“Forget it, Embers, I also know that you are not as good as me, and you are not as handsome as me, so the fruit has not awakened.”

Lynn sighed regretfully.

The face of the ember of the fire instantly turned black.

It seemed that the fruit awakened, and there was no difference between him and his handsomeness, and he didn’t know what Lynn thought

Forget it, that’s Lynn.

The day Lynn didn’t say an angry word or two, it wasn’t really Lynn.

“Okay, let’s go out and fight, and while you’re strong enough, you still need to work hard.”

Lynn got up and prepared to leave.

The expression of the fire embers was somewhat embarrassed.

What did Lynn just say?

To fight him, this is a fight.

Although his strength is quite strong, the gap is too big compared to Lynn, which can be said to be a world of difference.

He wasn’t going to find death anyway.

“Captain, I suddenly remembered that my relatives are coming, I am going to entertain them, and there is no time to stay.”

Fire Ember made an excuse and prepared to leave.

Lynn rolled her eyes and grabbed the embers of the fire, and the relatives, who remembered that the embers seemed to be orphans.

Actually looking for such a boring reason.

“Go, your strength is too poor, you need a good fight, I will accompany you to fight.”

Fire Ember wanted to refuse, but had no choice but to leave with Lynn.

Along the way, many people knew that the embers wanted to challenge Lynn, and they were all excited.

“Have you heard?” Fire grown-ups want to challenge the captain. ”

“I have also heard about it, and I really don’t understand where the confidence of the fire lord comes from, although he can defeat us, but how can he defeat the captain.”

The pirates are talking about it.

The embers of the fire wanted to cry without tears, and they didn’t know what to say.

Although he was very powerful, he was not arrogant enough to provoke Lynn, and he was also well aware of his strength.

Challenging Lynn is purely to die.

On the street, Quinn suddenly came from the side.

“Embers, I admire your courage.”

The fire ember was very angry, and the most hated person was Quinn, who actually came to provoke him.

Wait, one day, he’s going to teach Quinn a lesson.

Lynn arrives on a nearby desert island with embers of fire, where the two sides prepare to fight.

Although the embers of the fire thought that they could not beat Lynn, they did not admit it, and they first changed into the form of toothless pterosaurs.

The body of more than ten meters long is indeed quite large.

But the next second, Lynn transforms into a black dragon form.

The hundred-foot-long body is as different from the fire-embered body.

The gap between the two sides is particularly large.

Just like the gap between the eagle and the sparrow, the fire ember was quite helpless anyway, and even some wanted to give up the fight.

Because the gap between them is difficult to bridge, even if you barely want to fight, you will only be repaired by Lynn.

Sure enough.

The ember of the fire was just about to move, and before he could raise his claws, Lynn stretched out his dragon claws and slapped them down.

Lynn’s vast power erupted from his body, hitting the embers of the fire with an explosive momentum.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the embers of the fire flew out, with a layer of white air around them, as if the space had exploded.

The embers flew far away, and there was a roar in my ears.

But at the moment when he was about to fall into the sea, the embers of the fire suddenly stabilized his body and then looked up at the sky.

The sky was shrouded in black dragons.

The embers of the fire were sweating profusely and feeling the pressure.

How to fight this?

Looking at Lynn’s huge size, even if he kicked it, it was estimated that Lynn would have nothing to do, and could even float leisurely in mid-air.

There’s really no place to do it.

But since you want to challenge Lynn, no, since you are bullied by Lynn, you can’t bear it silently, but you must also resist well.

The embers of the fire gathered their courage and rushed towards Lynn, and then the sharp claws in his right hand grabbed Lynn’s body fiercely.


As if scratching at a steel plate, not a single white trace remained, and Lynn floated, even scratching his cheek with his dragon claws.

“What are you doing?”


Fire Ember felt his heart shattered.

The blow of this was too great, how could he strike a blow with all his strength, hit Lynn’s body, and there was nothing at all.

The pirates nearby laughed.

It was a big blow, and it hurt a lot.

They could already imagine the embarrassment of the embers of the fire.

Lynn sneered, and no longer hesitated, grabbing the embers of the fire, it was a fierce wind explosion.

The embers of the fire were powerless to resist and were beaten quite badly.

As for the others, they watched from a distance, and a chill appeared in their hearts, and they couldn’t help but shiver.

“It’s so terrible, I didn’t expect Lynn Shipyard to be so fierce, even the fire lord is not an opponent.”

“What is called not an opponent, it is clear that it is being hanged, and the gap is particularly obvious, and there is no time to fight back until now.”

Quinn said dismissively.

The others nodded as well, and indeed, except for the first time the embers of the fire grabbed a claw, and then never hit Lynn again.

Even being easily hung by Lynn from start to finish.

The embers of the fire were also about to cry.

Call him early in the morning, the purpose is to beat him up, and so fierce.

Can’t you be a little merciless?

The good villain is also a subordinate, too fierce.

Just as Lynn was hanging the embers, he felt that he was almost there, and immediately used the Demon Fruit Awakening Card for the embers.

As soon as he used it, Fire Ember felt a very powerful force suddenly emerge from his body, and the original toothless pterosaur form suddenly became even larger.

It turned out to be only more than ten meters, but suddenly it became tens of meters.

It looks like a behemoth.

Many people present were stunned.

Quinn, in particular, saw the embers of the fire suddenly become so large, and remembered the case of Lynn getting bigger, and his face changed a little.

The fruit of the embers of the fire has also awakened.

If the demon fruit of the fire ember awakens, it means that he is no better than the fire ember.

Maybe the embers of the fire can become the top cadres.

And Mitsuki Mita a level.

Even the fire ember himself was full of joy, and his heart was particularly excited, he seemed to have truly awakened the demon fruit.

I was still thinking about the awakening of the fruit, but now it is successful.


Fire Ember laughed triumphantly, and the smile was particularly bright.

“I finally woke up, I became stronger, and I will be the strongest of the Three Plagues in the future.”

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