At the shore, Lynn put her arms around Marcito, looked at the red-haired Shanks who was hanging in front of her, and couldn’t help but shake her head.

“You talk about you, young, don’t know how to get stronger, and think about women all day.”

Lynn’s words struck the red-haired Shanks deeply.

Originally quite unhappy, and saying such things, the red-haired Shanks felt that his heart was broken.

Marcino smiled awkwardly, too, but she didn’t help the red-haired Shanks speak.

Although she has a good feeling for the red-haired Shanks, after all, she is now Lynn’s person, and she must listen to Lynn.

As a young girl who has already married, she should still turn to her husband, and absolutely not to outsiders.

The red-haired Shanks saw that Marcino did not help himself speak, and his heart was even more helpless, and he had no choice but to leave silently.

Only when he left, the red-haired Shanks turned back step by step, looking at Marciano with some reluctance.

His first love was gone.

Lynn noticed the expression on his face and immediately reached out and squeezed it gently, making a clicking sound.

“Redhead, if you don’t leave again, don’t blame me for not being polite, I’ll beat people up.”

“I’ll go now.”

The red-haired Shanks was so frightened that he ran away, and did not dare to stay any longer, fearing that Lynn would do it.

On the surface of the sea, the red-haired Shanks looked at the fading Dressrosa with a special disappointment.

The person next to me didn’t know what to say.

Anyway, this time the red-haired Shanks hit too hard.

“Well, don’t think about it so much, take a good rest, and after a while, let’s go out and pass the time.”

“I see.”

The red-haired Shanks sighed, helpless.

A week later, Dressrosa.

Lynn was eating, when she suddenly noticed that Kaido didn’t seem to be there, and she was suddenly curious.

“By the way, what about Kaido?” Why didn’t you see him? Where did he go? ”

Others also looked at each other.

“I remember, I haven’t seen Kaido in a long time.” Mitsuki Mita suddenly realized.

The other pirates were also talking about it, and they didn’t seem to know Kaido’s whereabouts.

Lynn was also puzzled, so many people did not know Kaido’s whereabouts and did not know where Kaido had gone.

“Forget it, make a phone call.”

Although quite curious, Lynn didn’t bother too much, just make a phone call.

It didn’t take long for the phone to be answered.

“Kaido, where have you been?” Why hasn’t there been a trace of you until now. ”

An empty island.

Kaido had the phone in his hand.

“Lynn, don’t worry about me, I’m going to break into the Navy headquarters now.”

“Oh, break into the Navy headquarters, I see.”

Lynn hung up the phone calmly.

But as soon as he hung up, Lynn suddenly reacted, and Kaido seemed to say that he was going to break into the Navy headquarters.

“Did I hear you wrong, Kaido is going to break into the Navy Headquarters.”

“Lynn, you heard it right, Kaido really wants to break into the Navy headquarters.”

Mitsuki Oeda said helplessly.

The faces of the other navies were also strange.

He was also worthy of being the deputy captain of their pirate regiment, and he was really brave enough to want to break into the naval headquarters.

It was the naval headquarters, and it was quite dangerous.

Kaido is still quite capable.

“But forget it, that is, the Navy Headquarters, I haven’t been there, there is no need to worry about Kaido.”

Lynn was rather calm and continued to drink.

That is, the Navy Headquarters.

The pirates looked at each other.

That is, the Navy Headquarters, which was something that Lynn could easily say.

However, if you think about it, Lynn seems to have often fought with Kaido into the naval headquarters, and there is really no need to worry so much, the big deal is to fight again.

Anyway, Kaido often passes.

“Come and come, we continue to do our thing, drink wine that should drink, eat meat that should eat meat.”

Lynn raised her glass, gulped down the wine, and ate the meat, completely ignoring the navy.

None of the others had Kaido’s safety at heart, what to do.

At this moment, Kaido jumped directly above the naval headquarters, jumped into the sea, and smashed a huge pit in the ground.

There was a huge earthquake in the entire naval headquarters, and the earth trembled violently, and even the sea was affected, setting off a huge wave of terrifying waves.

Such a big move, of course, attracted the attention of the Navy, and all the admirals looked into the distance.

The Warring States, who had long been the marshal of the Shanghai Army, had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face and a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

“Damn, isn’t it Lynn again?”

The first thing that Sengoku thought of was Lynn.

Because of this guts, there is only Lynn in the whole world, and the most terrible thing is Lynn.

Even if he could defeat Lynn, he couldn’t kill it, and after fighting for days and nights, it was useless in the end.

“Marshal of the Warring States, is the Hundred Beasts Kaido.”

The navy outside ran in and reported.

Sengoku’s expression was even uglier.

Sure enough, it was the Hundred Beasts Kaido, which meant that Lynn was also here, with a headache, why was he so unlucky.

“Is Lynn also there?”

Sengoku couldn’t help but ask.

“Report to the Marshal of the Warring States, there is only one hundred beasts Kaido, and no one else.”

“What? Only one person, Kaido the Hundred Beasts? ”

Sengoku was shocked.

Originally, I thought that Lynn’s trouble was also here, but I didn’t expect that it was only Kaido.

If Kaido was the only one, there was no need to be afraid, even if it was a trouble, it was only a small trouble, it could still be easily suppressed.

“Kapu, Sengoku, hurry up and get me out.”

Kaido’s angry roar came from outside.

Sengoku and Kapu looked at each other, then nodded.

Since Kaido himself is looking for death, then don’t blame them for being rude, they can only suppress Kaido.

The two of them jumped out of the office together, quickly came to the shore, and then saw the mighty Kaido.

“Kaido, you bastard, you dare to break into our naval headquarters, don’t you want to live?” Sengoku shouted.

“Hmm, so what? I never took your navy seriously, and this time, I was here to teach you a lesson. ”

Kaido snorted coldly, and made up his mind that he must have a good fight with the navy and strive to make a breakthrough for himself.

He wanted the Demon Fruit to awaken twice, or even multiple times, and then completely surpass Lynn.

Thinking of this, Kaido’s face was filled with a bright smile.

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