The battle between Kaido and the Navy lasted for most of the day, and the battle was finally over.

It ended in Kaido’s defeat.

In the days that followed, Kaido played a few more fights, hoping that he could awaken.

Unfortunately, the Demon Fruit Awakening was not so easy, and even if Kaido fought hundreds of times, he might not be able to successfully awaken the Fruit.

The navy was also thoroughly annoyed by Kaido, and taught a harsh lesson, in addition to increasing the reward for Lynn’s pirates.

After all, Kaido is so provocative and does not reward Lynn, then it is really too much to go.

Although even if the reward is increased, it will not be able to get Lynn, but there is no need to care so much.

On this day, the Navy Headquarters.

Lynn was resting when suddenly she heard the system.

“Congratulations to the host, for the two billion Bailey Bounty package, will the host open it?”

“Another gift pack?”

Lynn was a little confused, and did not react for a while, but there was a gift package again.

When is the gift package so easy to get.

Also, the bounty of 2 billion baileys.

Lynn thought about it carefully, he had been particularly low-key lately, he had never done anything big, and he actually had a bounty.

But Lynn didn’t bother too much, whatever the reason, since there was a bounty, it was a good thing.

The gift package for free cannot be left unchecked.

“System, open the package now.”

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, successfully obtained the Demon Fruit Awakening Card, you can awaken the fruit once.”

Lynn’s eyes were filled with joy.

It’s actually the Demon Fruit Awakening Card, which is a good thing, as long as the fruit awakens, it can become more powerful.

“System, give my fruit enhancement now.”

Lynn couldn’t wait.

Whether the Black Dragon Fruit should be strengthened or the Dark Fruit should be strengthened.

These are more tangled.

“Ding-dong, the Demon Fruit Awakening Card is only a Primary Demon Fruit Awakening Card, and can only be used by people who do not have the ability to awaken the Demon Fruit.”

The sound of the system interrupted Lynn’s excitement.

Lynn was particularly sorry, and thought that he could strengthen the Demon Fruit again, but he didn’t expect to think too much.

But it’s also good, you can give this thing to others, Kaido is not needed, but can give fire embers.

If nothing else, the strength of the fire embers is quite good, and in the original work, it is a kick to kick Big Mama’s pirate ship and catch Big Mama.

And now the fire embers, although the strength is strong, but the fruit has not awakened, with this card, the strength can become more powerful.

At that time, it can definitely be compared with the strongest three generals.

After Lynn made his decision, he didn’t use the Demon Fruit Awakening Card, he was ready to take a good rest and talk about something tomorrow.

The next morning.

Early in the morning, Lynn woke up.

The first thing after waking up, naturally is to eat, as for the fruit awakening card, there is no need to be so anxious, life should be calm.

After breakfast, Lynn was just about to go looking for the embers of the fire, when Mitsuki Mita suddenly appeared, still holding a newspaper in his hand, and placed it in front of Lynn.

“Lynn, look at this newspaper, Kaido is really brave.”

Lynn took the newspaper and saw that the front page headline was Kaido, and then about Lynn’s bounty.

At this moment, Lynn understood instantly.

The reason why his bounty increased must be because Kaido was looking for trouble, so the Navy got angry and added a bounty to their pirate group.

Except for Kaido, he was the only one.

Lynn nodded, but reacted quickly, her face a little embarrassed.

When he robbed the woman who was favored by the five old stars, he did not increase the bounty, and as a result, Kaido actually increased the bounty when he made such a fuss.

It simply didn’t take him seriously.

“Damn the five old stars, the damn Navy, these guys, don’t you take me seriously so much?”

Mitsuki Mita’s face was confused, and he didn’t understand why Lynn was so angry.

Pirates added bounties, shouldn’t they be very happy?

Forget it, Lynn was originally a stupid fork, with a lack of brains, and it was only natural to make such an idea.

Lynn suddenly raised her head and looked at Mitsuki Mita, always feeling that Mitsuki Mita had a strong malice.

Mitsuki Mita also noticed Lynn’s eyes, his heart trembling, and his face was a little flustered.

“This, I still have things, I’ll go first.”


Lynn suddenly appeared in front of Mitsuki Mita, put a hand on Mitsuki Mita’s shoulder, and tapped it gently.

“You seem to be particularly flustered, are you thinking about my bad things?”

Mitsuki’s body trembled.

“No, absolutely nothing.”

Lynn just looked at Mitsuki Ota silently.

Mitsuki Oda, being looked at by Lynn, was a little frightened, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and his arms trembled slightly.

This expression made Lynn more determined, and Mitsuki Mita must have a bad idea in his heart, maybe he was scolding him.

But it seems that there is no need to be too entangled.

“Then forget it, don’t bother you, go and help me call the embers, I have something important to find him.”

Lynn didn’t get tangled up too much.

Mitsuki Mita breathed a sigh of relief, as if the mountain on his body had fallen.

“I’m gone, goodbye.”

Lynn just watched Mitsuki Otaru leave.

“Hmm, I think of my bad words, I still want to live, wait for me, find a chance to repair you.” 」

Mitsuki Oda had just walked out and shivered again, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Half an hour later, the embers of the fire came.

“Captain, do you have anything to do?”

“Nothing, I want to ask you, has your demon fruit awakened?”

Lynn asked.

“No, it’s hard for the Demon Fruit to awaken.”

Fire Ember shook his head.

He also hoped that his Demon Fruit would awaken, but unfortunately it was too difficult, and such a long period of training had not given any signs until now.

“Is it hard? Why do I feel so simple? ”

Lynn said a bad word.

The embers of the fire turned black and didn’t know what to say.

Demon Fruit Awakening is indeed difficult, but on Lynn’s side, it is quite simple.

It was actually able to make the Demon Fruit awaken twice.

Anyway, the fire ember felt that his heart was sour, especially envious of jealousy and hatred, why couldn’t he awaken once.

He also doesn’t want too much, once is enough.

“Alas, the talent is too good, no way, but don’t be sad, don’t compare with me, in fact, you are still very good.” 」

Lynn sighed.

Fire Ember always felt strange in tone.

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