A few days later, somewhere a naval base.

Kapu and Zefa stood in front of the naval base, looking at Lynn, who was more excited in the distance, somewhat helpless.

“Lynn is really, so curious about our Navy.”

“It’s true that this is our naval base, and this guy is cheeky enough to stay and doesn’t know what to think.”

Lieutenant General Crane sighed even more.

“No way, Lynn is very strong, Kaido is also very perverted, we can’t help them at all.”

Kapu and Zefa covered their foreheads.

“It is said that Lynn has become stronger, the Demon Fruit has awakened for the second time, and even Kaido and Red-haired Shanks can only be beaten.”

When it comes to the Demon Fruit Second Awakening, everyone present is envious of Lynn.

Including Lieutenant General Tsuru.

After all, the Demon Fruit awakened once, which was already remarkable, let alone able to awaken twice.

This is definitely not something that the average person can do.

“Leave it alone, Lynn is so perverted, we can’t take it at all, so we might as well wait for the time to pass and let her leave on her own.”

Several admirals consulted and finally decided to let Lynn come and go freely.

Lynn hadn’t been in much trouble for all these years anyway.

The navies not far away watched curiously.

“Is that Lynn?”

“That’s right, it is said to be one of the most powerful pirates in the world, with super powerful powers.”

Many navies had adoration in their eyes.

The admirals didn’t know what to say, and the navy worshipped pirates.

That night, Lynn stayed at the naval base with a dead face and had no intention of leaving.

It’s hard to come and go, and you can’t leave.

At night, Lynn came to Lieutenant General Crane’s room and gently pushed open the door of Lieutenant General Crane’s room.

“Ah He, I haven’t seen you for a long time, so let’s get to know each other better tonight.”

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Lynn who was close at him, his face darkened, and he didn’t really want to know Lynn.

“Go out, you’re not welcome here.”

“Ah He, you don’t want this, when I first gave you pure gold, your attitude was much better than now.”

Lynn went directly to Lieutenant General Crane’s side, lifted Lieutenant General Crane’s quilt, and then pushed Lieutenant General Crane down.

Seriously, Lieutenant General Tsuru didn’t really want to be with Lynn, but there was no way to resist, so he could only accept Lynn silently.

Two people struck thunder and lightning.

In the middle of the night, Lieutenant General Crane did not want Lynn to stay and gently pushed Lynn on the shoulder.

“Well, now that it’s over, it’s time for you to get out of here, because you’re not very welcome here.”

“Alas, I was obviously so happy, after playing with me, I was going to dump me, I was so sad, I met such a scumbag.” 」

Lynn sighed, feeling desperate.

General Crane’s face instantly darkened.

“Do you still order faces?” It is clear that you did such an outrageous thing, and now you actually blame me. ”

Lynn didn’t care.

“You can keep shouting out, and if someone else hears you, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru also reacted at this time, this is a naval base, there are many people nearby, it is not good to be found.

“Then you leave quickly.”

Lynn didn’t say a word, silently looking at Lieutenant General Crane.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Lynn like this, and his heart was a little nervous, and he always felt that Lynn had some bad plans in mind.

“The effect of pure gold is quite good, you are still as beautiful and beautiful as before, and your figure is hungry and colorful.”

Lynn is particularly fond of the current Lieutenant General Crane.

Lieutenant General Crane also touched her cheek, and she also particularly liked pure gold, which could maintain immortality.

Especially seeing that Kapu and they are all old and they are still so young, Lieutenant General Crane has a warm heart.

Even had some good feelings for Lynn.

“By the way, I heard you still have some pure gold, can you send me some?” I want to prepare a little for the other navies as well. ”

“This… Since you don’t like me to stay, I’ll go now. ”

Lynn turned and left.

How can something so important as pure gold be said to be given to someone else?

Not to mention the Navy.

Although he no longer pays attention to the navy, precious things still have to be left behind.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Lynn who was so powerful, and his face darkened.

This was definitely intentional.

Even if you don’t want to give, there is no need to escape.

After leaving Lieutenant General Tsuru’s room, Lynn was just about to go back when she saw Peach Rabbit and Ain together.

The two were together, and they didn’t know what was going on, but Lynn knew that both of them were big beauties.

Good figure, good looks.

It’s all the type that Lynn likes.

Lynn looked at it silently, this figure, this big night, and whether he should have put the two of them in the corner and then do something.

No, this is a naval base.

If nothing else, Kapu and Zefa are here, and if they do anything, it is estimated that before they can do it, they will be blocked by two people.

So even if you want to do something bad, you should do it secretly.

Lynn made a decision quickly.

Be sure to kidnap these two men.

Anyway, he is not a good person in the first place, and bad people should do bad things.

Lynn followed silently.

Neither man found Lynn.

“Peach Rabbit, who the hell do you say Lynn is?” Why you were able to walk around the naval base. Ain asked curiously.

“I’m not very clear, but one thing is for sure, Lynn is a very strong person.”

Peach Rabbit is also full of curiosity about Lynn.

What kind of person is this person who can make so many senior naval generals helpless.

Of course, what Peach Rabbit is more curious about is the relationship between Lynn and Lieutenant General Crane.

The relationship between these two people is certainly not simple.

I just don’t know who did it to whom first.

Lynn suddenly appeared behind the two men, her small hand gently approaching the two of them, and then patting it.

It’s just as elastic as a leather ball.

“Two beautiful women, are you curious about me?” We can get to know each other. ”

Peach Rabbit and Ain were startled.

After all, it was suddenly photographed, and it was still a relatively shy place.

The two men quickly retreated to the side, and then looked at the back with some caution.

When they saw that it was Lynn, the expressions of the two became more serious.

After all, they had all heard that Lynn was not a good person, and he must be a little wary of Lynn.

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