynn the Sea Thief, the king of the New World.

Although they are also one of the Four Emperors, many people know that Lynn is not only the Four Emperors, but also One Piece.

“Redhead, you hear me clearly, he’s talking about Lynn.”

Beckman gently pushed the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired Shanks reacted to this, thinking of Lynn, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

This is Lynn.

The King of the New World, the last time he was just careless, was slapped by Lynn.

If there is a fight, he is not necessarily Lynn’s opponent, and even if he fights, it is likely to be a lose-lose situation.

Maybe they’ll be defeated.

“Mr. Redhead, if Lynn is too difficult to deal with, then forget it, there is no need to fight with Lynn.” The village chief spoke.

Red-haired Shanks was a little embarrassed.

Just now he was so confident, and it was Lynn who stole Marcino.

No matter how confident he was, he wasn’t sure enough to defeat Lynn.

“This… Rest assured, I’ll go give it a try and do my best to bring Marcitol back. ”

The red-haired Shanks decided to give it a try.

After all, no matter how strong Lynn was, he couldn’t kill him in a second, he really couldn’t, he could retreat temporarily.

But as long as you succeed and bring Marcino back, you can get Marcino’s favor and be with Marcino when the time comes.

Red-haired Shanks even thought about a better life to come.

Thinking of this, the red-haired Shanks sneaked a grin.

Both Beckman and Rakiru were speechless, and not far away, Jesus even knocked on the head of the red-haired Shanks.

“Redhead, you don’t have to think too much, you haven’t saved Marciano yet, don’t think about so many bad things.”

The red-haired Shanks immediately turned back to God, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and revealed a serious expression.

“Okay, I see, we’ll go now and see the New World, and we’ll find Lynn by the way.”

“Let’s go now.”

The whole red-haired pirate group set off together.

At the bow of the ship, the red-haired Shanks looked at the sea in the distance, and his heart could not be calm for a long time.

However, thinking of Marcito’s beautiful face and moving smile, the red-haired Shanks’s heart suddenly calmed down.

The red-haired Shanks made up his mind that he must bring Margino back so that he could be with him.

“Hey hey hey…”

“Marcino, you are waiting for me, I will definitely bring you back.”

“Redhead, don’t be in a daze, now it’s time to go.”

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