Under Weibull’s astonished gaze, Lynn took a dragon’s claw and gently squeezed it into the palm of his hand.

Weibull was completely confused.

It didn’t seem to be what he thought.

It was supposed that he had slashed at Lynn’s body, and Lynn had to retreat.

Even if there was no retreat, it was just an equal opponent, and this sudden slap caught him and made him not react for a while.

Ba Jin also wanted to cry without tears.

Brother, why offend Lynn.

It was enough to offend Lynn, but he couldn’t beat Lynn, and he was caught by Lynn.

No, it absolutely cannot go on like this.

Ba Jin was thinking in his heart, and quickly made a decision that he must retreat, and she did not want to stay with Weibull.

Lynn grabbed Wibre in his hand and casually spat out a huge black flame.

The flames are just like that, Wibble.

Although Weibull is domineering, he cannot hold back in the face of such a high-intensity and continuous flame.

After holding on for a while, Weibull let out a scream.

“It hurts, it really hurts, Mom, come and save me.”

Unfortunately, Ba Jin had already sensed that something was wrong, turned around and left, as for his son, it was completely useless.

Seeing this, Weibull was easily caught in the palm of Lynn’s hand, and he was even powerless to resist, and he was finished.

She wasn’t going to play with Wibble.

After a long time, Weibull’s screams finally stopped, and Lynn spat out for a while, directly burning Weibull to ashes.

The navies were also completely stunned.

Especially those recruits, a look of confusion.

Weibull was obviously so powerful, even Zefa was not an opponent, and now he was actually killed by Lynn.

That’s right, it’s a second kill.

The gap is simply too big.

It is a pity that Weibull’s strength is still quite good, if it were not for the brain, some stupidity, directly into Lynn’s dragon claws, it would not be possible to be killed.

Zefa, for example, is very normal, knowing that Lynn is very powerful, it is absolutely impossible to fight with Lynn.

Lynn quickly took human form and came to Zepha’s side.

Zefa quickly took a step back.

Although Lynn often went to the Navy Headquarters and did not move, but after all, he was a pirate, plus he was injured again, and he did not know what Lynn would do.

Lynn didn’t care, and casually found a place to sit down, so as to pat the deck hard.

“Zefa, I’m going to talk about you, I’ve saved your entire warship, can’t you take some food?”

Zefa is full of black lines.

One pirate came to their navy for something to eat.

However, thinking that Lynn was quite powerful and saved him, he was not embarrassed to say anything more, and could only nod his head and agree.

The navies quickly prepared food for Liu Feifei.

Very generous food.

Lynn was just about to start when she saw the others standing where they were, not saying a word.

Even Peach Rabbit and Ain could only watch silently, and did not dare to go near Lynn at all.

“You really are, Zefa, sit down quickly, eat together, and if you don’t agree, then don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn deliberately threatened Zepha.

Zefa couldn’t understand Lynn’s meaning, his face was dark, and he didn’t have much to say, so he could only sit next to Lynn.

“Lynn, what are you here for?” Zefa asked.

“Zefa, this is your bad, you talk about it, I accidentally passed by here, saved you, and you still doubt me.”

Lynn sighed, and the heart was suspicious.

Is it so hard to be a good person in this life?

Zefa turned his head and didn’t say much.

“Zefa, I tell you, I didn’t have a choice before, but now, I want to be a good person.” Lynn said solemnly.


Zefa was drinking and when he heard Lynn’s words, he threw up.

The other navies were speechless.

One pirate actually said he wanted to be a good man.

Lynn also knew what Zefa had in mind, and didn’t care at all.

“Maybe you think that I am not a good person, but in fact, I am really a good person, and for so many years, I have guarded one side, which can be said to be the savior of the people of the world.”

Zefa was full of black lines and didn’t know what to say anymore, because Lynn was talking more and more nonsense, saying that he was so righteous.

The most righteous is clearly their navy.

Forget it, don’t say anything more, just as Lynn is talking nonsense, don’t take it to heart.

Lynn said a lot, then closed her eyes.

Peach Rabbit stood not far away, silently looking at Lynn, a man who was said to have an unclear relationship with her sister.

She wanted to know about Lynn’s relationship with Lieutenant General Tsuru, but it was a pity, basically no one dared to say it, after all, it was Lieutenant General.

Lynn also seemed to feel the gaze of the peach rabbit, and when she turned to look, she saw that the peach rabbit was looking at herself curiously.

“Hurry up and sit down, Yuanyuan, brother-in-law hasn’t seen you in years, let’s have a drink and eat some roast meat, I guess you’re hungry too.”


Many navies are even more confused.

Lynn is actually Peach Rabbit’s brother-in-law.

You must know that Peach Rabbit’s sister is Lieutenant General Crane, and Lynn is Peach Rabbit’s brother-in-law, which means Lynn…

The navies were beginning to reverie.

“I don’t know you, you’re not my brother-in-law at all, please don’t talk nonsense.”

Peach Rabbit still clearly defends his own reputation, and naturally it is a veto of righteous words.

Lynn didn’t care either, and pulled the peach rabbit to his side with a direct pull.

Seriously, he really had an idea for Peach Rabbit.

Alas, Ah He.

Don’t be sorry for him, he is also to take care of Peach Rabbit and take care of his sister-in-law.

“Hurry up, everyone eat together, you navies also come to eat, remember to give me face, if you don’t give me face, I will be mad.”

The navies looked at each other, somewhat hesitantly.

Zefa nodded to the navy.

At present, he can’t offend Lynn, and if Lynn is really mad, he can’t help Lynn.

The navies no longer hesitated, immediately sat around Lynn and began to eat.

“Yuanyuan, do you want to know what happened between me and your sister?” Lynn asked with a smile.

Peach Rabbit still wanted to know, but unfortunately, there were so many people nearby, she was not embarrassed to ask.

This kind of thing must be a secret, and if someone else knows it, it will be bad.

His sister’s reputation was ruined.

So definitely can’t pass it on to me.

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