“Peach Rabbit, I’ll just talk about what happened between me and your sister.”

Lynn put one hand on Peach Rabbit’s shoulder and patted it gently.

Peach Rabbit frowned slightly, and finally did not say anything.

She also knew she couldn’t stop Lynn.

Lynn saw that Peach Rabbit was not speaking and immediately spoke.

“I think when I first met your sister, your sister was attracted to my handsome appearance.”

Zefa’s face instantly turned black.

It was as if the two were still fighting when they first met, and it was absolutely impossible to be attracted to Lynn’s handsome appearance anyway.

Peach Rabbit was also very curious in his heart.

Don’t look at her on the surface she wants to refuse, but in fact, she is also particularly curious about this kind of thing.

“You just want to pursue it madly because you’re attracted to my looks, desperately trying to marry me, and if I don’t agree, she’ll be stalking.”

“She clearly sees me as more handsome, and she also knows that I have a gentle personality, a special thoughtfulness, who has caught my weaknesses and is crazy to be with me.”

“And then one day, she was crazy about wanting to be with me, even drugging me, and then forcibly possessing me.”

“Alas, I am a good person, and I am embarrassed to reject her, and this has happened, and I can only reluctantly be with her.”

Lynn sighed, as if she were a good person.

Peach Rabbit’s eyes were particularly ugly, and she always felt that Lynn was an idiot, or regarded her as an idiot.

She could never have believed Lynn.

How could Lieutenant General Tsuru be such a person.

Even the other navies didn’t believe it.

Zefa, in particular, was already crying without tears, and he didn’t know what to say.

I don’t know how Lynn said it nicely.

It is clear that Lynn has occupied Lieutenant General Crane, and it is still a very domineering occupation.

Forget it, don’t mess with Lynn.

I don’t know how long later, a warship came, not only Kapu, but also Lieutenant General Crane.

Two men jumped on the warship at the same time.

“Lynn, is that you?” He dared to do something to our navy. Kapu was indignant.

“I’m sorry, please don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t do anything to your navy, on the contrary, I saved your navy.”

Lynn said calmly.

Kapu did not hurry to speak, and silently looked at Zefa, who also nodded.

“That’s the way it is, so thank you so much.”

“Don’t thank me, I should do what I should do, after all, I want to be a good person.”

Lynn said solemnly.

Kapu and Lieutenant General Crane turned black.

They didn’t believe that Lynn was a good person, and it was good not to do bad things.

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Crane noticed Lynn and Peach Rabbit sitting together, with a worried expression, and left to come to the two of them.

“Yuanyuan, why are you here?” Didn’t this guy do anything to you? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru was well aware of Lynn’s personality, not a good person at all, and perhaps did something out of the ordinary.

“Nothing, this is Captain Lynn and I told me how you two met.”

Peach Rabbit’s face was a little strange.

The other navies nearby, with strange expressions, didn’t know what to say.

After all, what Lynn had just said was unbelievable.

Lieutenant General Tsuru, of course, noticed Momoto’s expression, and also saw the eyes of the other navies, and knew what had just happened.

“Did you just say something?”

“Nothing, just a picture of the two of us knowing, it’s very simple.”

Lynn was quite calm, and even drank tea leisurely.

Lieutenant General Crane saw Lynn’s expression and was more certain that Lynn must have said something he shouldn’t have said.

“What do you mean?”

“Actually, I didn’t say anything, just to tell the truth, how can I be a liar.”

Lynn was still calm.

“Just now Captain Lynn said that when the two of you first met, it was your sister who took a fancy to his beauty, and the dead skin was going to be with him.”

Peach Rabbit spoke next to him.

Lieutenant General Crane’s face instantly became gloomy.

She was dead-faced in pursuit of Lynn.

If she remembered correctly, it was obviously Lynn who liked her beauty, and even drugged her, and she didn’t know how to say it.

“Lynn, did you really say that?” It was I who chased you with a dead face, how come I don’t remember? ”

Lynn didn’t care at all, so she walked over to Lieutenant General Crane and put a hand on Lieutenant General Crane’s forehead.

“Don’t have a cold?” Are you so confused that you have forgotten what happened before? ”

“Isn’t it because you like my beauty?” They had to be with me, and in the end they even forcibly possessed me. ”

Lynn didn’t care at all about lying.

The Crane General’s face was so gloomy that he didn’t even know what to say, he just wanted to slap Lynn to death.

Never seen such a brazen person.

“Yuanyuan, let’s go now, Zefa, we should go back too, there is no need to waste time here.”

Lieutenant General Crane didn’t want to say anything to Lynn either.

Anyway, if you can’t beat Lynn, then there is no need to waste time with Lynn, it is better to leave here directly.

Zefa and the others said nothing more, and the warship left directly.

Lynn, of course, couldn’t have left, just sat silently on the warship.

Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at Lynn, who had left with the warship, his face slightly ugly, and his mood was quite bad.

“Lynn, can you please not follow our navy?” You’re a pirate, and you don’t seem to be doing well with our navy? ”

“Isn’t that good? How come I haven’t heard of it? What a relationship the two of us, close and good friends. ”

“Although you are in the Navy, your heart is in my Black Dragon Pirate Regiment, and I know this kind of thing very well.”

Lynn cheekily wrapped her arms around Lieutenant General Crane.

All the navies present were quite speechless, and they had never seen such a brazen person.

Lieutenant General Tsuru didn’t know what to say.

People don’t have faces, the world is invincible.

Kapu and Zefa were helpless, the two of them were not sure to defeat Lynn, and once they fought, there were heavy casualties, so there was no need to fight.

“All in all, you are not welcome in our navy, give me as far as you roll.”

Lieutenant General Crane had a black face and a somewhat muffled voice.

“I’m tired, I’ll go to sleep now, and I’ll talk about something later.”

Lynn ignored Lieutenant General Tsuru’s words and went into the side room.

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