New World, Dressrosa.

The red-haired Shanks’s pirate ship approached once more.

But when he docked, Beckman suddenly stopped the red-haired Shanks.

“Redhead, are you sure you’re looking for Lynn?” It’s very powerful, and we don’t necessarily beat Lynn. ”

Beckman looked serious.

“Of course, and with the strength of the two of us, even if we can’t fight when the time comes, we can still retreat safely.”

Red-haired Shanks had a determined look in his eyes.

The others said nothing more.

Moreover, in the New World for so many years, they had also challenged several other four emperors, and even if they could not fight, they could safely retreat.

So they’re not really afraid.

Immediately after docking, the red-haired Shanks stepped up, followed by the others, and a group of people quickly landed.

Red-haired Shanks soon arrived at Lynn’s doorstep.

“Trouble to inform, just say red-haired Shanks visited.”

“You wait.”

The pirate immediately turned and left.

After all, red-haired Shanks are also a little famous over the years, and they can’t not know Red-haired Shanks.

Rakilu suddenly approached the red-haired Shanks.

“Why should you be so polite, you can just hit it, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Idiot, we’re not here to fight, we’re just going to bring people back, and if we really hit them, we’ll be doomed.”

The red-haired Shanks glanced at Rakiru.

Beckman also appeared next to the red-haired Shanks.

“Indeed, you can’t fight with Lynn, the whole new world is almost Lynn’s territory.”

“Whitebeard has a relationship with Lynn, and the Golden Lion is said to owe Lynn a favor, and offending Lynn is tantamount to offending the whole new world.”

The red-haired Shanks also nodded.

Lynn is not only powerful, but also has a wide network of contacts, and there is no need to offend Lynn at all.

Inside the room, Lynn heard that the red-haired Shanks was coming, and she was very curious, but she still walked out.

He also wanted to know the purpose of the red-haired Shanks coming.

“Redhead, do you have anything to do with me?”

Red-haired Shanks saw Lynn in front of him, and no longer hesitated, and quickly spoke.

“Captain Lynn, I want you to give me face.”

Lynn paused and actually asked him to give face, although he knew that the red-haired Shanks was the face fruit ability, but he was also too arrogant.

Don’t know if he’s the senior?

Sure enough, it should be a lesson.

Lynn walked over to the red-haired Shanks and slapped her face without hesitation.

Crisp and loud.

Red-haired Shanks didn’t expect Lynn to suddenly slap him, and for a moment he was confused, and some of them couldn’t react, not understanding why Lynn slapped him.

“You… You hit me? ”

“You didn’t wake up, did you?” Let me give you face, if you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, give me a roll, actually let me give you face, Lao Tzu is your predecessor. ”

“Also, your captain, Roger, owed me three conditions, but he still hasn’t paid them back, and he still wants me to give you face.”

Lynn’s eyes were filled with contempt.

I don’t know what the red-haired Shanks thought, let him give face, just a slap is already good.

Beckman and others were also quite speechless.

Although the red-haired Shanks are quite powerful, they don’t need to give face at the beginning.

How to say that Lynn is also the top sea thief of the New World, and Roger is equally famous, and has been famous in the world for a long time.

Why give you face.

The red-haired Shanks was actually brain-dead.

“Alas, Captain Lynn, don’t you want to talk to him in general, because when he came down today, his brain was hit by the ship.”

Beckman said next to it.

The red-haired Shanks also reacted, how can Lynn say that he is also the world’s top sea thief, or to give face.

It was impossible to get Lynn to give face.

“I’m sorry Captain Lynn, but I actually want to say, please, do me a favor, a trivial favor.”

Red-haired Shanks spoke immediately.

If you can bring Marciano back, it would be good, if necessary, it is better not to do it.

“Oh, please do me a favor, so I’ll give you a face, I see you like this, ugly looking, but also a face.”

Lynn looked up and down at the red-haired Shanks.

It still looks like it, but the brain is not enough, too stupid, and there is no difference between a fool.

The red-haired Shanks was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Lynn like this, but he could only smirk and say much.

“Say, how do you ask me to give you face?” Tell me a little bit, and I’ll be sure if I can give you face. ”

Lynn slowly pulled out the demon knife Muramasa.

Although I don’t understand what red-haired Shanks means, one thing is for sure, Red-haired Shanks is definitely coming for trouble.

Fortunately, he had just gotten stronger, and since the red-haired Shanks had come to fight trouble, then don’t blame her for being rude, and he could only teach the red-haired Shanks a lesson.

Lynn could even think of the scene of her own hand pinching the red-haired Shanks, and there was some excitement in her heart, but more excitement.

Red-haired Shanks saw Lynn so excited, and there was a sudden feeling of uneasiness in his heart, and he always felt that something was wrong with Lynn.

Why so excited?

“Captain Lynn, actually, I have a friend who was caught by you, so I hope you let him go.”

“Did I catch your friend?” No wonder you asked me to give you face, but it doesn’t matter, I’m sure I’ll give you face. ”

Lynn nodded yes without hesitation.

It is estimated that which of his subordinates caught the red-haired Shanks’s friend, if there is no big problem, it can be released.

The red-haired Shanks suddenly had a happy smile on his face.

“No problem, that’s my friend, Marciano, and I hope you can let her go.”


Lynn’s face changed suddenly.

He also did not expect that the red-haired Shanks’s friend was actually Marciano.

Who is Marcino?

It was his wife, who had been particularly gentle during this time and had provided him with a lot of services, how could he just give up.

“By the way, what did you ask me before?” Am I going to give you a face? ”

Lynn said suddenly.

“That’s right, I hope Captain Lynn can give me a face.”

The red-haired Shanks, though he didn’t understand, nodded.

“Well, since you’ve asked this question, then I won’t say anything more, I absolutely can’t give you face, how far to roll me away.”

Lynn waved casually, a look of disgust.

I still want him to give face, but I am arrogant enough.

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