“Embers, it’s really good, it seems, after some of my beatings, the fruits of your success have awakened.”

Lynn nodded solemnly.

It is also true that the embers of fire can awaken fruitfully, and it has a lot to do with him.

But the face of the fire embers was indeed black, was this Lynn’s method?

Grab him and beat him violently.

If the violent beating could awaken to fruition, he would have awakened long ago, and he could not have been until now.

Anyway, the embers of the fire were indeed thankful to Lynn, but they did not think that their fruit awakening was Lynn’s help.

At most, it was promoted by Lynn.

Lynn also knew what Fire Ember was thinking, and didn’t care too much.

It was impossible for the embers of fire to betray him anyway.

In the distance, Jack and Quinn thought for a moment.

Although the relationship with Lynn may not be very large, perhaps they can also bear the fruit of awakening.

Quinn made up his mind and immediately stepped forward and ran ahead of Lynn.

“Captain, I also want the fruit to awaken, please beat me up and let me wake up immediately.”

Later, Jack also made a decision.

“Captain, I also want the fruit to awaken, so take me with you and beat me up violently.”

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched slightly.

According to the talent of the fire embers, if it were not for his help, this life might not be able to awaken.

These people also want to fruition, which is really difficult.

Unless he gets another Fruit Awakening Card.

However, since these people begged to fight, Lynn was not good enough to refuse, and could only stretch out the dragon’s claw and gently squeeze it twice.

“No problem, as your captain, I have an obligation to help you become stronger, so I have decided to teach you well.”

Quinn and Jack had joy on their faces.

“Then please, Captain.”

Not far away, the embers of the fire also flew over.

“Captain, why don’t I help them both.”

Fire Ember was a little eager to try it, in addition to trying to see his own strength, he wanted to beat Quinn up.

Jack is just that, usually very respectful, a big brother, he is not embarrassed to bully Jack.

But Quinn often provoked him, and he could take this opportunity to teach Quinn a lesson.

Quinn of course knew the purpose of the embers of the fire, and gritted his teeth in anger, with anger in his eyes.

Lynn also understood the purpose of the embers, so she stretched out a dragon’s claw and passed in front of the embers.

“How? Do you want to teach them both? Otherwise, let me teach you a lesson. ”

As she spoke, Lynn squeezed the embers of the fire into the palm of her hand with one hand.

Even if the Fire Ember Fruit awakens and becomes very large, for Lynn, who has awakened twice, it can still be easily squeezed in the palm of his hand.

The embers of the fire want to cry without tears.

He had become so powerful that he was still easily held in the palm of Lynn’s hand, and he always felt too ashamed.

You can’t let him fight for 300 rounds.

Quinn couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Captain, you better teach me a lesson.”

Lynn was also not polite, and another dragon claw reached out and held Quinn in the palm of his hand.

Quinn didn’t have time to resist.

In this way, the two major disasters were caught.

“What did you just say?” I didn’t hear clearly, you repeat, I’m a man with a relatively low ear. ”

Both Fire Ember and Quinn were dumbfounded.

Was it just caught?

Jack stood next to Lynn, not knowing what to say.

“This… Captain, I want you to have a good fight with me and see if you can improve a little, you caught me so fast, I can’t fight at all. ”

Quinn wanted to cry without tears.

“Yes, then keep coming.”

Lynn threw the embers and Quinn into the air and began to slap them constantly.

Jack on the ground also turned into mammoth form and ran fast.

But after running for two steps, Jack suddenly reacted, he can’t fly, Lynn flew into the air, how to do something to Lynn.


Lynn also noticed the look in Jack’s eyes and slapped it right on Jack’s body, sending Jack away.

All three are constantly rebelling against Lynn.

You punch, I punch.

It was a pity, even if the fire embers were no matter how strong their strength was, no matter how strong their strength was, there was no scar at all when they hit Lynn.

Lynn was still calm.

Only occasionally stretched out a dragon’s claw, slapped it down, and then slapped a few people away.

In the distance, many people are watching this meaningless battle, as if they were watching a game.

“Alas, this battle is boring.”

“Yes, the three cadres simply cannot defeat the captain, but they have to provoke the regimental commander, and they are clearly dying.”

“Not to mention, it looks quite exciting, I like to see three adults being beaten.”

After playing like this for a while, Lynn felt that it was almost over, and there was no need to continue wasting time, so she stopped.

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

None of the three of them spoke, but they were very emotional inside.

The three of them joined forces and frantically attacked Lynn, and it turned out that Lynn had nothing to do.

Instead, the three of them were beaten by Lynn for a while, very embarrassed, and almost no way to fight back.

The embers of the fire were fine, and the evil demon fruit had awakened, and his heart was still very happy.

Quinn and Jack weren’t happy.

Both men felt that they had lost a lot of money.

“Okay, that’s it for today, I still have something to do, I’ll go back and rest, and you’ll take a break.”

Lynn spread her wings and flew high, disappearing without a trace.

Fire Ember watched Lynn leave, then turned around, somewhat triumphantly at Quinn.

“Quinn, I have awakened now, and this is my world from now on, so you better be careful not to be taught a lesson by me.”

Quinn’s face was ugly enough, and inside he was quite unhappy.

It was actually surpassed by the embers of the fire.

“Embers, you idiot, that is, occasionally surpass me, there is nothing to be proud of, one day, I will also surpass you.”

Quinn gasped and turned away.

“Alas, don’t be in such a hurry to go, we can fight, I have time today, I can accompany you to fight well, do you have the guts?”

Fire embers unbridled provocation.

Quequet blackened his face, quickened his steps, and did not fight with the fire embers.

He currently has no qualifications and fire embers desperately.

Who let the fruit of the embers of fire awaken.

Since you can’t beat it, you can only admit it.

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